Why did we help kill Gaddafi?

Why did we help kill Gaddafi?

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he's based


is erdogan gonna end up like him?

He wanted a central bank for Africa and theres nothing democrats like Obama and Hillary hate more than Africans helping themselves.

Nah we've stopped killing ME leaders after Gaddafi and Saddam as it plunged their regions into chaos which hasn't abated even to this day.

Economic hitmen failed, it's called globalization

WE didn't do anything because WE didn't have a say in it.

The shadow government did it

where did ant get that wacky jacket?


You need to go back

This sandnigger tried to undermine the petrodollar

Fucked with the wrong (((people))) by trying to establish a gold backed currency for the middle east.

he very bad man.

He always deserved killing after dropping a plane in the UK

This. If oil isn't traded with the dollar, demand for the dollar drops.

>destroy the most wealthy and best country in africa because fuck africa
>reason why europe isn't flooded with immigrants since they go to libya instead
>destroy libya so now they flood europe
>white genocide
europe is fucked but they also planned to import millions of muslims into america too. since trump won that won't though

why did you kill saddam ? why are you trying to kill assad ? do you want to kill all the based arabs so we stay a filthy sandnigger shithole ? are you afraid from the rise of the arab man ?

He had too much swag

> are you afraid of the rise in oil prices

islam will never be allowed to stand on its own feet independent of the west. it either becomes a slave to western ideals or gets destroyed. china is the next superpower and there won't be another let alone one based on religion like islam

He was working on tying oil to the Euro instead of the Dollar.
He was trying to set up a (north)african currency linked to gold/silver (Libya had a substantial reserve of both)

It being a wealthy country with good education, good irrigation etc. etc. it was basically the best country on the entire African continent to live in (save white enclaves in south Africa). Simply "killing Ghaddafi" wouldn't be enough, the entire country had to be undermined and its government completely toppled to stop the two points I mentioned at the start. Which is exactly what happened.

But hey, the average person can't even point out Libya on a map, so who the fuck even cares?

Cuz we came, we saw, he died n shet?

He wanted to stop oil deals with France and USA to start one with Italy instead.

wanted to convert oil currency from US dollar to a gold standard.

look where that got him.

To help our immigration numbers, duh

combination of oil and gold related shit and also the west needing an easy boogeyman since the syrians proved too difficult at the time.


Implying that wasn't the intention. You wouldn't want the local populace to have a government that actually stands up to the US, would you?

Erdogan is scum. Soon he'll flood Europe with a new influx of rapefugees. Gaddafi was a strong man but never posed a threat to Europe.

i chuckled

This. Deutscherbro is correct.

It would be fun to see China cuck the Americans.

That was the plan however it turned out that IS and the other rebel factions listened to the USA even less.


Ageing sucks.

But we didnt.
Heres our pm having discussion over sustainability, future challenges, trade deals etc.

>islam will never be allowed to stand on its own feet independent of the west.

Shut the fuck up, Saudi.

United States Department of State is permeable with foreign influence (Soros, Saudis and Qatar) and - Clinton and other - don't know shit about the World.

The foreign influence makes deals with Secretary of State and rest of US govt. talking about the advantages of expanding US influence in the world and don't a concrete plan after 8 years or 2 mandates of a US President.

The next President of US has to take the shit the previous President, the heads of previous govt. get sacked, etc - it begins a foreign shitty police - always changing and being unpredictable.

because king nigger said so

that position is only comfortable for like a minute

Sup Forums is too young to remember all the time he supported terrorists and plane hijackers.

I do not give a single shit about the libyan people, or their retarded country, i am glad that retard is dead, and im sure the CIA feels the same way.

kek what fucking cucks. the fact that any world powers took this guy seriously is pathetic.

I'm saying that the destabilization into IS and co was always the plan, privately but not publicly.

France wanted gold

Then why did they call off the assassination of Assad?

Because we memed the agenda into the open before it happened.

Seriously, why the fuck does Sup Forums like this muslim who would have plane hijackers land in his country, hide them, and then decalre the day a fucking holiday.

