What has he accomplished so far?

What has he accomplished so far?

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Proved wire taps, and seditious actions of Dems


Pissed off hundreds of millions of people who really needed a good solid "fuck you". That's good enough for me desu.

aren't those just rumors at this point?

He got a bunch of 400 pound virgin autists to leave the house for the first time and vote.

He has absolutely buttblasted the commies.

Stop posting.

Pissing you off


Better question would be, what has the repiblican congress accomplished. The president is head of the executive branch not the legaslative.

If Ryan is unable to get intelligent laws approved, he should make room for someone else.

i dont care about politics or the degenerate american population, im just happy that people who do are buttblasted. Thats what Trump has brought to my life and I am thankful

Picking Gorsuch and buttblasting the left on the daily are my favourites so far

Yup. This.

galvanized and made vocal a large portion of the population that for the last 8 years at grown silent

Not being hillary clinton and making every sjw cry daily. Oh and the tpp is kill, the irs wont fine me for not having obamacare, brought back a few thousand jobs, gave us based stickman, gave david brock a heart attack, jake tappers son calls him fake news, illegal crossings are down, made paul ryan look like a faggot, john mccain called rand paul a russian puppet, called obama a sick man on twitter as potus. Only 2 monthes in.

im glad someone agrees because i find it sometimes difficult to admit even to myself

Absolutely nothing. Getting rid of a few illegals hasn't done anything, there needs to be more.

He tried to get a "legal" Muslim ban though but failed on the first try.

Made up figures when talking about Air Force 1.

Failed at passing the really super "great" healthcare bill.

Embarrassed himself by claiming Obama wiretapped him and citing a fox news pundit.

we're fucked boys.

>meanwhile people losing their minds daily over deportations


He made millions of snowflakes worldwide piss their pants on the evening of November 8th

If Trump never does another thing during his time in office, that magical night and the few following weeks of salt and butthurt then it was worth it.

Of course he's gotten a lot more then that done but you're not interested in that are you.

>Being this new.

Gets across to normshits if you state it in more abrasive terms.

My rationale is I fucking hate everything having to do with this country's government. Everyone in government hates Trump and that's why he's /my guy/.

That article about Bannon destroying the executive branch is just above and beyond as far as I'm concerned.

Your going to love when he gets impeached then.


Autistic nerd virgins supported a cheeto meme for president because they are miserable failures in life.


He withdrew us from TPP honestly that was the biggest thing


Prestigious journal of his ass

that was going to happen anyway

>this is fine

77 in my ID praise Kek

Nigger u think Hillary really would have pulled us out?

He's just a strong white man thats all that he needs to do the Presidency is just a facade of power anyway its all in the beurocrats

this is fine

This is fine

Failed to stop terrorists from coming in while reviewing the visa system.

Failed to repeal wildly unpopular healthcare legislation.

Brought great lulz.

Keep this in perspective. We voted him in as a joke. Don't get too attached to the animal we're going to slaughter in 4 years for our next lolcow.


What has any president accomplished 2 months into office?

-ISIS still not defeated
-obamacare repeal is a disaster
-only thing he has done is go full autist over his failed travel ban
-wall not up
-mexico hasn't bent the knee

Wow I take back my vote for drumph.


lol stay mad, retards


>h-he bootyblasted the l-libcucks

Liberals everywhere are laughing at you. Conservatives have finally got their chance at governing and because of infighting and incompetence they can't do a goddamned thing. This is a huge victory for us.


>shareblue failing at using memes

canadians don't get a vote shillifer

>Sup Forums realized the swamp cant be drained

he scares pedophiles

>If you lose the election, you actually win!

>isis still not defeated
>obamacare repeal is a disaster
As planned, now he can get his bill in
>failed travel ban
Setting dems up for the biggest defeat ever when a somali knifes up a mall
>wall not up
>mexico hasnt bent the knee

G8b8 tho i r8 88

>4 months in and he hasn't accomplished all his goals

The bait is obvious to spot.

I thought he was /theirguy/

Sup Forums finally admits that is was all about beating the liberals and nothing else. Lmao we were fucked with either candidate but Sup Forums always took the high ground

Wait, were you actually serious about the Trump thing? You realize we were just supporting him to piss people off, right?

