Elon Musk, a self-made man, thinks it's a good idea

>not supporting Basic Income when it's the obvious solution to the upcoming no jobs crisis

i shiggigy diggity

communism yes


>STEM celebrity of the year thinks x

i look forward to joining you as a fellow unemployed inhabitant of a Mega-Block

People say the economy will adapt never imagining that maybe UBI is the adaptation. Either way, both sides of this issue sound naive. UBI seems difficult to make work, especially in countries with such shitty immigration controls. On the other hand, expecting a population to keep up with jobs that require greater levels of intelligence is stupid, IQs averages aren't changing.

Sure but all other forms of social welfare must be outlawed by constitutional amendment.

No more subsidizing nigger and spic babies.

>economist Eli Sheckleberg predicts universal basic income will be required once robots replace the goyem who they still need for votes.

Fucking newage communism

Citation plz

No it's a dysgenic liberal policy. Anyone who can't compete in the new world needs to be phased out.

basic income doesn't work. You want people to be dependent on government. In before MAH AUTOMASION JOBS

Elon Musk says so. He's rich as fuck and sends zero space ships into the sky.

And something about autism trains.

Basic income is better as a complete replacement of the current US welfare system.

It's still shit though

>my id
>9-volt CP

A-am i gonna get v&?

Funnily enough Soros' OSF did a piece which boiled down to "Maybe UBI isnt such a great idea after all."

>technology will replace the goyim
>still need uneducated immigrants for dat sweet GDP boost and who else would do our jobs?

You are assuming that people can't adapt. We have lived for at least 1000's of years and have adapted well. Your (((economy))) is taught to you.

>Not going into STEM or Engineering so you can get a job when automation becomes a thing

Just let dumb faggots who don't think ahead die out in the streets. If whites start taking jobs that cannot be automated, then other races will be poor. Universal Income = Jewish Plan to let minorities live.

UBI is fine as long as you remove all forms of welfare

I'm a NEET, obviously I'll be okay with this
Fuck the repercussions
I'll buy peanut butter, water filters, and munitions

UBI will only lead to an even worse opiate addiction epidemic. Butlerian Jihad is the only solution.

>we totally don't already have an opium problem

I am? People like you aren't simply asserting that adaptations will be made, you're asserting specific kinds of adaptations will occur.

There's absolutely no reason why the adaptations won't be dystopic in nature.

STEM is a meme: designed to keep people in the slave trade. You fuckers need to use your heads and do what you want that makes you have a comfortable living.

>Elon Musk

Yea but that's sorta different. It went from 100 people picking cotton, to 50 people working machines that pull cotton.
How's it gunna be when we go from majority of people employed to 99% of everyone has no way of getting any job as all means of productions are owned by the mega rich and completely self sustaining?

Why would people be kept around? UBI is a commie's pipe dream. Mass culling is more likely.

yeah but then you'll get more gibs coming over

it can only work with proper borders

We need this in the UK,so badly 50% of people live in poverty, but you dont read this becuase we're a rich nation, but so many people are struggling becuase wages are not inline with house prices.
>tfw i'm suffering from survival anxiety, I hate everyone and everything

Ashamed had to goto the food bank yesterday becuase my benefits have been stopped, I have no food, money or gas. I'm on mega strength anti depressants and forgot to attend an appointment so now i have no coin.

last week i stole milk from Tesco, i'm scum

It'll be like the internet--the internet was supposed to allow people to communicate more and better and to access all of human knowledge. Instead we use it to isolate and numb ourselves

UBI will be even worse

Aren't there a bunch of council houses?

>even worse

Said it before, say it again. Guy's a super villian, he just isn't going to reveal it until his Moon laser is fully operational.

No I am asserting that people will say, "fuck this" and do their own thing to provide for their own living.

>yfw "Survival Anxiety" is just a list of qualities of K-strategists that r-strategists fear

Resources are not free and the collapse is inevitable. And when it hits all of you rabbits who believe in UBI are not going to survive.

And the US taxpayer funds his whims.

>Elon Musk, some faggot who made an online store thinks
yeah nah, shitcunt. his money is just funding the real brains and idea-men

You don't even realize how simple minded this notion is. It's almost tautological. Yes, some people will do that. But the vast majority will be swept along with the tide as they always have been.


You don't realize how many resources are available for those that are willing to do their own work.

this. its a new way to control the population by forcing unproductive persons on basic sustenance and taking them out of society all together

Thatcher sold them off

If you rent like a lot of people do who dont have a choice you can't put down roots becuase the owner who will usually be a Buy to let landlord can give you 30 days and you're out, thats it!

There is no security here, i've had over 20 rented properties, I dont even unpack anymore becuase I know i'll be moved on.

Now we have so much immigration here that drive down wages, people who are very well educated from Poland etc ho will happy to min wage work even though they have a masters degree, its shame

but GDP is King right?

without immigration we would have no NHS they keep saying, we need more people because we have an ageing population etc

>corporatist who siphons subsidies up the ass and sideways approves of communist idea that gives more power to the people who give subsidies

im a leftist but even i know that UBI is just furthering the fucking welfare state. elons got no place in economics.

