Antifa training compound

So, Antifa is asking for donations for their training compound.
What would you send them? Be creative you degenerates!

Other urls found in this thread:

lol "Mao"

Kek what do they even train for?

>10 methods to check your privilege
>How to mentally prepare yourself for asking assistance from police when you are punched in the face by a nazi
>Secret technique to using pepper spray and running away (Guerilla Warfare 101)

Who knows what the train for. Screaming random shit and punching the elderly?


As soon as they get an ounce of testosterone in their deprived bodies, they will stop being leftists, perhaps its a worthy cause


someone get a street view of this

is it near fergusun by any chance...

Send info to FBI it's a terrorist training camp

Send them the FBI

Yea. Or infiltrate. That would be more fun.

There's your street view.

why dont any Sup Forumsfags fucking infiltrate their ranks, become a trusted antifa fag to them and then when you get the chance absolutely murder their ideology by fucking up one of their protests or something idk

Send a crate of panties for their male members

A crystal making kit, so they can make their own DIY crystals.

Someone should go fuck up their training grounds.
They don't need to train.


a dildo

Bomb or shooting?

cuckold porn

A bucket of fresh horseshit with a note attached saying "You're full of shit and this bucket proves it!"


look at the crime list near this place

I wonder if their landlord would appreciate them setting up a warcamp in their condo

FBI go home.

How long till they get SWATted?

I would if I lived in the area. I'm not near dedicated to uproot my livelihood, business, and move away from my redpilled family to do so though.

Is it wrong I hope they do? Lol

healing crystals

I think this would be a great place for urban youths to culturally enrich and diversify the area.

It's just someone trying to cash in on the antifa kids. There is no compound, just a scam

this photo

I want these fucks to understand that they don't want to fuck with the general rural right wing populace.

I am a retired 30 year old boxer who frankly hasn't had the opportunity to hit someone in 9 years. I'm relishing the idea of putting these people in their place.

innsmouth fishperson face, memes are reality

lets investigate

I vote for arson


I propose doing nothing.

Let them "train". See where they go with it and what they do.

Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.

Someone volunteer as an Antifa carpenter and "help" them build their compound.

lube, lots and lots of lube

send them a razor blade covered dildo with a photo of trump's face printed on it

donate lots of caltrops

Birmingham anitcom here, Lol we should have our own training compond. I mean we already own property of some kind so we don't need donations. Antifa is BROKE! SAD!

Was gonna say, I am a roofer...I could donate time and completely fuck everything up.

Report this to the feds...

>What would you send them?
FBI anti-terrorism unit.
What else?

A pack of DVDs compiling everybtime they got BTFOd. Also pics of based stickman

>Lowes, Home Depot, Ace Hardware, Wallmart

We'll take down the capitalist oppressors by spending thousands of dollars at their businesses!

We should send them a fire bomb.

dildoes, porn, etc
the key is to make it look like genuine gifts so that their degeneracy eats them further, if possible
poppers, condoms (pierced) etc
alcohol etc
gee it's obvious
think like shlomo
even send them weapons so they fuck up harder

a sex reassignment surgery kit
a my little doctor video

Jesus EVERY FUCKING TIME commies look something like this I swear. Where they always such numale cucks guys? Does anyone have pictures of those that participated in Lenin's revolution or anything?


Let them "train" (which likely just means smoke weed and rant about how earth has no borders). I want to see what they do.

Could be nothing, could be a lead up to civil war, could be a lulzfest with FBI all over their asses. Who knows.

Let's just see what happens. Keep an eye on them.


I'm a fucking retard.

Losers are attracted to loser ideologies in which everyone is an equal loser like them. The soul often matches the face.

Also: mainly gibs. Muh free everything.

HELP them train
agree and amplify
use their own strength against them

I would like to donate them some helicopter rides.

>What would you send them?
I would send their co-ordinates to the Russian Air Force

>Let them "train" (which likely just means smoke weed and rant about how earth has no borders).
Nah, they will get Soros-sponsored "activism"(read: rioting) training.

seeing the sjw hambeasts fight the alt right fat white nerds is going to be the strangest saddest most confusing war ever

They wouldn't need to be doing this if they got organized and funding by Soros. Soros does his shit in the dark and it comes suddenly with a big force. Like BLM and the "Women's Day" march. Or the Berkley riot.

dats rayciss!

