Deutsch/pol/ continuation Bongspeak edition

Original thread
Hitler says: Engrish motherfucker, do yoo zpeek it?

>postimg org/gallery/13dw1v50q/
postimg org/gallery/13dw1v50q/
>twitter com/afd_chan
twitter com/afd_chan


stormfags listen!

Other urls found in this thread:


Make Germany Great Again!

beste flagge reporting


Up in here, goys

was ist eigentlich los hier?? 10 faden in ein tag? kein sticky

Mods shoa'd last thread due to excessive Krautspeak

Stickies are rarely seen. The last one was the presidential election

Wer sonst muss wahrend die ganze wochende studieren?

Ich fast bereuen Apotheker Schule


Feels good to have a new thread.

So guys, it is saturdaynight and this is the comfy-edition i guess.

I have some questions for you guys:

When did you decide to vote AfD?

>somewhat AfD related

How many children do you want?

How are you going to maintain your family financially?

start of semester, nothing to do right now.


das it mane

was studierst du?

great AFD meme OP

Ich habe einen Traum

Ich hab einen Traum, wir öffnen die Grenzen
und lassen alle herein,
alle die fliehen vor Hunger und Mord,
und wir lassen keinen allein.

Wir nehmen sie auf in unserem Haus
und sie essen von unserem Brot,
und wir singen und sie erzählen von sich
und wir teilen gemeinsam die Not

und den Wein und das wenige was wir haben,
denn die Armen teilen gern,
und die Reichen sehen traurig zu -
denn zu geben ist ihnen meist fern

Ja wir teilen, und geben vom Überfluss
es geht uns doch viel zu gut,
und was wir bekommen, ist tausendmal mehr:
und es macht uns unendlich Mut.

Ihre Kinder werden unsere sein,
keine Hautfarbe und kein Zaun,
keine menschenverachtende Ideologie
trennt uns von diesem Traum.

Vielleicht wird es eng. Wir rücken zusammen,
versenken die Waffen im Meer,
wir reden und singen und tanzen und lachen,
und das Herz ist uns nicht mehr schwer.

Denn wir haben es doch immer geahnt
und wollten es nur nicht wissen:
was wir im Überfluss haben, das müssen
andere schmerzlich vermissen.

Ja wir teilen, und geben vom Überfluss,
es geht uns doch viel zu gut.
Und was wir bekommen ist tausendmal mehr
und es macht uns unendlich Mut

Und die Mörderbanden aller Armeen,
gottgesandt oder Nationalisten,
erwärmen sich an unsren Ideen
und ahnen, was sie vermissten.

Ja ich weiß, es ist eine kühne Idee
und viele werden jetzt hetzen:
ist ja ganz nett, doch viel zu naiv,
und letztlich nicht umzusetzen.

Doch ich bleibe dabei, denn wird ein Traum
geträumt von unzähligen Wesen,
dann wird an seiner zärtlichen Kraft
das Weltbild neu genesen.

Ja, ich hab einen Traum von einer Welt
und ich träume ihn nicht mehr still:
es ist eine grenzenlose Welt
in der ich leben will.

Can anyone here explain the German political system to me? I'd love to help and support, as I speak Dutch and could probably pick up German, but I do not currently know how German politics works.

material science, breddy gud if you like chemistry + physics
market is not flooded with material scientists right now, so good job opportunities

Oy vey! Krautspeak only allowed in threads flooded and derailed by Gommunists!

> voting AfD

I literally waited for a new party that had a large enough cross section with my views.
Been gradually uncucking since 9/11, so AfD was a logical choice.

literally what Hitler wanted. There wouldn´t have been a need for open borders. Hitler would have implementednational socialism, but left the people and their culture to them. He highly admired other cultures like the japanese and china.

The people are allowed to vote The Landtag and the Bundestag.
Landtag is the State Parlament
Bundestag is the German parlament

you need to have a 50% majority to implement laws.

Something tells me you are the Britbong commie fag from these commie shitpost spam threads the leftist cuck mods permit to exists

Piss off commie cunt. Since when should I follow the advice of a fucked up coke addict?

How many of those freeloaders does Wecker take into his mansion?

Kommt nicht das ein 4Kanal Mod uns wieder hier den Faden zumacht und wir einen Ban kassieren.

Are governments formed as coalitions?

Don't you have to hit a certain percentage to get any seats.

How important is the Saarland Election tomorrow?