I do agree with you. There are lots of lazy people who just want a teet to suck on to. However, don't throw the valuable people out with the babies' bathwater.

whoever inflates the pound must be hanged

Additionally, you can shove your words like tautological up your ass. That smug shit does not work. Some of us people are smart and know wtf you are talking about. I understand that using "big words" is a tactic but everyone knows how to use a dictionary.

Man that sounds a lot like the bay area here. Good luck fellow NEET

Aye, cheers, it can only get better im sure.
good luck to you too

The secret is to start saving your money; live in shit if you have to. The one day you can be a property owner. You cannot have everything handed to you and you have to deal with the current system.

notice which direction survival anxiety is pointing

Where does the money come from?

>In 1995, Musk and his brother, Kimbal, started Zip2, a web software company, with US$28,000 of their father's money.

From Wikipedia. Almost no billionaires are 'self made'. I'm tired of this meme, and it needs to stop. If you faggots wanted to start a company, would your parents have 28 grand to give to you? That's what I thought.

After Elon Musk sold his shares in Zip2 he got 22 million dollars; which obviously snowballed the rest of his accomplishments, which are impressive. I'm just saying that all you faggots that think the ultra wealthy did it by themselves are absolutely delusional. These people would be like the rest of us had they not had these opportunities in their early lives, so stop putting them on pedastals. Stop the boot licking.

Would just serve to preserve capitalism while the fat cats make all the real money, I'm against it. Socialism is the way forward

Taxing rich people.

What happens once that money is gone?

>Give people free money
>Money loses value because there was no work involved to produce said money
>Prices eventually rise and completely counteract all the free gibs people have been receiving
>Meanwhile the people who actually work see their money lose buying power anyway
It's the jews.

Rather grind up poor people into foodpaste tbqhfamalam

increase taxes

I wouldn't call it boot licking, more like cult celebrity. The more I read about Musk the less impressed I am with him.

>Implying you couldn't get a $30k loan to start up a company

Sure it's nice if you've got parents who can lend you that or remortgage their house for it, but it's not like a small loan of a million dollars from your father, $30k is a reasonable amount for a regular business loan.

No, that's inconceivable for the American people. Didn't you know, the rich are already taxed enough, that's why they have to horde their money in overseas tax havens and not put it back into the economy, and then wonder why the wealth gap gets wider every single year. But it's the poors fault for trying to live in a system in which good paying jobs become harder and harder to find, the price of education rises by thousands every year, and the cost of living in general doesn't keep up with wages. Yup, it's definitely the fault of the poor who have absolutely no power to change anything about the system.

You pay taxes every year if you're not a neet user.


Capitalism or Socialism or Communism or any other *ism is a way to stop real people from revolting with the current power structure for thousands of years. The money trade will always keep common folk away from real success.

Haha yeah lets give poor people free money, that will totally motivate them to work and not sit around being lazy

I've seen too much real world entitlement to believe in pic related.
People don't start pursuing things for the sake of bettering themselves or hummanity at a whole. They get hedonistic and fat.

Look around right now. In a time of unprecedented plenty what do people do? They bitch and cry for more. At the very least capitalism drives some of that attitude into real gains for society.

business is evil it is capitalism

Why would you work if you just get taxed? Why not live on UBI like everyone else?

its just the Mike Pence Recommended Dosage- 9 hours of voltage for paedos.

>Automation has been stealing millions of jobs away for 4 decades
>Every person who is poor is just lazy

Something doesn't add up here.

Unfortunately for you, poor people outnumber you by quite a significant margin.

Better start funding those infantry combat drones before it's too late!

Right with most of your comment. However, capitalism is not the way; neither is socialism or any other fuckin ism. Money loaned at interest will always fuck society over.

We need more and better robots though.

Need a sauce since that looks pretty fucking cool

t. fidel said the same shit to get power.

Because you're ambitious and want something from life other than living on the bare minimum.

Maybe you want holidays abroad, a nice car or to send your children to a good school. Maybe you want a yacht.

So you work, you pay tax and you save up, spending your UBI on neccesities and putting your heavily taxed but now entirely disposable income into your yacht fund.

That's what happens when you take capital out of the hands of the people

Right on. Unfortunately every time society collapses because of the ultra wealthy being decadent, egotistical fools, they scatter like the rats they really are only to resurface again and keep the central banking meme going. It's a vicious cycle, and one that will not likely stop until humans go extinct.


Literally a deus ex machina for your innate inability to survive by your own ability.

>Hey guys, there's this thing
>It may or may not ever happen
>And even if it does it'll be decades before it really becomes disruptive
>But instead of using those decades to adapt and prepare for my own future, I just want all of you to give me free money for existing right now

That deep sense of dread you feel is natural selection telling you that you aren't fit for survival.

