Sorry to all you VIDEO GAME FREAKS and GAMERGATORS. But (you) are ALL losers!

Sorry to all you VIDEO GAME FREAKS and GAMERGATORS. But (you) are ALL losers!

You're wasting your lives on PIXELS. Do you REALLY? think your life is improved by catching a 10th level Mario? Or collecting gold coins - they're IMAGINARY...

You'll never need to crush candy in real life, you're not learning ANY skills from it... You guys need to GET JOBS. FIND WIVES. and HAVE BABIES.

Get real guys; video games are BULLSHIT.

How do we fight this degeneracy Sup Forums???

sorry grandad.

Why not just say you have no argument. Coward.

>playing video games in 2017
>wanting to marry a woman in 2017
>not being mgtow

sorry OP but even for bait this is just all around weak.

>Sorry to all you BOOK FREAKS. But (you) are ALL losers!
>You're wasting your lives on WORDS. Do you REALLY? think your life is improved by reading a novel? Or recognizing symbolism - it's IMAGINARY...
>You'll never need to lord of the rings in real life, you're not learning ANY skills from it... You guys need to GET JOBS. FIND WIVES. and HAVE BABIES.
>Get real guys; books are BULLSHIT.
>How do we fight this degeneracy Sup Forums???

>expecting me to take life advice from a non-country

op your statements are valid
we should be doing shit instead of mental masturbation with vidya gaems

however gamergate is kind of a good thing. no reason to make people who play video games even more cucked than they are.

>being mgtow
kill yourself, coward

Your eagles could never win a war against our emus.

Your video games are meaningless pixels.

I've noticed this personally.
Used to be a huge fan of games and spent long in to the night staring at my screen.
Now that I've matured more the amount of games I play has dropped quite a bit. I've moved on to more physical hobbies (gym to lose the weight I built up and warhammer/reading to actually learn some skill). I've realized games are a literal waste of life. Sure browsing pol or some hobby related forums now and then is neat, just don't spend your life doing it.

What if I told you you're already playing a video game and you're the biggest loser in it?