Someone explain to me why communism is bad, kinda new to this

someone explain to me why communism is bad, kinda new to this

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It depends on perspective user,
Do you have any moral objections to being so starved you eat your own children?

Many reasons. One is that it seeks to abolish private property. In a world of scarcity, private property is a necessity for maintaining peace.

sounds fucked, is that what it really is? or is it just propaganda

Just watch this tbqh, it deals with commies part way through.

It crushes the souls of hard working people

Globalist, embraces degeneracy, leads to mass poverty and starvation, and destroys culture.

how so?

Also egalitarian, anti-religious, and ignorant of human nature.

There are two types of communism; stateless communism (anarcho-communism) and authoritarian communism (communism with a state). It should be clear that stateless communism is impossible to achieve. It should also be clear that giving the state the power to distribute wealth would fuel corruption and greed within the state, paving way for tyranny and your enslavement to the state.

how is anarcho communism impossible to achieve?



So a doctor who worked his ass off to get to his position should get payed the same amount as a store shelf stacker who was to much of a ass to pay attention in school.

Also in real communism the government has control of everything, they decide what time you can go out or how much food you eat.

Just pay attention to history. Read about societies that have attempted Communism. China and the Soviet Union are the best places to start.

Short answer: The government should not be allowed to dictate how businesses are run, because they simply do not know how. They are not experts in all things. People who run businesses have spent their careers building expertise on a specific product/service/market. They know how to make their product, they know how much of it is in demand, they know how to get it to their customers. This is why they are ALSO allowed to dictate the price.

Under total government control, these business owners (usually stubborn capitalists) are removed, and replaced by people with ideological purity (or just government loyalty) and very little practical experiences. The businesses jam up and grind to a halt, production falls.

And the poor people, who were supposed to be the beneficiaries of this new system, just literally starve to death while the government tries to teach themselves how farms actually work.

>Also egalitarian
This. When egalitarianism is upheld in society as the basis of all moral actions, degeneracy and a lack of basic liberties (i.e. free speech, private property, etc.) follow.

authoritarian state, everything that's wrong in organised human society.

Reminder that Mao was so fucking stupid that he killed all the sparrows after seeing one eat some grain which caused pests to destroy even more grain

>someone explain to me why communism is bad

If you have to ask, you are beyond saving.

no im not pro communist im just new to pol and want to hear opinions

The end result of Communism is pretty sweet, but Marx's theory of its revolution is flawed because its philosophy lacks convincing arguments to the problem of power. The revolt always ends in violent people in power and then it is somehow expected that they suddenly become saints and use their now blood-drenched hands to wipe away the meaning of value.

At least with capitalism, republicanism and monarchism, the average person has a chance to connect with nature. With Communism, whether or not the respective revolution is successful, the connection is summarily broken.

Also commies just fucking suck.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to hear new ideas. New ideas are like fuel; they invoke thought and guide you to the truth

Have you made your mind up on communism then?

100 million dead.

>The end result of Communism is pretty sweet
Which is to eradication of all private property. How is that sweet?

i thought the last famine in the ussr was in 1947 were they starving after that?

This pretty much and before you say "oh but what if the state appointed more competent people"
they won't. After a successful revolution the ruling authority needs to worry about its stability. In order to do this authority will always be given to the most loyal, because the ruler wont have to worry about them ever using their influence to pose a threat. In the process regular people feel the consequences, but because the people aren't influential enough to matter you ignore them. If it gets to the point where people start organizing the all powerful state starts mass purges to secure its authority.

'nuff said

it's a fundamental desire of everything that makes humans what they are and they try to pass that off as being a good thing

There is literally nothing wrong with communism.
There is something wrong with propaganda against communism, and with people who never even saw a Marx's or Lenin's works and still judge by mere stereotypes of the western narrative about "commies"

because productive infrastructure is owned by the workers
but you also cant have classes
therefore women, being the productive infrastructure of more humans, would be a socially owned slave class

I don't blame you since Russia has gone to shit since the end of the USSR but equality is not a good thing and that's what Communism is all about.

are you ignoring all other posts? it seems pretty bad to me

It's kind of hard to get an idea of what communism is about when you guys disagree on so much among yourselves.

what about direct democracy?

It's not about equality. It's about progress of humans. To give people a chance to progress you have to provide some basics to everybody, that's true.
Like free education, free healthcare and free time to learn and be better of themselves. If you are working fucking 12 hours a day with a 1 day off - it's a mess. A survival.

The goal of communism was a stateless society. "Authoritarian communism" is basically "let me be in charge for a while and I'll get us there." Anarcho communism is redundant

Worked well in Libya with Gaddafi and in Switzerland but it's impractical in large countries.

Maybe you sholdn't listen to others and read a fucking book instead to make your own opinion?