Fidel said they need to fund infantry combat drones before it's too late?

A short movie/trailer called Keloid.

Tax is theft.

Elon Musk also thinks we live in a simulation. I don't place much value on his opinion.

That is why people who understand need to help others realize this truth. This way we can avoid another collapse. "A person is smart, people are dumb" is a famous quote from men in black film. If enough persons get this truth, they will inevitably realize to cut the bullshit.

Would LOVE basic income for all! Fuck being a wage slave!

Now that was a fucking cool 3 minutes
Shame it isn't more built upon.

People will employ each other after the ultra-rich decide they no longer need plebs to support and build a giant artificial island to live a life of cocaine-fueled debauchery and completely abandon society; if they don't need you you don't need them.

The no job crisis only exists because of the government fucking around with the economy. The problem shouldn't be solved with more and more of Uncle Sam's red socialist cock.

No, you don't get it. It's BEEN happening, and it's going to keep happening. Almost no job is safe from automation. What do you think happened to all the good factory jobs in America? They didn't go away, they were just automated. Tens of millions of jobs, gone. If you don't believe that it will continue to affect society drastically because of inevitable technological progress, you have no ability to critically think. And if you're also some faggot who thinks the only people that should live are the rich, then what the fuck was the point of all this progress, anyway? So the fruits of human labor and ingenuity can only be enjoyed by a select few who happened to be born into the right families at the right time? You're a faggot probably working some dogshit corporate drone office gig, keep thinking you're 'useful' to society.

It is a good idea, but only with very specific parameters that aren't really politically viable.

If we removed all welfare programs and gutted all those bureaucracies, and applied the UBI so your income is brought up to a baseline (a very low one), that would be extremely conducive to growth and prosperity, as it would free a lot people to pursue innovation and self interest over wage slavery.

Ideally, they wouldn't even contract out disbursements like they do with (((EBT))), but would have the post office do free basic checking accounts with automatic deposit.

The political problem comes when you have black babies starving because Jontavious and Sharmeek'ah bought rims and weaves instead of food.

It all, if it were done correctly, we would save billions of dollars a year.

Don't be retarded. Capitalism is the perfect system. It funnels money to the smart, allows them to create better technology, and move society forward. This means the smartest 10% will get funneled lots of money, and the next generation, even if they don't get any more money, will still see their quality of life increase due to better technologies and medicines. Stupid people will get, and should get, the least amount of resources since they just aren't useful outside of being workerbees

>implying money even has value

It's a glorified IOU.

I would support it only if it replaced all welfare such as Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Social Security, etc.

Demanding free money via manipulation of the organisation that holds the monopoly on the use of force within society is a method of adaptation though.

Really it's the idle rich who are sitting on huge amounts of wealth but doing nothing to address the rapidly growing gap in wealth control and social mobility that is threatening their way of life that aren't adapting.

Trying to maintain models of capitalism that worked in the 1950s - 1980s in the face of ever increasing automation that has crushed blue collar jobs and is now encroaching on the middle classes is a recipe for social disaster.

Poor people don't just go away if you ignore them, or because you call them lazy.

>No, you don't get it. It's BEEN happening, and it's going to keep happening.

Yeah, no shit, dude. It happened with the printing press, and the steam engine, and the computer, and the Internet. That's why we're all unemployed and jobless right now, all this awful technological progress has just really fucked our shit up.

Hmm, the people who do the automating never get outsourced. Maybe their just smarter people. Really makes you think

Yes it is, but it's theft you can't stop so the point is largely moot.

You don't realize that people will go after the resources that the rich have if something small were to hit the fan; no matter how secure the bunker if and only if those people are too lazy to secure their own resources. All it would take is 1 month. When the rich come out after shit has settled down, they will not be accepted to the structure the "plebs" made. The smart move is to help "plebs" that you think can succeed after a major catastrophe and hope. Really hope when you come out of your hole that they realize that they are alive because you helped them.

You mean taxing the middle class. Rich people don't pay taxes.

Rich people will end up paying though because minimum wage jobs will have to pay more than the UBI to make people get off their asses to put egg mcmuffins in paper bags and hand them out the window.

This is a bullshit meme. Do your gosh damn research.

Reminder that Basic Income is a new scam from old communists

Reminder that all the same political groups in Europe fighting for Basic Income """because so many will become unemployed when robots fill their low-skilled jobs in the future"""

are the same ones saying "we must take in very many immigrants to fill low-skilled jobs in the future"

>Maybe their just smarter people.

They probably are. Unfortunately one monkey, no matter how smart, can't sit on top of a massive pile of bananas whilst the other fifty monkeys go hungry. He has to at least give them enough bananas that they don't start to think about how there are more of them than there are of him.

And the people who do the automating may well be automated themselves. There's no reason a suitably advanced machine can't design more efficient versions of itself or other machines. White collar jobs are just as under threat from automation as blue collar ones were a decade or two ago.