Nope, that was just the first saved image in my 'Germany Election 2017' folder.

desu, i don´t mind them to much. It is less comfy with shills, but we are on /political incorrect/ and if you don´t attract haters, you are have normie-fews.
They also push us to produce more hatespeech-memes by fuling our hatred

Granted, but I didn't have any JK Rowling meme at hand that would've been appropriate

>wah wah don't ban me
Filthy Krautchanners deserve lynching. You are the Bronies of the German language.

Du schämst dich ja für sie und benutzt sie nicht mal.

The bronies of German Chans are Antifa

>When did you decide to vote AfD?
march 2016, BaWü Landstagswahlen. I did participate in Wahlomat and it gave me AfD with 82 % (only NPD ranked higher). Then i did read their Wahlprogramm and everything was set.

>How many children do you want?
minimum 3. 5 would be great. 8 would still be fine

>How are you going to maintain your family financially?
No idea. Even if i would get 3000 € Netto with my science degree, sustaining more than 3 children is pretty hard. Friends of our family do have 3000 € Netto with Kindergeld and are always on the edge. Their parents have to help them out, if the the washing machine breaks to buy a new one.

Mate, are you fucking retarded?
I was like this about 2 years ago and I was disgusted by myself fairly quickly and asked what I am truly missing.
Guess what it is?

Ich war mal selber so bis ich selber von mir angewiedert war und mir auffiel was mir wirklich fehlt. Wert.

das it mane, viel erfolg, muss du ein PHD machen? Ich habe fast in ein Phd progran eingetret, aber ich dachte es hat zu viele pajets und chinks, und die Gehaltung fur ein phd professor in den USA lohnen sich nicht.

thats a long way you have come.
I started to lose trust in the government, as the NSA-Skandal started. Then came TTIP and i saw how our government didn´t care about our concerns. The refugee-crisis was the nail in the coffin

So election tomorrow in Saarland, will AFD perform like in the polls and get around 6-7% (which would be a dissapointment) or will they overperform and actually build some momentum?

>German chans
Is there one that doesn't speak some kind of Google translate Turkspeak-like analgam of the German language?

Du kannst nicht einmal das und dass unterscheiden.

Wie steht ihr zu Reconquista Germania?

>kenn ich nicht

What time will results be out?

Do they come as one set of results, or smaller results?

Fuck, I'm old. I was completely uncucked when this storm of the shitskins rolled over us. Saw it creeping up since 2011 (Lampedusa).
Was a hoot though to witness total libtard bohemian friends of mine getting red pilled by reality.

Using german in english speaking spaces is stupid.

Especially here, where there are a lot of people

interested in our cause.

I hate you faggots so much, especially these

cancerous literal translations.

und am ende es wird nur ein traum sein , du sollst unbedingt dieses video angucken. mein unschuld freund.

He can be quite the blackpiller but he's fucking probably right ... all the time.

The mods of Sup Forums are fucking worthless.
A gas chamber would be too kind for these subhumans.

This meme image phrasing is weird and the whole graph looks weird. I kind of get what its trying to say but its still just weird. It would be just easier to say something like:

"Demographieproblem Deutschland
Merkel - 0
Petry - 5

Es geht auch ohne unkontrollierte Grenze und Islamisierung"

ruhen sie runter pajet

Krauts, give me the diagnosis: What is the chance that Germany actually uncucks itself, even just a little this election? You guys won't really elect Schulz, right?

Ganz okay.
Der weiß auch mehr als er nach außen vorgibt :^)
Verwendet manchmal kurze Satzteile aus Hitlerreden, die aber natürlich nur Leute mit Ahnung wieder erkennen.

What i did find out (wright in german or Mod will close thread again because muh english)
>Es ist unsere Heimat, wir haben nur die eine. Kein anderes Land der Welt kann uns das bieten, was wir im Begriff sind, zu verlieren: Unsere Freiheit – unsere kulturelle Identität!
>Das politische Establishment ist dabei, dieses Land als Kulturraum der Deutschen für immer zu zerstören
Looks pretty good. However, they claim germany to be their land. That´s something a Nazi would say. You don´t support Nazi´s user,wouldn´t you ;)

>What time will results be out?
Cant remember if they do exit polls when its only state elections, but they should be out after an hour or 2, or atleast they should be started to be counted in after that

Yea, I'm GenX
Been keeping a handwritten log since the kikes entered that freighter in 2010. So I can retrospect and re-read how this clusterfuck came about. Didn't regret it yet.
Größte Rotpille für alle Österreicher

k sorry


Mods sind insgesamt gut. Die meisten sind nur zu dumm um Shitpost-Threads zu reportieren.
Und deutsch ist technisch gesehen gegen die Regeln.