Marx had interesting ideas, not only about what economics are, but about what individual objects are, too, and what their relationships were to the world. But many of them end in the simple dismissal that they just shouldn't further exist as objects (as we know them of) without explaining fully how this process would be facilitated. Somehow, in the ecstasy of the revolt that will all get sorted out somehow, utopia, harmony yadda yadda.

This is reason

It's not good. People should take some from of test to prove they know about the certain field they are voting on

It destroys tradition and culture in favour of standardised, functional, sameness.

Fascism seems to be a better solution to the problem anyway:

I do understand that Stalin and Communism are still popular in Russia - and wouldn't they be? The USSR was a better place than modern day Russia. But the culture death has had a negative impact, that is undeniable. Just look at the druggies in Moscow for proof.

It's better than representative democracy, but as long as the media is controlled by (((you know who))) then any system is largely futile.

If you value being an individual, making your own choices, owning your own things, and generally not being a slave under the guise of a pretty rhetoric... Communism isn't for you

I can think of 120 million reasons

Impractical unless your state is the size of Switzerland, not representative if your people is not close to 100% homogenous and mob rule if your society is not smart and properly educated.

(Shill degrees from lib cuck universities don't count).

It's propoganda by people who don't understand the difference between Communism and State capitalism

why read a book when its someones opinion as well?

Well, having read the books, I have come to the conclusion that communism is trash.

>To give people a chance to progress you have to provide some basics to everybody, that's true.
>Like free education, free healthcare and free time to learn and be better of themselves. If you are working fucking 12 hours a day with a 1 day off - it's a mess
That's not what communism is you idiot, do you even know what you're talking about? Jeez, this is what I'm talking about right here, you "communists" don't even really support communism.

>"oh but what if the state appointed more competent people"
This is a line of thinking I ALWAYS notice in far-left/Marxist types. They always want to believe that governments, police forces, hospitals, etc will be staffed by some mysterious class of incorruptible human being, completely different from the everyday assholes they grew up and went to school with and interact with every days.

Nope. Those are your police. Those are your government officials. Those are the people who will attempt to translate ideology into action. Those are the people who WILL find a way to corrupt any system for their own personal profit.

That's why conservatives tend to favor a political/economic system that favors self-reliance. It's why we want to run our own businesses, put food on our own table, and keep our own guns. At the end of the day, you can't depend on anybody else to have your back, or know what you need better than you do.

Fascism is an open terroristic dictatorship policy of the state of the reactionistic imerialistic capital owners.
What is so fucking good about that? It's literally the shittiest it can be, man.

>Fascism is an open terroristic dictatorship policy of the state of the reactionistic imerialistic capital owners

What do you think fascism is?

It is in its core imposible.
>From each according to his ability to each according to his needs.
Is the dumbest think to make society on.
It just wuldnt work its against the human nature.
Sound cool yeah but its so stupid.
Marx overrated philosopher.

The death count speaks for itself, most estimates put the number at around 100 million dead.

Cambodia alone had nearly 25% of their population exterminated during communist rule.

wew lad, read the article I gave you.

communism will never work because humans are flawed by nature

A system of government combining nationalist, corporatism, and authoritarianism, wherein the government works with and regulates private enterprise to help the nation. "All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state."

The Doctrine of Fascism is a good place to go for the basic idea of it. It's like the Communist Manifesto of Fascism.

This pretty much sums it up.

Barring a complete reprogramming of humanity there is no way you can expect people to act out of the goodness of their own hearts.

If this is true I am definitely anti commie
I've been questioning whether or not there could be a good communist nation but if a doctor doesnt make at least 10 times the amount of a store clerk that's absolutely fucking asinine

>Anarcho communism is redundant
I guess the definition of communism has changed because of all the authoritarian regimes following the Marxist doctrine (with contradictions, of course). Throwing "anarcho" and "authoritarian" in front of "communism" is done for the sake of distinction and clarification. Like when one says libertarianism, it could mean two things, because there's right-wing libertarianism and left-wing libertarianism

>criticizes westerners for being blinded by propaganda
>posts this

Anarcho-communism is redundant.. .but. The term arose because some commies figured out that after a couple dozen attempts at Lenin's method failing to implement communism, something else had to be attempted. In Leninism, the means of production is supposed to be seized democratically through the existing state and then the people in charge i.e. the state is supposed to hand the means of production over to the workers equally and collectively as they were charged to do by the voters. So the state basically seizes all power and resources of a nation and then they're expected to benevolently give it all up and dissolve the state. Communism on paper is a classless, stateless, moneyless society after all. But as you can see this has never fucking once happened. It became a despotic human meat grinder every single time.

As for "Anarcho-Communists" they call themselves that because they want to skip the whole state seizure of production thing and directly seize the means of production through violent revolution. Its a batshit idea that you can go directly to a commune type society by smashing the state and then everyone will magically agree that there's no such thing a "mine."

>Anarcho-communism is redundant
in light of the original definition of communism, yes

i dont think that communism is realisitic. its a uptopian society unless everyone just doesnt have shit. and ur point about violent people always getting the power always seems to be the case