Millennials aka Peter Pan Generation

American sociologist Kathleen Shaputis labeled Millennials as the Boomerang Generation or Peter Pan generation, because of the members’ perceived tendency for delaying some rites of passage into adulthood for longer periods than most generations before them. These labels were also a reference to a trend toward members living with their parents for longer periods than previous generations.

Where did it all go wrong Sup Forums?


(((great recession)))

>rites of passage

Not every one wants to own a house.

I'd fuck that bitch

Typical millennial

it's videogames.

it turned males into creepy virgin manbabies who would rather post on Sup Forums than try getting a girlfriend

Perhaps it's the fact that mandatory university, the sexual revolution, lack of proper careers, etc. have all delayed these "rites of passage" for us.

Obviously something's wrong with the millennial generation. We weren't able to marry are qt virgin gfs straight out of High School, and either pay our own way through College with a part time job, or land an easy career by doing well on an aptitude test, then go on to easily buy a decent house in the suburbs with our foot barely in the door of an entry-level position at our comfortable careers.

Or maybe, just maybe we're unable to do these things because the boomers fucked everything up for us.

Millenials are just the inevitable result of Boomer excesses.

>rites of passage

Yes let me fucking chain my self to a concrete box for 30 fucking years

>faggot wants to own a house

good for you i guess

girls are overrated


>nu/pol/ believes in (((sociology))) all of a sudden
How convenient.

they just go to college for stupid shit that has no use in the real world and can't find jobs, and then blame it on capitalism

You do if you want to actually retire you dumb nigger. Try thinking of the long term, not what you're going to get in tips tonight.

muh degrees

I'll inherit four houses before I'm 40. Why the fuck would I buy another?

>everything I don't like is /nu/pol
do you really think sociology is only able to be used by globalists/leftists?

Millennials are all faggots. It's because they were raised by (((television))) so they think they are a big winner if they get to suck cock and take drugs all weekend and live with their mommy while spending ten years in college.
Luckily GenZ is redpilled as fuck so most of GenY is redundant and can just go straight in the oven with their Jew oberlords.

You can "muh degree" all you want. Just about every job has MA/MS required that pays over 50k now.

College isn't even that hard stop being a lazy faggot and go knock out an online program at your state university.

>Cucked the boomers and the future generations
>Enjoying life at fullest

Stay mad bois

>being this deep into the game

How deep into that mortgage are you and how bad did the interest fuck you?

Protip my finances are better than yours.


Only you liberal Gen-x types are naive enough to take such a jewish (((science))) at face value. Meanwhile, most sociologists are really working on """studies""" such as "why are white people so violent"/"why are white people so privileged"/"why is whiteness so fragile"

>have a steady employer
>establish a family
>be responsible (mowing, shoveling, etc.)

All things most Millennials flee from.

What is defined as a millennial? What age bracket?

Can you stop posting these threads

>Buy a house
>Get layed off because company is downsizing (outsourcing job to Pajeet for a quarter of the cost)
>Get new job offer in another state
>Can't move because own a house

>Just about every job has MA/MS required that pays over 50k now.


trade labor routinely pays above 50k

"everyone I dont like who is younger than me"

Seems to be the common definition in these slide threads

>taking loans you can't afford to purchase material goods is what defines adulthood

Yeah but if you don't go to Provost Shekelbergs University for 8 years it doesn't count, goylennial!

>paying the monthly Jew instead of living in a tent

I have $70 in my bank account and $20,000 in student loan debt.

I don't own a home, but even I'm not delusional enough to pretend that it's not a much better strategy in the long term than role playing as a millionaire renter on Sup Forums.

>>have a steady employer
giving your loyalty to an employer in 2017 is the behavior of a cuck
>>establish a family
waste of money and a waste of time
>>be responsible (mowing, shoveling, etc.)
not having a family or a house to take care of leaves time for personal pursuits.

>be a wageslave
>spend most of your life making jewbucks

I wonder why people are recessive to do it


I don't want to do that faggot I want to work in the corporate world doing analytical shit

Gen X never raised us right, and the Boomers are sucking the wealth away.

>I don't own a home

No kidding your balls-deep ideals were a dead giveaway.

>Where did it all go wrong Sup Forums?
The greedy ass boomers who destroyed the greatest wealth and prosperity the world had ever known and left 10 generations of debt in their wake

At least try to own an RV.

Not an argument.

Please, explain how renting indefinitely is a better strategy than ownership. I'm genuinely interested.

