Finnic people are the best soldiers?

Question is easy, why are through history Finnic soldiers been so good and recognized, above all other even without proper equipment? Been part of Swedish and Russian Imperial forces ... My ancestor was in Russian Imperial Royal Guard, got killed during WW1 in East-Prussia/Poland, wew... -> Battle of Izjum, in one of the sources they document that 20 000 Soviets with 115 tanks vs 800 Estonian Legion soldiers with 3 anti-tank guns and Soviets retreat after 7 000 - 9 000 dead and 114 tanks destroyed...

Is our natural high level depression a perk for a good soldier, who is willing to obey to command, which gets him probably killed. Our Germanic (Germans in Estonia and Swedes in Finland) slave past made us more disciplined over the generations? Or has it been the case of protection for Fatherland against huge possible terror, which has made the people to be extraordinary?

No matter how hard you try to suck up, Estonia will never be Finland.

There is a difference between Finnic land - Finland and Finnish - Finland. It isn't my desire to be part of Finnish Finland.

The secret is weaponized autism.


Higher level determination is now jokingly considered as autism?

Those are confirmed kills, I am pretty sure he killed more.

Everything is autism nowadays

Why not?
Join us lil brother.

You guys are too progressive nowadays, I am little bit too stagnant for such social changes.