Full communism is impossible and would never wor-

>full communism is impossible and would never wor-

>posts pic of a communist society that failed
What did he mean by this?

Only becuase the fascists mowed them down.
Anarchist Aragon was a utopia of the proletariat

Don't forget the Soviet Commies also attacked them them.

>nuns murdered in the streets
>mass rapes in the countryside by anarchist militiamen

truly a workers' paradise

>>Only becuase the fascists mowed them down.
>if commies don't like capitalism then they can start their own communist soci-

"We'll get communism right this time. Those other guys all failed because they went about murdering people who disagree with them all wrong. We'll murder our country into unity right this time." - every communist revolutionary

Communism has always been nothing more than thug rule with an ideological gloss. It's like a religion that believes in rapture - rapture in communism being the eventual equally shared resources by all workers in a workers' paradise. To this end all means are justified. Unfortunately the logistics of this eventuality are never really addressed beyond the need to keep your unwilling populace in line with your fantasy.

U know that brought the Spanish Civil War 2 years after

The uniqueness of the Aragon experiment was that everybody WAS willing, barring the nuns and priests.

You mean to tell me that the anarchists were crushed by someone bigger than them, and fascists of all people?

Really kicks my brain into gear.

>The uniqueness of the Aragon experiment was that everybody WAS willing, barring the nuns and priests.
So, in other words, not everybody was willing.

>>You mean to tell me that the anarchists were crushed by someone bigger than them, and fascists of all people?

>Really kicks my brain into gear.

Really gets me thinking about why communism has always failed.

Kek, i remember when my Religion teacher in HS told us a story about how the commies entered a convent and killed every person that was hidding from them in there (nuns, priests, etc.)

Killing innocent people seems to be a communist tradition

>Everybody was willing except some people who weren't
Do you understand the meaning of the word "everybody" ?

There is nothing stopping you from living in a commune.

Just kys

>>There is nothing stopping you from living in a commune.

>Meanwhile in everywhere else
>Right wing death squads forming up to exterminate liberals and leftists

Nuns and priests aren't innocent.
The Church is an oppressor that makes good goys out of the working class.

Communists don't really like working. They just like to tax "others".

>Right wing death squads forming up to exterminate liberals and leftists
Well that's what happens when communist sociopaths like decide to get violent on the innocent.

>The church makes good goys out of the working class
>Commies are against churches and religions
>Comunism was literally invented by Jews

the fuck are you talking about, also, grab a bible and read it for God sake

Why am I not surprised that a leftist doesn't know what communism means?

Because organized states easily btfo unorganized leftist niggers? Yeah, that's why anarchism doesn't work.

One thing that's amazed me about anarchists is that they aren't against government alone, but ALL hierarchy. So even core military hierarchy that allows the soldiers and armies to function is abhorrent to them. I'm actually looking forward to their "revolution", it'll be hilarious, they'll probably end up killing more of themselves through friendly fire than we'll ever manage to kill.

Wow so anarchy would work perfectly if not for pesky reality.

I feel like we've heard this one before.

>Spanish Civil War
>Innocent clergy

Not really. The church had sided with the nationalists during the Spanish civil war. If a socialist rebellion had a following of liberation theologists, then there would probably be no doubt that the fascists would go after these people without any discrimination.


The Catholic Church in Spain sided with Franco.

Because communist would killed them otherwise...


You just bought yourself a ticket to Franco's Fun Camp.

>The church had sided with the nationalists during the Spanish civil war
So? The church believes in the institution of government. It wasn't personally arming the priests and nuns and sending them into battle.



Not necessarily. They got killed because they sided with Franco. There have been communists and socialists of the Catholic faith. The Catholic Church in the Spanish Civil War era happened to side with the nobility, aristocracy, fascists, nationalists, and authoritarians. That's what got them in trouble.


>haha you guys also murder so you should be ok with it

heheheh got em good!

hahaha le epic XDDDD

So killing people for thoughtcrime is okay in your eyes?

Why are communist such ignorant about historical events?

Capitalists are such retarded pigs. Just think of all those poor American families who get on rafts and escape through shark infested waters, often drowning in the process, just to escape capitalism and reach the utopia of Cuba.

Siding with the fascist army isn't a thoughtcrime. Supporting a fascist military force goes beyond thought.

Wasn't the Cristero War in the 20s, after the revolution?