(no, seriously. They ate alive some tennis commentator for that, google it)

>Sup Forums sends the coordinates of their training camp to Russia.



A Man, 19, Was Shot In The Chest










Holy hell...

He is a class a mouthbreather. Mouthbreathing causes a deformed skull and facial bones are its main detriment. He was treated poorly by his peers because he does not look human so now he resides in political extremity so he can feel important and of value.

Short for (militant) anti-fascists.

Middle-class champagne socialist/communist/anarchist white boys who don't like nationalists or fascists. They consider themselves to be rebelling against the establishment, whilst upholding all of its ultra-politically correct views.

Antifa only dislike racism when its carried out by whites, and do not have the bottle to stand up against anti-white racism; leading to many people on the right to refer to them as 'traitors'. I'd rather just call them morons.

Most are teenagers and university students who grow out of the fad when they start paying taxes.
Antifa is stupid.

Are they starting a Fight Club?

I know that, and it completely makes sense...go all the way back to Marx and he was a disjointed wreck that couldn't take care of anyone, and was a suicidal degenerate. in the fuck did commies get so much done in the 20th century? They had to have men of action, and I'm not talking about those that infiltrated our entertainment, and academic space. I'm talking about Lenin, and the communist idea's that were sweeping throughout the Eastern world in the 40's-50's especially. They all couldn't have been those type of faggots.

vanguards of the revolution

It's the beta uprising lol.

These are 10,000 shits.
All for them.

Are they raising a private army now?

Is that even legal?

The fucking chink who almost lost to the kuomintang but only won because he garnered popular support whilst the republic was fighting Japan and got land and weapons from the Soviet Union

Missourahfags , you know your mission.

Basically you're militant liberals who shoot people that hurt your shit feelings.

Two of my ex school classmstes were commies. One was an ugly as fuck fat feminist, snd the other an ugly manlet (5'6) with bad breath, and couldn't take a single punch to the body (remember that schoolguys like to play that shit)

So Alpha's that were easily mislead, and didn't fully understand the ideology they were following?

I'm donating!!! :)

MORE political freedom from Fascism? YES PLEASE!!!

>125 Acres

We are fucked.

To be fair, the communists back then cannot be compared to the limp wristed sissies today, who literally aren't even communists.

The communists during the Spanish Civil War, for example, were infinitely greater than the losers of today, SIMPLY because they actually fought, bled and died for their ideology.

Keep in mind I think every communist on earth should get the Franco and Pinochet brand of treatment. I'm just comparing the two.


You misspelled "cucked beta liberal that shoots people that disagree with him".


people who believed the masses were asses and could never stay focused long enough, so they mastered propaganda and terror and bribing

and assassinations

and anti colonial movements

Guess helicopter rides stopped at that point aye Chile?

What's up with those midget houses? Is this normal for America? Is it the horizontal equivalent of a commieblock?

Mao was shit and so are they. What a bunch of imbeciles to post their address instead of a PO Box, are they that dumb or just that broke? Dayyyum.

used condoms

They fight fascism by being fascists.

built in 1919

Seriously, can we report these asswads as a terrorist training camp?

Donations to API in their name

They're wannabe marxists. Not fascists.

I just don't see how people could lay down to these cucks once the violence started coming. Obviously these fags can't fight or conduct military operations near to the affect of those on the right wing. Just hard for me to wrap my head around. I know that the U.S. was being a bunch of morons and pulling funding from anti-commie parties during that time period, but still baffles my mind these weak chinned men were able to kill 100 million people in roughly 70 years.


former working class dwellings, now used by upper middle class white bread communists to larp as revolutionaries. a real thinker huh?

Infiltrate their ranks? Just wait for the fags to show up and wear the same crap as them and come up from behind them. piece of monkey-cake

He died.
The good thing is that almost everyone sees communism as a joke now.

>is anti fascist
>quotes mao

I get it. It's cultural appropriation!

Fascism is not shutting down political opponents by violence. That is a common misconception. I agree many Fascist parties have done that over the past century or 2 but it's not inherently fascist.

Sounds like a cult

Then be arrested in a raid

Not quite.

Pinochet knew it wouldn't end with him. He said marxism is like a ghost that could never really be trapped.

But he saved Chile.