read: White people are so desperate and under educated they literally elected Hitler.
You poor white people LOL
t. degree-less stormfront-scum
I never went to college and I make more then most of my former classmates because I started working when I was in high school and never stopped. That and I never had to deal with loan debts either
>Niggers kill each other.
>They have no college.
Solved the question, took 2 seconds.
I find this correlation to be spurious.
>blacks don't have a whole foods
>every national media outlet has a meltdown, coins the term "food deserts", cries about oppression
>whites live in poverty and misery
>"heh that's what you trash get, should have voted for democrats like me who care about the poor you poor piece of shit heh"
Nihilism brah kikes are turning us into nihilists.
Nihilism = More suicides.
Old stupid white folks dying early......not a single fuck
>buying the college meme
Good little goy!! Send your child to our camps for thought correction! It's your duty to burden your family with a large amount of debt for your child's indoctrination!