>Peter pan generation wasn't the boomers

You spend an hour or two drinking with a boomer and realize they never evolved passed high school and begrudgingly started aping other adults with a palpable resentment

So told him to pay four times
He actually did it, the absolute Goy!

It's a communist you retards.

You're right, my argument is I don't want to do it which was located right below you moronic faggot.

>At least try to own an RV.

What is it with this board and old ideals?
Did you faggots just swallow your parent's tired ideals and not stop to question it?

This. Also the special snow flake generation fueled by ludacris colleges and parents who insist their kids are "smart". In reality most kids have a useless base of knowledge that doesn't transfer well to the real world. What is more concerning is their lack of work ethic and ambition.

modern sociologists=/=study of societies

the marxists want you to be their opponents without access to their tools. they control the tools and you utilize nothing to defend yourself besides the usual rhetoric.

the enemy of their ideas is the truth, and the truth is attained through a combination of logical thought and the unbiased versions of their arsenal. countries don't refuse to manufacture superior arms to their own just because the originals were produced by their enemies.

What a goy! HAHA, oh shit I'm late for my shift at hardees

>I'm genuinely interested.

Why are you genuinely interested? It's a common enough occurrence that information on the matter can easily be found through research; it's not the rarity you're making it.

Maybe because housing prices are through the roof?

I went to a tech school and make 75k in STEM field, needing a masters to make 50k is ridiculous

>mortgages are scary. Leverage is bad. Real estate isn't the oldest financial instrument. I don't know how to repair land or homes. Muh Jews and my dad are stopping me from getting out of this apartment!!

What kind of a bonehead are you. You own an appreciating asset instead of paying some other owner money for the privilege of living in their asset

Nah just bitter virgin

Videogames may have been the root cause. In videogames millennials feel sense of fulfillment instead of channeling it to real life.

It's not millenials fault. The factory system used to be the social safety net. We gave that wholesale to China now the safety net is retail which is demeaning and impossible to make a career of.

>TLDR: No social safety net=Parents/Gov't become safety net

>rationalizing a 30 year contract

Stay stupid user

>What is a starting salary.

Attorneys commonly start at at 40k calm down nigger you work your way up in a couple years.

It's a shame none of those degrees taught you the difference between "to" and "too."

Uh huh, that's about as far as I thought this would get. Carry on shitposting.

>1 post by this ID
Why Sup Forums, why do you keep falling for this ploy? How hard is it to hover over the ID and see you are swallowing hook line and sinker while the fisherman has gone home because he doesn't even enjoy eating fish, he just enjoys the idea of fish suffering.

Women were never interested in me before video games. They'd much rather date a chad than someone like me.


Yeah no shit education is a scam but it gets you ahead

Boy do I love fishing

>do what i say when i say or this conversation is over

now i see why you swallowed your parent's ideals without thinking for yourself: you're a pussy.

Reminder that personal (yes, personal) activities like playing vidya or watching TV inscribe a sense of loneness/soleness in the moment... I.e. The experience of having played that game is uniquely their own, and they've somehow attached their seal of approval to that game/movie in such a way that disparaging it is akin to disparaging them or something they actually created.

In short: all solitary entertainment are bedfellows to masturbation

You need a Master's degree and 10+ years of experience to get an "Entry level" job, said job pays $30-50k a year. Many millenials have no hope of getting a good job because of this. Older generations refuse to retire (Many can't due to the terrible economy), leaving few job openings. Those openings that do exist are unobtainable due to the reasons listed above.

Millennials watched their parents while growing up, saw how divorce hit most of their friends and those with intact families were rare. This 'woke' many to the marriage system. The divorce system annihilates males, even if they are the better parent. This causes many males to shy away from marriage altogether.

You pretty much have to have some sort of college level degree to have any hope of ever obtaining a job above McDonalds or Best Buy.

The sexual revolution means that the top 80% of females will only accept the top 20% of males, leaving the bottom 80% of males to pick up the pieces left behind by the top 20% of males (Roasties, cumdumpsters, cock carousel veterans, land whales, super uggos, etc...) These females 'hit the wall' at 30-35, and come begging to the males who were previously left out. Many males refuse to take these women, and would rather be foreveralone than with a veteran of the Cock Carousel who has already hit the wall.

Women have been told from birth that they are special snowflake princesses, that they can do whatever they want, when they want, be whatever they want, and still have a breadwinner husband and a family. These girls spend their prime sleeping around, getting abortions, hopping from penis to penis until they are too old to do so, then try to settle down with the kind of man that they would have never considered before.