Please don't tell me that you actually thought that a reality tv gameshow host was going to fix the public policy problems of a superpower.

He helped make sure that the left will stay in power for decades to come in Europe :^)


Yeah of course. what are ya some sort of redditt faggot or something?

I'm just now learning that all the pro-Trump shitposting we did behind 18 levels of irony was actually done unironically by a bunch of people on here. I think we just mindraped our own resident autists even harder than the liberals.

Accomplished more than...

- Ryan
- Entire congress

He has done more for the GOP moneybags, GOP laborers than all GOP combine.

- saved jobs
- deregulating
- killed global warming/climate change
- gutted state department

Trump delivers when he has "absolute power" on an issue.

Trump has done more through executive actions that congress has done in years.

they are scared, who he is remains to be seen

Pipelines are getting built.

Trump takes a big old shit on Greenpeace, Democrats, and the "environmentalists" and he has accomplished "nothing."

Congress is full of empty suits with no leadership.

Why do you think so? Are you really that cucked in Sweden?

>Sup Forums finally admits that is was all about beating the liberals and nothing else
Well, yes.

Killed TPP
Reduced debt by $100B
Increased job growth beyond the most optimistic predictions
Reduced illegal immigration by 40%
Signed keystone pipeline


this is not fine, THIS IS GREAT.

Oh, I forgot that Swedes are more American than Americans and mimic everything from American media, nowadays they even use mixed English and Swedish as their everyday language.

...Even though they insist they're the most critical "nation" towards the USA in Europe.

If you want a serious answer:

>Stopped TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership)
>Failed at Travel Ban and ObamaCare Repeal
>Create Wiretap rumors from Obama

He repealed ObamaCare. Anyone who says otherwise is a LIBTARD SHILL.

Honestly, the biggest victory so far has been bigger than policies. The biggest victory is exposing the globalist cabal, their media propaganda, and giving hope to nationalism again. This election has really redpilled alot of normies.

Humiliated mainstream media and made Clinton not win. That's already enough for me.

Truman won WW2?

Oh and he created that Budget Plan Proposal for 2018 that has to be debated by Congress first

managed to make Hillary look electable.

in fact, she won the election.

no one else on earth could do that

FDR - New Deal

Murdered the TPP.
If he accomplishes nothing else, he's already saved us.

1500 pedophiles getting raped in prison. Ohh but no one cares about that.

Literally nothing

The New Deal took years to put together...

nothing butt scare the shit out of pedophiles

Keeping the name Obamacare is yenius. Once he gets convicted, citizens will want his name OUT OUT OUT!

>Trumpcare shwiftly triumphs

>le popular vote meme

Dividing the US even more than it was


Repealed Obamac-
Oh wait


Nope.Trump was given evidence by the treasonous head of the house intel committee that Trump had been caught by the intelligence communities talking with foreign agents.

No she didn't.

In B4 b-b-but user She won the popular vote! That means she w-w-won the election!

Please read up on how the the election works.

this press conference, like a boss.

>blames everyone else for his failure


triggered pussycucks like you

That's what I'm talking about dude, these fatty-boom-batties need to feel the steel.

shillposting cucks mad, he is your president and there is literally nothing you can do about it, you can delude yourself thinking he'll get impeached but you're gonna be deluding yourself for 8 years faggot because regardless of his promises being kept, it was better than letting Hillary be the ultimate goyette in power.

Except the ban is legal. Travel bans have been implemented before. Not liking or agreeing with it doesn't make it illegal.

>treasonous head of the house intel committee

>he spoke to the president therefore it is treason

you do realize it is completely within trumps rights to dissolve every single intelligence community tomorrow, right? he could literally just write a little note that says "I donald trump dissolve every federal agency." and everything from the nsa to the fbi to the fucking irs would be gone, right? anyone still operating there has no grounds to do so because they are no longer part of our government in any way.


Reminder that this is who the left is covering for

>ultimate goyette

I doubt she could be a better goy than the goy who got cucked into a one state solution and bred his daughter to the tribe.