Sup Forums approved protest techniques?

Sup Forums approved protest techniques?

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Some user way back when showed me this video and changed my views on how we should protest.



>conceal your identiy

>attend an antifa riot

>corner one alone

>beat him half to death




Protesting does fuck all, especially when done by the right. If anything it damages your message even more. You can't undo a negative.

first post civilizational post

this also good

Hijacking Twitter polls

>pol approved

REEEEEEEE get out Schlomo

If you must protest, do it in a way that can be made to look funny


not sure if man boobs

bleach waterguns

Make a sign that says "HELP ME! I'M SURROUNDED BY IDIOTS!" and walk into the nearest crowd of protesters, holding the sign above your head. Be sure you have an escape route planned for when a protester becomes "triggered" and decides they don't like you or your sign.

Those are clearly smooth girly boobs
Unless its a trap...


Not true. We on the right have to protest our own leaders on the right to keep them from not going left.

*from going left

Why does Sup Forums not simply adopt Antifas dresscode to blend in and disrupt them from the inside during their protests?

You'd be hard pressed to find an user willing to dress like they do

This. I've thought about trying to join one of their groups to try and disrupt it from within but ultimately I don't think I'd be able to talk about things like non-binary genders and intersectionality without busting up laughing.

i heard napoleon used cannons and chains to break apart protesters. i made a lil illustration for you lads

>Destroying your own hat to kill protesters
Not sure if worth.

>half to death
No, user, make him an example for the others.

They're extremely paranoid and any deviation from the accepted groupthink, no matter how slight, will result in the person in question being declared an enemy.

Flawed in execution but would like to see.


Protest don't work and never have.


This isn't protesting its just being funny. Fuck off with your liberal faggot bullshit.
Protests are useless. public political statements ar only useful for fun.

Voting with your wallet.

It hurts them more than anything.


Voting, purchasing power (don't like the fact BF1 puts a black guy on the cover? Don't buy it. Don't give the Hollywood jews your money either), and memes.

Violence, vandalism and arson.