POL cant catch a break. PIZZAGATE is dead. Alex Jones apologizes!


So pol. First drumpf gets BTFO on healtch care and now Mr. Husky himself is apologizing to Alefantis.

Good game. We tried.

Other urls found in this thread:


Kys shill

Every theory pol comes up with is falling apart. Get ready for war.

jones hadn't reported on pizzagate in months, and him doing this created a bunch of new discussion on pizzagate. jones just did what the nurses do when your heart stops in the hospital and they shock your shitty body until your heart starts again, motherfucker.


>infowars bends the knee to pedophiles

It's all in the m-m-master plan

Im a cruzmissil now sorry drumfkins nuclear codes and wut not

Alex is owned by Stratfor.

Stratfor set up the international pizza online ordering system.

no no dumbfuck, infowars bends the knee to the lawyers of fuckrich pedophiles, and it hilariously blows up in the pedophiles face by creating another wave of pizzagate discussion.

nice reframe though, very cute.

He married a literal whore, why did anyone care about him?

Literal cuck.

>if you win you lose

Ahh more of this famous 12d chess that is working out so well.

The entire pizzagate idea was made up by the CIA as a distraction.

>one trick shill
there's really no point in arguing with you nor taking your opinion seriously on this if every time you reply to me it's an oversimplification of my argument attached to a reframe. i'm not sure if you're aware, but that's not a discussion, it's just you being a dumbfuck.

also, it might be a good idea for you to fix your image names fucktard moron. kind of makes it completelyh obvious that you're not a channer, dumbfuck.

Rome is burning around you as you twiddle your fat thumbs in the basement. One by one your philosphical warriors are retreating. Alex Jones is throwing you under the bus. He is admitting that nothing will be done about pizzagate. This is surrender not a diversion tactic.

Alex Jones has always been a joke to us. He is an amusing character and that's it. David Duke was on his show and his kike producers kept cutting him off. Alex Jones was a bumbling idiot when Davide Duke was on. You ever wonder why they pulled his interview video? Alex Jones is real controlled opposition he always has been. Now fuck off back to lebbit



no breakthrough
nothing found
everybody still free
everyone still alive and kicking

Another theory with little credibility that destroys momentum towards taking down actual pedophiles. Pol loves blowing its fucking load early. Not surprising considering the amount of virgins cruising.

lol that's not even an argument. it literally looks like some shitty fantasy writing that's begging to be violently peer edited by half the class.
>could you make a real argument please?
>hurr durr okay, here's baseless speculation mixed with my personal feelings on what's going on
thanks for trying, dumbfuck.

Shill desu.


Thailand proxy Pedo Internet Defense Force


what proxy you faggot i live here and i shitpost for free
how dare you

Sup Forums are part of the controlled opposition whether they realise it or not

This isnt stefan molymemes show. You have provided nothing but more speculation about it being 8d chess. This is obvious capitulation to power and another sign of the tide shifting back towards the left.

i have not once mentioned this being a game of chess dumbfuck. you are the one who keeps mentioning that, i claimed that because alex jones was forced to read this, it created more discussion about pizzagate. never did i even come close to implying that it was intentional, but of course you're too dumbfucktarded to understand that. don't forget to change those image names too, i don't want your shill act to appear unconvincing to others, dumbfuck.




Impossible, there was evidence all over the place..I mean...it was, right? Right??

What a 3 second google search got me.


let James Alefantis read to your kids

Ahh insults and reducto ad image name.

The prime of pol wisdom and intellect. I stand in awe of such a collosus. The west is fucked. You make me so sad.

Muh feels


I have eaten all the pizza and I can tell you that there is sadly nothing relevant here. Now my stomach is full and I fell sleepy. We should all go back to bed.

>can't even make a rebuttal
>can't stay focused on one topic
>sounds like a crybaby
nice having a discussion with you m8 but this is boring now, cheers.

ok bud let's ignore the massive pedophile arrests all over the world after OOOPS WEINERS LAPTOP GOT TO THE FBI

Pizzagate will die, but the memory of Alex Jones soiling his pants and shaming his honor will remain. No idea when Alex's name will be positively received here on pol, but for now I imagine no one wants to talk about him for that stab in the back.
And just when Alex was at the height of shitposting here on pol, after that Rogan podcast and all.

R.I.P. Dave.

Now Dave is truly not here.

Now he wishes those black shadows were all of what he fears, as he finds out that retarded cow- headed-man statue and all the innocent blood and pain push him faster and farther into the black fire and pain of his own

It's a brilliant political move. I had my doubts about Trump but all I can say that he is surrounded by geniuses, including bannon. He is not looking for the one or two year picture, he is instead ensuring the his reelection is solidified. It's hard not to look at the big picture, as you are pure emotional. He rather gained a campaign slogan. All the democrats in the house unanimously opposed the repeal of Obama's legacy. Trump called Schumer and Pelosi on it and suggested they "own it" I'm not sure if you are a troll trying to get a rise out of the general population or just a liberal repeating talking points. But the explosion of Obamacare is napping as we speak.

Mark my words, in 3 years time the Democratic candidates will have no choice in calling Obama care bad law that was tried and failed.

What does that matter? In 3 years they say

>we tried our best, and did everything we could but now it's our responsibility to work together to fix this

And then everyone forgets

Fucking filthy Russians and your hacking to make fake news.

In Hawaii the cockroach snitches still make death threats at me daily. I am still held at gunpoint by the "good people" from their houses that I have to pass by and if I even speak of killing the bad guys
in defense the local corruption will try to say it legitimizes an arrest where they try to murder me.

Then again, a few times the non police brownshirts tried to force their way into my place, they brought children with them, they held their kids in front of them trying to come in like the kids were shields. Other times they used little kids to try to open windows and break in, at least being unable to defend myself, I don't have to worry about their kids getting hurt if I miss a shot.

What does any of that have to do with pizzagate? Oh wait, nothing lol.



Wtf is this schizophasia?

When did pedogate have anything to do with Alex Jones?

Hi my name is OP.
I would like to talk to you all about how I can't stop sucking cock.


these fucking satanic fucks, they all need to hang


>>What does that matter?

Look at the big fucking picture, dumbshit. America is sick of paying for Obama care. I pay nearly 500 a month for shitty fucking silver HMO that is not worth it. No doctors accept it except my Pcp I've had for 10 years, even that it's a fucking 6500 deductable. I'm thinking you are an obvious troll because no one can refute that, as the majority of Americans are suffering.

Pro tip, get the fuck off your parents plan and get a job... then see how much "Drumpf" is a political genius.

Look at Chelsea's face.

Holding this... this thing.

Since an early age she has stabbed and disemboweled these... things like chickens at ceremonies that only her and the chosen attend, with the ultimate parties held before and after, pleasures of the flesh without end...

And now, this one, from her own body.

Holding it, she...

she feels.

Something. Something lost long ago as a child, the first time she was penetrated in the candle lit chamber, she feels something. Did they all have mothers? Did they feel too? Did these things, these little creatures feel too?

There is no such thing as right and wrong, right? I, I am better than that ignorance because of the ceremonies, aren't I?

What if they tell me to do that to mine?

What do I do?

Fuck off Moviebob

Webb Hubble's daughter is so adorable.

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Haha, this will be glorious.

Have a tumblr gif for effort.

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