He celebrated the death of westerners, and i gladly celebrate the death of him and his people. I remember seeing their celebrations, now they are getting everything they deserve.

I was always on the fence about the official historical narrative of the holocaust.

but then after in my lifetime seeing what they did to Saddam and what they did to Gaddafi, and how even though third party observers have actually gone to the trouble to be like
>You you retards, Gaddafi literally did nothing wrong.
If you try and tell any normie that Gaddafi literally did nothing wrong, they don't believe you. Even with the evidence saying otherwise.

I predict in about 50 years time, the history books will talk about the 666 gorillion Benghazis who gaddafi shoahed.

he wanted to undermine the US dollar as the global reserve currency. Literally the source of American power in the world. Go fuck yourself you traiterous piece of shit.

example of braindead brainwashed retards who can't be assed to actually read actual documents and instead rely on (((CNN))) et. al to offer their (((interpretation))) (or lack thereof)

>this fucking new


>source of American power in the world is an unbacked speculative currency owned by a private entity

really gettin my noggin joggin

He fucking knew. He warned us. Libya was the cork in the African bottle. Pop that and here comes the flood.

If the US dollar can be undermined, simply by some second world African desert shithole deciding to make it's own sovereign central bank, then maybe you're on (((the wrong side of history))).

>Gaddafi literally did nothing wrong
seriously, you are either too young, or a cuck.

>I'm a brain dead retard because i want to see a man who openly supported terrorists with the full weight of the islamic world behind him as they killed my people

Gadafi was a muslim piece of fucking trash that would dance on your grave if you are a non muslim westerner. gtfo with your apologetic cuck BS.

this. They need it to remain a secret move, at least publically, or they lose a ton of power in the results of the conflict.

Bernie Sanders was nothing compared to that communist. Good fucking riddance

get a load of this CIA cuck

The testimony that linked his government to the lockerbie bombing was later recanted after it was learned that (((investigators))) paid for the guy to make the testimony.

And regardless of that Gaddafi set up a fund to pay reparations to the family of the victims anyway.

>Sup Forums is too young to remember all the time he supported terrorists and plane hijackers.
So we killed him because he supported our allies? Sounds like a set up to me.

He did the same thing that our patron siant, Adolf Hitler tried to do, he defied the international banking jew.... which is real reason why our history books portray these great heroes as villains.

He is a Muslim extremist responsible for Munich olympics, remember?


Wasn't just Gadaffi you moron. He was trying to get an entire African continent (where many future untapped resources) on board.

Saddam Hussein before him had voiced similar objectives.

You think Russia and China want the USD as the global reserve currency?

Wtf do you think Putin's end goal is?

Go learn about how important the USD is please.

I truly don't give a shit why he was killed, he deserved it and i hope we con libya out of every single penny the bastards ever made. fuck them, i remember the celebrations, the crowds at the airport, every one of them can fucking fry for all i care.

Again... if our entire economic system is just a gargantuan market speculation bubble propped up by using military force to bully other nations who otherwise would rather mind their own business into surrendering their sovereignty then please, let it fail. The sooner the better.

Because I know faggy little faggots like you will be the first to die in the collapse.

He moved from Pan-Arab to Pan-Africanism and he was opposed by Islamic fundamentalist in the later years of his regime.

>In October 2010, the EU paid Libya €50 million to stop African migrants passing into Europe; Gaddafi encouraged the move, saying that it was necessary to prevent the loss of European cultural identity to a new "Black Europe".

kys Clinton shill


Any other debunked gaddafihoax talking points you faggot shills want to bring up?

Alternative currency standards can't be allowed by (((them))). An actual gold-backed currency, if it worked properly would throw a wrench in fiat economics.

They're still producing oil, there's plenty of opportunity for extra profit with the massive black market in crude oil (see ISIS, there's plenty of other smaller operations), so no. They'll continue to meddle. A war-torn Middle East is easy money in so many ways, and it generates plenty of refugees to help drag the middle class and Europe back into a proper serfdom as the oligarchs intend.

