90% German 10% Irish/Scottish
Am I Aryan Sup Forums?
90% German 10% Irish/Scottish
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no but you are 90% almost aryan.
now go lie down, you're drunk.
You are a celtfag
>Irish blood
One drop rule, no, sorry.
Nope, you are a american
yes. you just have a propensity towards alcoholism. be careful during Oktoberfest.
you would have been cool in hitlers germany just so you know
>0% Iranian
0% Aryan my friend.
celtic is master race in its own right, im 50/50 celtic Scottish/germanic(dutch) but sometimes i think the germans would get btfo by celts..celtic people have the highest intelligence of any race.\
read how the Scots created the modern world. This is our world bro, our people got to come to american and bypass Elis island because the scottish were that respected. Scottish rite of freemasonry is the rulers of the world.
No, you can basically consider yourself a negrito
>90% turkroach and 10% whigger
this is considered """"""""white"""""""" now
>Scottish rite of freemasony is the rulers of the world.
>thinking the rabbit hole ends there
come back at me when you're on like 20 more levels of conspiracy theory.
70% Scottish
15% Norwegian
15% Germany
0% Black
0% Jew
Feeling great about that
I'm Irish, French, German and Finnish, is that white enough?
proof or brownfag
post pic of nose
>mostly german and english
how am I doing, guys?
get on level mongrel
you don't want it
o god
> Greece
Turkroach confirmed
its a dude isn't it
Pure Aryan didn't work the first time. To do it again without the help of all whites would result in failure.
3 wise men weren't abo's
try me.
post it
am i still white, Sup Forums?
go bang some sticks together you disgusting abo.
kek dont be mad at me that you have mud blood, be mad at your disfigured family
99 Europe? You are a shitskin Muslim. Allah eats dick.
100% Irish
40% Portuguese
20% Italian
20% Spanish
12% German
5% English
3% Black
nobody is white except for this gook
You 100% correct.
Mudblood is mudblood. Are you in? No.
Start digging them potatoes up
What website is this?
1/64 icelandic
1/34 irish
6/40 italian
2/5 norwegian
my fathers best friend was french
Wrong post, but I'm 25% Italian 75% German
a child of the pact of steel.
now give me her name
I'm 128th blackfoot
Will my Bootleg anime larp board still accept me?
t. mudslime
23 and me tests are slightly inaccurate with things like ashkenazi and native american blood, so our friend here Calahan is definitely white.
>i hope so
yeah you are white, anything less than 5% shouldn't be credited as real.
No one in my family has been a practicing Jew in 80 years, and it's all on my dad's side. Jews wouldn't consider me a Jew
I've been redpilled on the Jews and I've never associated myself to Jews. I was raised Christian and my ancestry was a secret for most of my childhood.
Caucasioid checking in
>but I'm 25% Italian 75% German
I am too my friend. WE WUZ EMPIRE 'N SHIEEEEET!
My family fled to Russia in the 30s when Hitler gained power, then fled to US when things got real shitty.
I was raised catholic, but suspect I have much Jew blood on my mom's side. I have pale blue eyes and dirty blonde hair....but it is curly
Yes. Gz.
Actually dk how someone is "10%" of anything though.
Neck yourself potato nigger
My Russian Jewish great-grandmother left Russia around the revolution. My grandfather converted to Presbyterian young because his family was broke in the depression and the local synagogue was still charging tithes, so there's no love lost between Judaism and my last Jewish ancestor
>No one in my family has been a practicing Jew in 80 years
The most dangerous jews in history have been secular and atheist jews, it doesn't matter. You're still pretty ok as far as the Nuremburg trials say.
German and Irish on my Mother's side
Swedish on my Father's side
90% mudslime is not aryan
Lol all these Fake white Americans. Here is a real white.
>european jewish
LOL.... kike
but for real tho some one was saying in a different thread how those companies are adding like a false 1% of either like asian or jewish to all white europeans tests to try and push diversity more.
The pact of steel was between Stalin and Hitler you moron
I'm 85% German, 10% Jewish, 5% American Indian.
I identify as German.
>not included in the SSP
>my envy manifests itself as ignorance
50% Norway
50% French
50%/50% Finn/Hungarian
I bet you're more mixed than that if you look at your actual genetics.
Am I White??
50% English
37.5% Swiss-German
12.5% Scotch-Irish
> pic unrelated
Lol I laugh at you, you wish you were German
Explain the further rabbit hole
HAHA You have no Jewish in you.
God damn degenerate shut your filthy cock gobbling mouth.
>talking about racial purity
is youre father white or a dirty mudslim?
it looks like this ones got a slime cave
oh look im surprised.
without data to back that up i call bullshit on their 1% claim.
Where do I do these tests?
>People actually believe they can "pure" white
Not after the Mongols and Turks raped Europe.
Mongols barely got into Europe just raped Eastern Europe. Turks just raped shitty Balkan states while Northen Europe stayed pure
Butthurt American with spic/nigger and native genes all in one
Well given that your missing like 60% of your DNA, I dont think your human
>t. Tartar Mongolian Muscovite (((Prince)))
I'm kekkin
Do you niggers with single digit % of nig DNA display actual traits of the nog? If so which?
Nope. Aryans are people the originated in central Asia area.
Irish are not white. So no.
Half German, half Spanish. 100% attractive. Am I Aryan?