>Been keeping a handwritten log since the kikes entered that freighter in 2010.
explain please. What do you mean with handwritten logs?

First exit polls and projections will happen about 6 p.m. middle eastern summer time.

And is it just one block of results, or many?

They will and I can't wait for it, he will completely ruin Germany and finish the art of destruction. Master Cuck Schults

There is not much hope in Europe generaly. Nothing will change without a total breakdown I guess. I have more hope for America.

> Middle Eastern Summer Time


For me it was a couple of things. But the extreme hysterical media reaction to PEGIDA, really made me think.

Refugee Crisis anyways.

Als Sohn von Deutschen der in Österreich aufgewachsen ist, war das Video ein Segen weil es alles bestätigte was ich bereits die ganze Zeit über gefühlt habe. Es ist sehr schade das sich Patrioten immer wegen Kleinigkeiten in die Haare kriegen statt die Gemeinsamkeiten zu erkennen die wir haben und auf die gemeinsamen Ziele zu konzentrieren.

Brüder, steht zusammen! Verdammte Scheisse..

Are there any redpilling videos on the German politics in German?

a literally handwritten journal about poltical ongoings in the world and Germany and putting my own thoughts to it.

Dudes always talk about "be völkisch" again. Well, learn fucking German gothic script and start writing. It traines mind and body ... not having a backspace key and formulating proper sentences that don't sound like Sup Forumsspeak REEEing ;)

it is now 21:42 here (9;42 pm)
exit pols at 6 pm
does this help you?

Hail Victory user, we are still supporting Afd right?

i would assume they have diffrent regions that get counted at diffrent speed but come in as soon as they are counted

FUCK ... you go me ... I'm a shitskin goatfucker ...

No, MiddleEUROPEAN summer time, KEK damnit

Yes. Thank you very much.

For me the seed was sown with the Killerspiele-thing.
When I later learned about shit like media accountability and that Volksverhetzung is illegal, I started to think back on the blatant lies that the likes of Frontal 21 spouted, which marginalized people like me and made them look like serial killers to teachers at my school.

>not having a backspace key and formulating proper sentences that don't sound like Sup Forumsspeak REEEing ;)
this seems to be a problem. i feed myself so much with information on Sup Forums and elsewhere, i forgot a lot of important key-information

At the beginning i thought they are just skinheads. Turns out that they are just concerned citizens.

>we are still supporting Afd right?
What else would there be?
NPD is a honeypot and slowly dying
Maybe FREIE WÄHLER would be an "alternative for germany"

Start with the entire catalogue of Junge Freiheit

>Well, learn fucking German gothic script
Meinst du Fraktur? Hab einige Bücher, die ihn Fraktur geschrieben sind. Ans Schreiben hab ich mich noch nicht gewagt. Tagebuch schreiben generell ist aber eine gute Idee.

I remember NPD were literally Nazi party, but I hope to God Germans vote right I can't see Merkel or that kike in office

*literally Nazis not the Nazi party

> Österreicher sind Deutsche
So isses, aber das kannst du im derzeitigen politischen Klima nicht sagen ohne dass alle deine Freunde dich lynchen und verstoßen.
Die Konsequenzen sind im Moment einfach zu groß um damit in der Öffentlichkeit zu werben.
> Die meisten sind nur zur dumm
Ich glaub nicht das sie zu dumm sind.
Ganz ehrlich, im Moment bringt Sup Forums wahrscheinlich die meisten Klicks für Sup Forums und wenn sie gegen diesen Abschaum vorgehen würden, würde es sich auf ihre Einnahmen auswirken.

Auf der einen Seite kann ich verstehen, dass Zensur nicht der Weg sein sollte welchen man verfolgt, aber auf der anderen Seite gibt es im Moment einfach viel zu viel von diesen Bait/Shitpost Threads.

Ja, sie bewirken das man sich mit dem Zeug auseinandersetzt und Argumente findet, aber irgendwo sollte es auch eine Grenze geben um das Board zu schützen.

Die ganzen Ami Wichser von Reddit gehören einfach nur verbannt und verbrannt.

Finde es sollte mehr Threads auf Deutsch geben, weil wir damit die ganzen Amis und Canacucks ausschließen.

