What did Sweden ever do that they became cucked in the first place?

What did Sweden ever do that they became cucked in the first place?
I don't even think they had anything to do with the nazies.

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We were the Nazis, and on top of that provided 50% of all Iron Ore to Germany.



I think it's just a natural thing. Look at the swedish population in Minnesota and how they bend over to somali immigrants.

Well you guys weren't very influential compared to everyone else

We were "lucky" enough to be chosen to be the first country to undergo the experiment of multiculturalism, by the Bilderbergers. Don't think for a second that the swedish government rules Sweden, it's all globalists and jews.

It's a little secret that we won't warn you about until it's too late for you too.

Why are you cucked, were you not on the right side (according to yourself)?

No i just don't really know what Sweden did to deserve any of this cultural stuff

They became protestant. Ever since they've been good for nothing.

History is a grey area and so is America. We don't really have a homogeneous political leaning like most of Europe does. We have lefties here as left as anyone over there, but we also have some of the most right wing political stances in mainstream politics anywhere. Currently we're seeing a political war to see which direction the country ultimately goes

I think you're reading too much Breitbart, you do realize it's a Jewish paper right?


All I see is talk and no action.

i don't really know desu

I love sweden

Why Sweden is cucked? Why do you think the West in cucked in general? (((Who))) do you think is behind it? Look up The Bonnier family in Sweden, Barbara Spectre also... Is this really a legit question even?

Oh i'm SURE you do

Then what is keeping us in the East from being cucked? Bulgaria saved its jews in WW2, yet currently we are among the most conservative redpilled countries, where SJWs are the thing hated by both the left and the right.

They were literally memed to death with that "success breeds jealousy" meme


Bulgaria is a shithole, no offense. Doesn't matter that you are redpilled when you are just a mafia runned nation.. Better examples of east european countries here than Bulgaria. You got fucked in other ways, and i think deep down you know it.

What specifically made you not get as cucked as Sweden, Norway, Germany, France, UK etc I don't know and I don't have an answer for that. Seems like the western part of Europe and US is the playground for kikes. It is proven kikes run our nations, far from a conspiracy if you are questioning that..


viking men worthy of this name left to colonize
those who remained there to do the dishes together with the women reproduced
sweden yes

>Bulgaria is a shithole
Used to be, we are getting better. No offense taken, it took two decades of going upstream to get where we are now, there was no Marshall plan for us when we broke free from Russia. The mafia will have its day soon, too. We are growing more and more intollerant to their shennanigans. So it is not as bad as people perceive it to be, we are not FYROM or Serbia.


Is it how you pronounce it in Arabic?

"what are you looking at hans"
>"I think I saw a jew up in that building there..."
"oh... really? I cant see it"
>"look harder it's there somewhere"

being a nazi looks comfy

They act like cattle, aren't capable of independent thinking and are dogs of their government

loud mouth, for someone from a country whose name inspired the word bugger (through the French "bougre", which means faggot)

>implying anything White, or even somehow good, ever came out of the balkanic cesspit

Isn't Bulgarian an Arabic language in the first place? Or is it Turkish?


It has something to this Swedish politician.

Swedish anons can better explain his foreign policies than I do.

Well, it seems like the east might be the saviour of the White Race, so keep it up i would say.. But never trust the jews, they will lay your nation in ruins if you let them inn sooner or later

he was commie who got shot
people still dont know who shot him

Neither, nor. Bulgarian is a Slavic language, we created the Slavic alphabet in the first place.
Frenchies lecturing others about anything good ever coming out of their country. Cute.

Sweden looks ok.

photography, cinema, car, engine, shit ton of physics, etc

meanwhile, balkaniggering monkeys are to be credited with pederasty, WW1 (and thus WW2), gypsies, etc

All the african muslims are coming to you so you MUST be doing something right.

was rumored to be a group of cops fed up with his leftist politics



Oy goym delete this Palme was no mere commie.

oh we also get many buggerians (so say the news reporting the crimes of your kind: to me, you're all gypsies anyway)

Holy shit

I would go gay for him no homo


The digital electronic computer, digital watch, airbag, piston steam engine, photocopier, automatic transmission, heart monitor. We might be a small country, but at least our people are not 50% Moroccan niggers with a sense of superiority.

>what did sweden ever do?
Nothing. That's the problem. They haven't had to struggle for survival in centuries. They've gone insane from the comfort.


We're natural born cuckolds.

We're very kind people, shy and not that judgemental. It has ofcourse changed over the years, we're not as kind anymore and people have become pretty judgemental. Shyness/cuckness still remains though.

Some faggots just don't know that you can't be friendly with anyone. Fucking niggers and mudslimes are ruining shit for us and people still pay them respect and kindness, no spine faggots.

Modern Sweden is cancer and a joke, please annex us before this turns into Africa 2.

All my Swedish friends hate the government. It seems that the general opinion is negative toward immigration. However the media and libs make it look like they are the majority. This makes it a sin to oppose anything they want and people don't speak out in fear of becoming social outcasts. Like being a conservative in a Mass University

This a million percent

>Neither, nor. Bulgarian is a Slavic language, we created the Slavic alphabet in the first place.
Are you sure you've got your facts straight? Why does Bulgarian sound like Arabic then? And why do Bulgarians look like Turks?

