I thought Sup Forums hated trust fund babies and all alike

I thought Sup Forums hated trust fund babies and all alike.

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Sup Forums is national socialist, we understand and appreciate hierarchy.

The goal is to abolish unearned income eventually but we'll take what we can get. Look at the people the Jews supported in the early 1900's.

>inb4 standard weeb autist blumpf supporter replies

Trump's dad didn't die until 1999, nerd virgin. You would piss away a million dollar loan and be in debt until you put a bullet through your empty skull.

Sup Forums worships billionaires and hates poor people (even though they themselves are most likely poor)

Sup Forums switched from libertarian to sucking trumps dick, both positions love trust fund babies.

>Unearned income

Like trump's inheritance?

>When the proletariat masses believe a billionaire life-long member of the elite can relate to them and has their best interests at heart.

You're right. It's not like trump ever took advantage of Fred Trump's wealth and power until he was dead.

