Change the history Sup Forums

What is the 1 event/habbening in history that you think would've given the world a better present and future had it not occurred Sup Forums?

What was its affect on current events?

What would you have liked to see happen instead?


Hard mode: no Nazi victory

good thinking, should've added to the OP

easy : no muhammad, no islam.

big bang

Justinian rennovatio imperii. If it wasn't for that megalomaniac muslims would have never existed and all mediterrean + africa would be cristian and they would speak a romance language

Hillary Clinton won the 2016 presidential election

Karl Marx gets aborted in the womb.

Atlanteans spreading their knowledge.

Without it, humanity as a whole would not have gone down the road that has lead to our domestication.


Birth of Abraham

I'd stop my mom from killing herself three years back. Or my dad becoming an alcoholic later on.

Also, make Germans fuck up Slovenia instead.

take care of yourself user


About 12-13 thousand years ago the earth was hit by several large asteroids. They spread out and hit the north american and north european ice sheets, causing them to break up and melt. This caused massive flooding all over the world, including Atlantis. Atlantean survivors spread out and shared their knowledge with people they met. Which is why civilization just suddenly appeared seemingly over night.
They are the Aryans of India, the Viracocha of the Andes, the Fallen angels of the Semites, the Anunaki of the Mesepotamians etc.
Without the knowledge they brought to lesser races, humans would not build civilizations, would not build empires, would not start industializing.
Modern humans are domesticated, weak, dumb pathetic creatures that are completely dependant on technology to survive. And it is all thanks to the spread of ancient knowledge.


Someone elaborate further on Atlanteans


I'd send a message to Hitler that if he'd invade Poland, the entire world would destroy him and the German peoples would forever be cucked

>easy mode

Catholic church allows usury

How would that change today?

Trick Hitler into actually gassing the Jews.

Think about (((who))) benefitted from christians not being able to issues loans and look at who dominates the financial world and central banks today

you two should hang out

American revolution fails.

Interesting. What would the world look like now if that happened?

American independence, if all of continental North America was British in the 1820's we could have civilised the world

>What would the world look like now if that happened?


The actual answer is you all don't get your panties so twisted about Germany's navy and ally with them against France and Russia in WWI.

Remove Marx from history

>no 1918 revolution (or at least not a communist one)
>no ussr
>Germany loses WW2 faster becuse Russia is still strong
>no Cold War
>technology is not as advanced today becuse no Cold War
>Russia is just another European country
>no Korean War, best Korea doesn't exist
>no Vietnam
>china remains a third world country
>((they))) have less MSM power becuse Marxism doesn't exist

nice, this is the kind of answer i was looking for, not the one two word answer faggotary, thanks m8

last bump

America realizes Its a German nation and Japan sends the best assimilating immigrants so it sides with the Axis

Mite b cool

Soviet Union was saved and still existed

Then the west would have an actual adversary and campus commies would get shit all over 24/7

I like this one