All you fucking Autists voted for Trump, what the fuck. Like everyone on Reddit including myself HATES him. You guys are the reason our government is a joke, FUCK YOU!
I made this thread to laugh at /pol tards who think they are actually doing something, HA! You genetic freaks ought to stop stealing oxygen and do the world a favor. Hell, you would do God a favor (if he existed LOL) if you killed yourselves.
It never fucking ends. You keep posting this stupid fucking frog. Virgin cuck losers get a hard on and uppity every time they say "praise kek" or some other stupid bullshit.
Rural and suburban retards keep flooding this discord daily, America is lost.
Donald Doofas and his retard brigade running the circus that is the whitehouse making the whole world laugh at us.
that fucking racist cheeto
chest pounder in chief
BASED CNN telling us the truth but trumptards and the Hitler-incarnate himself all deny it as "fake news."
ALSO, John Oliver is one of the funniest comedians I have ever watched. Especially when he coined the name Drumpf for the orange retard.
I hope all of you return and drown in the polluted gene-pool you crawled out of.
I'm off to join Antifa.