So i woke up this morning and went to roll a smoke, couldn't find them and noticed my wallet on the window sill, minus $200

Turns out I left my window open when I went to bed and the junkies next door helped themselves to my cash and smokes

I'm fucking fuming lads, bad enough I pay taxes to support these oxygen thieves they have to rob me too?

Anyone else been cucked despite their best efforts?

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i used to leave my car door unlocked because i live in a pretty good neighbourhood, but a few months ago some derros stole $100 and a jacket that i had sitting in there

dumb cunts didn't even take the gps unit or my textbooks which could have netted them $700+

i know the anger you feel, it makes you want to prowl around at night and smash the cunts faces in if you see them trying it again on someone

mate, it'd be worth him doing it again, just so i can catch him doing it
defiantly leaving my window open again with the lights off just to tempt him, i don't give a fuck how cucked our self defense laws are

Thanks for the durries poof, don't be such a fucking stingy cunt next time and buy tailor mades

why didn't you answer the door when i knocked you eshay cunt?

had to send your drug fucked missus to fend for ya

step outside and earn your $200 lad

Had a similar thing happen to me a few years ago. Except the junkie stole a few grand worth of silver coins I had stashed away. My dad had died the previous night too. That was a rough day.

holy fuck

thanks for putting things in perspective

Why don't you have a decent fly screen you stingy cunt? Your fault buzz

>Turns out I left my window open when I went to bed and the junkies next door helped themselves to my cash and smokes

It would be a shame if their house burned down with them in it. Jus' sayin'.

i know mate, i blame myself for leaving the window open
junkies are gonna do what junkies do

i'm not so much worried about the cash, the smokes really pissed me off though

had to walk downtown hungover just to have my morning smoke