>but I hope to God Germans vote right I can't see Merkel or that kike in office
they are gonna be in office eitherway
There is no way that AFD get enough to govern alone or even get the chancellor position
But NPD is a national-democratic party, bascially ethno-pluralism

it is them trying to tell us what is wrong and what is right. Their problem is that they are biased and aren´t able to comprehend how we see these things

Talking about Austria

Austria has recently released the uncensored """Refugee""" crime statistics for 2016 and its everything as predicted again.

Im just picking out some of the rage inducing shit not just "daily business"
This is not migrants, its just the """refugees""" in a single year!

114 Fälle Vergewaltigung
24 Fälle Schwerer sexueller Missbrauch von Unmündigen
19 Fälle Sexueller Missbrauch von Unmündigen
50 Fälle Pornographische Darstellungen Minderjähriger
7 Fälle Sexueller Missbrauch von Jugendlichen
22 Fälle sittliche Gefährdung von Personen unter sechzehn Jahren
3 Fälle Anbahnung von Sexualkontakten zu Unmündigen

4 Fälle Zwangsheirat
35 Fälle "Terroristische Vereinigung"
3 Fälle Terroristische Straftaten
1 Fall Ausbildung für terroristische Zwecke
6 Fälle Aufforderung zu terroristischen Straftaten und Gutheißung terroristischer Straftaten
1 Fall Kriegsverbrechen gegen internationale Missionen und Missbrauch von Schutz - und Nationalitätszeichen

Dude, it's Saarland. It's like counting votes in your local pub. They're the smallest territorial state except for the city-states (Bremen, Hamburg, Berlin). Once the first projection is out there will be very little change until the count is 100%

We must break the taboo of aknowledging our identity and that we have the birthright to do so.

I had a conversation with my neighbor two days ago and he is a pretty cool guy. He has a nice family and i invited him to BBQ for next weekend if the weathers good.

Im starting the initiative "Redpill your neighbor". Have you succeeded in redpilling strangers yet? Any advice exept not going full molyneux?

Why the (((polls))) show otherwise? Or are they a victim of democracy too

>Once the first projection is out there will be very little change until the count is 100%
So early night, sounds good

Die Bait&Shitposts bringen Sup Forums überhaupt keine erwähnenswerten Einnahmen ein

I redpilled my own little sister recently.

She's only 13, but very clever. She said to me that it irritates her when people refer to continents as if they are countries, and I pointed out that the goal of the EU is to eventually form one superstate. The following conversation made me proud as fuck.

> Cultures don't mix very well. You can't mix other European cultures with British culture.

> There's nothing wrong with being a housewife. It teaches you skills.

> Just because people say or act like things are British culture, it doesn't mean that they are.

> I don't want British culture to die.

> Islam hurts British culture.

>Why the (((polls))) show otherwise?
The polls have AFD around 9-11% on a national level
Both CDU(Merkel) and SPD(Kike) around 30-ish% each, so yeah those partys are gonna stay in power in some kind of way, even if the AFD would perform as good as they have done in some state-elections, like in Saxony-Anhalt last year where they got 24% but they still arent apart of the governing coalition

Redpill your friends on facebook could work out, if you do it subtly.

Don't go full ideology or stuff, just keep on the important matters: the refugee crisis.

The so-called Sunday question, for federal elections. (they're always held on sundays)

Sowohl, als auch.
Got taught the Fraktur when I was working in Munich as a decorator. Kurrent script I taught myself.

>Die meisten sind nur zu dumm um Shitpost-Threads zu reportieren.
Versuch mal die Communisten Scheiß threads die von larpern gespamt werden und immer nur die gleiche Scheiße posten zu melden. Dann weist du wer hinter der miesen Qualität von Sup Forums steckt.

Good job, user.

gegen welche Regeln sind diese Threads?
>>>Sup Forumsrules/

Constantly speaking german might lead to the closure of this Thread, as it happened to the last.

I do strongly advice against, as we need the support from Kekistan and the God-Emperor's disciples.

user we already know they manipulate polls to sway voters but will it work in Germany? Will we see the silent majority? What's the atmosphere like?

I believe the AfD will get at least 5% more than in the polls. But its a big unknown.

Are the kike and Merkel in coalition right now?

> 17 doubles for the year of Luther confirm

Yup, but apprently they are saying that they dont want that coalition after the elections
But i guess anything could happen, the same kind of partys have been in power in Austria for like 10 years or something

their parties are literally like