>Man in Joker mask arrested by US police
> a felony that could see him jailed for up to five years if he is convicted.
>Under the state's law, it is unlawful for anyone over 16 to wear a mask, hood or anything that hides or covers a substantial part of their face
QUESTION: Is wearing the burka illegal in Virginia?
Is USA the toppestcuck?
More importantly, every woman over 16 in Virginia should be arrested because they are also wearing makeup.
Wearing a mask is illegal but wearing a bukkake isn't?
wtf america
Is makeup illegal in burgerworld next?
Is Halloween illegal in Virginia?
That's my peoples ancient new year! Holy shit why is USA so culturally insensitive.
It's not a very good makeup job so yeah I'd arrest him too just for that
Except, that's not a mask, it's face paint.