When did you realize that ignorance truly is bliss? Think about the average normie: >no interest in politics >no doubt in his religious beliefs or lack thereof >whole life is good goy consumer shit like partying, consumption, sex and a family >always fat and happy
when i stopped being able to go outside and not feel hatred boiling in my gut (i live in washington state)
Bentley Russell
You talk like a faggot and your shits all retarded.
Jose Fisher
Knowledge is the burden we must carry because no one else will do it for us.
Kayden Perry
>Is knowledge worth it always
Oliver Lee
I was objectively happier before I started visiting here, and even then I was pretty redpilled
Gabriel Roberts
It's funny to me how recently people have been having "mental breakdowns" because the system doesn't pander to every single one of their desires. These people consume popular media that paints a reality for them to believe in and feel comfortable with. Every single powerful institution and system that exists pushes most agendas of progressive politics yet it's just not enough. All of their beliefs are manufactured for them and shared by their friends.
Along comes someone who doesn't agree with everything they say and it's an utter disaster for them. Their world crumbles when the black on BuzzFeed tells them that another violent, criminal blacks get shot by police and the policeman wasn't lynched for it.
These people consistently make the argument from a moral highground about how offended they are, about how they're emotionally hurt by opponents and there's an increasing trend of the left pointing out how many mean messages they get online. The Wikipedia page of the Canadian m-103 motion mentions how the proposer received 'many vicious, cruel and hateful'. Imagine if Trump were to resort to this kind of bullshit. These people can't comprehend that receiving mean messages isnt exclusive to colored progressives.
I've been in the psych ward multiple times done a lot of crazy shit without any psych being able to specifically diagnose any serious mental illness. I believe it's from my philosophy and my views on life. I'd love for these people to just spend a day with my thoughts.
Gabriel Jackson
>"For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow." - Ecclesiastes 1:18 (KJV)
Pleasure isn't the highest good. Otherwise we'd be liberals.
Evan Evans
I think I was happier before learning how corrupt the world is but if I could go back I don't think I would.