Looks like they started serving ((((bacon))))) in burgers in USA. thoughts?

looks like they started serving ((((bacon))))) in burgers in USA. thoughts?

also what the fuck is up with prices there? 10 bucks for a burger? are you fucking insane?

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it's probably close to 6 without all that extra shit added

How is bacon jewish?

10 bucks, that's almost here tier.......

A simple burger King meny costs over 100 fish shekels I do believe

In the last couple years a stupid dad is hitting here where they take basic food, swear they are cooking it in a very good way then charging you double what you usually pay. Fast food is meant to be fast and cheap. Anyone who eats at five guys is a good goy.

You've never heard of a bacon cheeseburger? You poor soul.

any REAL american would know that extras are free at 5 guys

+tip goyim


KEK it actually says fucking

Five guys is god tier europoor