They weren't personally arming the priests and nuns to fight the anarchists.

There is literally nothing wrong with fascism.

>>Why am I not surprised that a leftist doesn't know what communism means?
What does communism mean? The government runnning the companies and forcing you to work in it?

>>Because organized states easily btfo unorganized leftist niggers? Yeah, that's why anarchism doesn't work.
This is something I really don't get. Right wingers always say that the idiots are free to form their own little socialistic communes, giving clear warning that their little social experiment will always fail. But at this point, we've established that they fail because of hostile interference for a good part, which the saboteurs they are very proud of. Really gets me thinking if socialists or anarchists societies have every failed or collapsed naturally. If it's always doomed to fail, why not let it fail naturally, thus putting the socialist experiment under the definitive test. If it really does collapse on its own, then we reaffirm what was obvious. If it can stand strong, then it can work but no one has anything to lose.

But going back, this sort of logic sounds ridiculous if we extend it to all situations in life.

A prisoner is free to leave prison but he needs climb over 3 rows of barbed fences, machine guns, and dogs.

You're free to ride in Air Force One. There's also a shit ton of secret service personnel that's going to beat you down.

You're free to rape a woman in the alley way, there's also a legal system that will put you in jail for that.

You're free to start a anarchist society, but there's fascist who will kill you for doing so.

I must admit I fell in love with this lass.

>But at this point, we've established that they fail because of hostile interference for a good part
Only if you count the free market as "hostile interference".

Don't waste your time, they were all polyamorous lesbians.


>>>haha you guys also murder so you should be ok with it
Isn't this how this board washes their hands from any guilt of colonialism and slavery?

>talk about communist
>post about a female spanish civil war bitch.

Ok. Good for you burger. Good for you.

>Only if you count the free market as "hostile interference".

Not nearly as much as the other forms of hostile interference against socialists communes explicitly mentioned in this thread

It's still considered a part of the revolution

"If you kill your enemies, they win."

t. you

No, I believe in killing my enemies, that's why I'm okay with RWDS. Which is the thing you were bitching and moaning about in the beginning, remember?

Oh, so you're just a massive hypocrite.

>commies kill nuns because the church sides with the nationalists
>nazis kill nuns because they side with the allies

Anyway the moral of the story is fuck off.

>everybody WAS willing, and by everybody i mean the people who agree with me. the rest can die
truly a paradise, comrade

No, I just don't think you should complain about RWDS rising up in response to you killing innocents, and then claim that you were innocent all along when they come after you. We like seeing commies like you die because when you aren't actively killing random people who look at you funny, you're planning for the day you get to kill them.

>LARPing this hard
Please, please, please go out and kill some commies. It would amuse me to hear about you getting your asshole raped in jail by Bubba.

There is a reason you call ex-soviet bloc countries third world. Think about it, asshole.

Fags lost. We won.

They'd have to get out of their mothers basements for me to come after them. Seriously though, why are the anarchists so afraid of revolution?

as long as we get to rape christian families then it is a paradise

>They'd have to get out of their mothers basements for me to come after them.
Yep, you're a big tough soldier incapable of breaking into a fucking basement. Such a real man.

That's a rather vague moral claim and leads only to "might makes right" rule if we abide by it. By that logic, you would accept that it is permissible for the communists to form equivalent death squads and put the bourgeoisie in front of firing squads.

Right wing:
>I believe in killing my enemies, that's why I'm okay with RWDS.

Left wing:
>I believe in killing my enemies, that's why I'm okay with LWDS.

>RWDS rising up in response to you killing innocents
Would you be OK killing communists sympathizers that offer only moral support or labor strikes? It's a roughly analogous situation to the church scenario we're talking about.

>Would you be OK killing communists sympathizers that offer only moral support or labor strikes?
No. As long as "labor strikes" doesn't consist of seizing the factories by force, then the communists should be left alone. I believe in freedom of speech.

what's so hard about climbing over guns and dogs? Dogs are like half the height as people, dude.

>everyone was willing except for people who were unwilling
What did he mean by this

Siding with the communist army isn't a thoughtcrime. Supporting a communist military force goes beyond that

Oh my fucking god, gas yourself


This dude tore you guys to pieces and made you look silly as fuck

Dirty commies

It sounds like a Frank Burns-ism.


In any case Don't stick your dick in crazy