> China’s government is seeking full access to Canada’s economy in free trade talks, a move that could result in Chinese state-owned companies bringing their own employees to work on projects in Canada. > China’s ambassador to Canada, Lu Shaye, told the Globe and Mail his government wants to avoid discussions of human rights issues, fearing it could become a “bargaining chip” in negotiations. > Additionally, China would see any attempt to block takeovers of Canadian companies on national security grounds as protectionism, Lu said. What a disgrace: > China’s interest in Canada lies primarily in energy, and in the possibility of exploiting Canada’s oilsands, experts say. The country will push for a reversal of Harper government-era policies that restricted the ability of Chinese state-owned businesses to invest in Canadian energy.
I keep telling everybody. I keep telling them to look at China's increasing GDP, their military budget, the fact they're buying up all these companies and extracting natural resources from multiple continents.
But no. You idiots are worried about Russia. Or Muslims. Or Jews. All the while ignoring the obvious signs all around you, and waving them off with memes about how China is a paper tiger.
Ryder Gonzalez
You Charlies are Erdoroach tier with your shitposting.
Ryan Gonzalez
Fuck Chinks.
Jeremiah Garcia
numbers don't lie
Ethan Roberts
>China is a paper tiger. Two things may happen. Either China's government collapses or they become an Empire. Only double numbers can tell.
Angel Gray
I, for one, welcome our new Chinese overlords.
Carter Martin
>> China’s ambassador to Canada, Lu Shaye, told the Globe and Mail his government wants to avoid discussions of human rights issues, fearing it could become a “bargaining chip” in negotiations. Of fucking course they don't the inhumane scumbags.
David Lopez
>mainlander locust >eliminating A FUCKING LEAF I don't see the problem desu. Mainlanders are scum, but at least they don't shit up Sup Forums