As women continue this trend, society will continue to slowly crumble as politicians import third-worlders instead of fixing the societal problems we have. The more third-worlders we import, the worse the economy gets...


Shut up faggot. I have a job at a "startup" and male great money. But I also work like a bitch. It's fun to work and succeed in life.

true i suppose, i started at 32k 5 years ago. i think a lot of people expect to make 100k right out of college and maybe that is part of the problem

One of the rites of passages is to not browse Sup Forums on a daily basis you virgin fucks. Get a fucking life.

>In short: all solitary entertainment are bedfellows to masturbation

Except every activity under the sun fits your criteria


Have fun "analyzing" shit with Pajeet and his curry friends for $50k year. All because you Cant fathom the thought of not being in a chair.

>I work in one of the few industries left in the UK in a factory
>Love my job, love the science and the manual work
>Earn just over 20k
>Live in London, a city that's being over run with chinese and saudi businessmen looking to buy property
>Can't afford to move out
>Hipsters, Muslims and gangs everywhere outside of the town my family lives in

Why can't I live the simple life my family has always lived? Why must I stop doing proper work to sit in front of a screen all day clicking boxes and feeling nothing?

It's ludacrous.. colleges aren't rappers.

>GenZ is redpilled becuz little kids watch poodiepie xDD

When will this meme end?


what the fuck field do you need a masters in to make 30k a year starting out?

Depends on the law school. For example, the average starting salary out of my law school is $115k, and that includes all the woke nigs and SJWs settling for $40k jobs at non-profits, white pretty much everyone who goes to a firm starts at $160k.

Stranger Danger made them so paranoid of rape vans they never left mommies side. And now they hide in basement.


The more third-worlders we import, the worse the economy gets, and the less babies whites will have as a result. Eventually, whites will be a small minority in an ever declining society. In the end, we will end up like the Middle East or South America while China rules the world.

Basically, millennial have been screwed over before they were even born. Societal, economic, demographic, and political changes have caused this generation to be saddled with a failing economy, in-navigable career system, no prospects for a proper marriage and family, and irreversible demographic changes.

Basically, if you are a millennial, good luck. You're going to need it. And a lot of it.

I would take her to my bedroom any day.

The boomers fucked the entire world up and what do they do? Ask us to foot the bill for their absurd spending and retirement, then blame it on us.
Seriously, fuck the baby boomer generation. They say WE are entitled? They expect their parents AND their children to support them. All while feeding us bullshit about how to live our lives. Fucking shitsuckers.

>Marriage is a terrible deal where we watched our fathers get fucked over by the divorce courts and women been given all the power.
>Owning a home is an expensive task that can take well over 30 years that limits you to one place in the country unless you are willing to take the risk of losing money on it.
>Moving out of parents can also be hard due to the increasing housing costs and the job market being unstable. Staying with your parents can also help you earn a small fortune if you do not have to pay the price of an apartment for the room even with part time work

... said the guy who browses Sup Forums on a daily basis


Can't wait for those gilfs to die.

My dad moved out of home at the age of 15, in the year 1966.

He rented a one bedroom apartment with living room, kitchen and bathroom in the inner city for the inflation-adjusted sum of 125 quid a month, an outlay which he could quite comfortably afford on his salary as an apprentice factory machinist.

Apartments in the same part of the city now will set you back 700 a month for a bedroom.

But fuck millenials, right? those damn millenial landlords, fucking shit up for everyone,

women are easy, virtually no effort needs to be put in to get laid

Millenials are a generation that were told they could do whatever they wanted and then when they hit adulthood all options vanished. Narcissism combined with nihilism.

If you remove the English army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle, unless you set about the organization of the Socialist Republic your efforts would be in vain. England would still rule you. She would rule you through her capitalists, through her landlords, through her financiers, through the whole array of commercial and individualist institutions she has planted in this country and watered with the tears of our mothers and the blood of our martyrs.

Underrated posts.

This is so true.
I had to find a GF from eastern Europe to avoid to date degenerate "princess". But I still live in France and it's hell here. I see all these niggers and sandniggers coming every days while the boomers are living in their great house and driving their new cars.
This life is pointless, even more when you have a child and you know that she will have to deal with these poor dindu that the boomers imported because "hey, don't be racist, they will pay our pensions ;)".

thanks jim

What is inflation.


id be happy to work 40 hours a week if they guberment dosen't want to take over half of it for single mothers and niggers. at this point anyone trying to play the game is cucked or retarded.