Their past as vikings gives them a cultural affinity with rapist pirates, that's why they love somalians so much

>However the media and libs make it look like they are the majority.

I should clarify the media and leftists make it appear to everyone that there is a leftist cuckold majority


>tfw sweden is literally on the brink of collapse



I don't get this meme, we have Arabs living here yes, doesn't mean the country will collapse. Simply have to deport them.

You should check your fucking head. Bulgarian sounds almost exactly like Russian to foreigners (we gave them the language, after all), and we look like pic related.
You might be mistaking ethnic Bulgarians with Bulgarian gypsies, who are just that, gypsies, with their own language, and looking like Turks.

>be mongrel burger on chat forum
>have deep depression by the reality of things
>come up with meme that some other small country have it worse and then bully that country for it

UK, Germany, France and the US doesn't look like a fucking paradise either my friend. Specifically choosing some faggy looking betas from one country and claim that these represent the majority of that country may be "fun" if you're a fucking NEET, but it's not reality.

The reality here is that ALL of us are in deep shit because of the Kalergi plan and the "globalists" that follows this plan point by point.

>implying the globalist zionist kikes will allow you to deport them
>implying sweden isn't literally going to descend into civil war from these shitskins
face it sweden

ever since these shitskins came to your country you have been living in hell

I like this image, connects with me

>you have been living in hell

>be a burger
>claiming coming from a country filled with people that had to "struggle" more than the average

"CenturieS" or "century" We where the poorest country in Europe together with Ireland around 1900's. Us was by then already a booming economy not seen since then.


Swedes are also susceptible to (((their))) tricks due to thr Swedish culture of consensus.

Well not to be rude dude but it doesn't sound like you know what Russian sounds like. Russian sounds nothing like Arabic or Bulgarian. Yeah that's a pretty girl. There are some girls like that in Turkey as well, but it's very rare. But that's not really what most girls in Bulgaria look like either, is it? They look more like pic related.

Can you give me the context of this quotation of foreign minister? This happens if you don't deport them right.



>Arabs living here yes, doesn't mean the country will collapse
fucking retard

you could explain it like this:
US right now has CNN and FOX.
Sweden only has their equivalent of CNN.

Ching Chong

why are Swedes too stupid to realize that they are in danger of extinction? They must be saved from their own idiocy...they're too goodnatured and innocent for their own good, almost like angels.

Yes, all you other countries are practically invulnerable to these kind of tricks, you smart sons of bitches!

You think Trump will save you from going extinct?

Were not.

>if we add another 4 years


Alright, I don't believe that for a second though.

>posting old polls to pretend SD are the first party
Sven please
Don't you even have to pic out the list of your party in public before voting?

>we created the Slavic alphabet in the first place
I somehow thought it was Greeks.

What makes you think he won't?

Confirming Bulgaria as bro-tier.

I live near D.C. For whatever reason there's a relatively big Bulgarian population here. I think I have met more Bulgarians than Russians. All the Bulgarians I've met have been cool as shit.

One of the Bulgarian girls I know said the major export of Bulgaria is Bulgarians. They all have stories of corruption, if they'll talk about their life in Bulgaria at all. Getting out from under the heel of the old Russian system of graft and corruption is hard to do.

I wish em the best of luck. They seem like great people. (And we need them on our side to stop the refugee flow through Turkey.)

Incidentally, all the Bulgarian chicks I've met have been a solid 7 or 8 on the 10 point hotness scale. They have a distinctly different personality than the standard American, too. Reminds me somewhat of Russian women but Russian women are all huge gold diggers. Bulgarians that I've met are distinctly not. If a Russian woman falls in love with you, she'll want a nice car, a nice house, a big ring and may dump you once she has her citizenship. If a Bulgarian woman falls in love with you, keep her, because she means it.

>Implying he knows more about another countries current politics than a native

It's not "old". It's from the current month. Your poll comes from SVT, which is a state run propaganda TV channel.

Are Swedes the Twi'lek of earth?

Both Ireland and Sweden were twice as rich as Finland and Finland wasn't even the poorest country.

Sweden was never poor by the standards of the day. Ireland wasn't poor either but the Irish were (all the wealth was in English hands, of course).

Welfare society. It's no mystery, it's simple. The welfare society did it.


They saw what Germany was doing and thought, "How can we fuck ourselves up more than them?"


Kiril and Metodii were two Bysantian brothers hired by Bulgaria to work with the local scribes in order to formulate the initial alphabet, then known as Glagolitsa. Then the Preslav Literary School formulated what we know as Slavic alphabet, based on that.


It is weird
>No significant colonial empire
>Not part of the axis
>Not part of the Atlantic slave trade
Yet so much guilt

and you let them waltz straight into Norway with their war machinery

This shit is to lenghty to explain in this board, but sure, lets meet up here after the election 2018 and see which party got the most votes. Doesn't mean they'll have full control of the parliament tho, but thats another topic.

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Oh hi there Burger, sorry we are not sufficiently contributing with big war toys for Nato. I promise we will try harder.
That said, you can not accuse Sven of not contributing enough for Nato, not at all.

Not that you should even feel guilt for these things anyway