Yeah that is what it is. It's all made up. That's not a revelation.

You can buy all prepper bullshit you want, the world isn't going to end. No matter how much you want it to because you're a pathetic, miserable failure at this life.

again, i don't care what comes out of the retards mouth, he continued to harbor numerous terrorist, and completely refused to release them or bring them to trial. You guys sound like jews who support Hitler, you are supporting somebody who ideologically and geo politically opposed you, and went to great lengths to kill you and your people.

And you'll always be a faggot shill chooching yourself to bed at night because

In case you haven't figured it out by now, the West profits from the Middle East being miserable. That way, they get plenty of peons willing to drag down Europe and turn it into a nice little domain for the wealth and power of the elite few.

The only way you will stop it is to begin the race war and either die free or obliterate the West.


this guys youtube channel will explain it if you really want to know.

Because Obama is a Alinsky Muslim Brotherhood agent of douchebaggery who deserves a bum fucking

I live in the real world and the USD reigns supreme.

Take your 74 cent leaf and shove it up your ass

Also pro tip: You are making a lot of subtle vernacular errors which out you as a non native English speaker.

You can think you're hot shit all you want but once you clock out of your Indian shill mill you'll still be walking home down a street covered in feces.

>believing the holohoax

There are components to our economics that aren't part of that bubble, but the government is not heavily involved in them.

Basically anything that has the US competing for production with other countries is a good example, like electronics manufacturing, or food production, etc.

Obviously these things are affected by the market in general, but their production is not inherently tied to foreign warfare and manipulation.

Thanks for making me notice you nonce

wahhhh you got btfo kid. By a white male no less.

if you have to ask this you dont belong here. you have to go back

Your whiteness is like the easter bunny.

thats tru :(

>You can think you're hot shit all you want but once you clock out of your Indian shill mill you'll still be walking home down a street covered in feces.
What do you mean by this?

you lost, you got btfo, and now your only defense is that you're allowed to be retarded because you're white. You're an embarrassment to my race.

a. A desire to gain a greater share of Libya oil production,

b.Increase French influence in North Africa,

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05779612 Date: 12/31/2015

c. Improve his intemai political situation in France,

d. Provide the French military with an opportunity to reassert its position in the world,

e. Address the concern of his advisors over Qaddafi's long term plans to supplant France as the dominant power in

Are you still living in past?

2012 Benghazi attack was Gaddafi's fault also.

He wanted to foil US economic interests in the region and US took advantage of the uprising caused by Arab Spring.

Look how many terrorists - circled by red - want US citizens and Western dead now.

>Gaddafi warns that his death will cause millions of refugees to flood to Europe
>Kills him anyway
>Try to repeat the same thing in Syria
>Get even more refugees
>Turkey is outright threatening Europe with refugees
>Oh yes, thank you papa roach! So thoughtful, so tolerant of you :)))

Can we just nuke everything west of Poland and start over?

Then why did we help? Surely helping France gain so much isn't in our countries best interest.

So Itally could run a Nigger importation service without hassle, and destroy Europe.

Fuck you Italy.

(((pol))) usually worships America's enemies. Why do you think they like Trump and Putin so much.

Because we are idiots who believe in our leader's judgment.

Again your young age is showing,those people always hated us, Libya's south has always been a ungovernable terrorist hotbed. and Qaddafi refused to expel them for decades. it is most poetic that he was killed by one of these such groups, for years we told him to clean that shit up and he never did.

Like the US, Russia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, France, England, etc...

Never supported a terrorist.

>Gaddafi was responsible for the attack in Benghazi that occurred 11 months after he died.

He wanted to implement a gold standard currency to sell oil.
Us forces OPEC to deal in use, thus ensuring a world-wide demand for their currency a steady value.
Selling oil for gold instead would have devalued the USD, so your CIA had him killed preventively.

*US forces OPEC to deal in USD


Traded the interrogation mark for a dot to make a rethorical question. My mistake.