Pol, should fat people pay more for airplane tickets and like things?

Why or why not?

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i think people like that really should be taxed to fuck and back. if they had less money for food, they would spend it more wisely

But unhealthy food is cheaper

Obesity is genetic also

No but they should be gassed

I feel like we should take an American congressional approach to it.
Fatties can buy things that make you fat for the same: Rhode island and california both get 2 senators.
But when fatties start fuckin with other peoples space, they should pay more: california and is massive amount of representative vs rhode islands very few.

no healthy food lied that they are healthy and make you pay more

Its not 100% the cause of obesity, but it may be a contributing factor. Frankly i put it at 10% effect for genetics to determine your weight, but obviously if you consume fat as fatass amounts youll gain weight regardless of genetics, much like if you eat less youll lose weight regardless how fucking fat your family has been throughout the ages.

there needs to be education, people are too much of a pushover here with shit like fat acceptance actually having some sort of presence. i would hope when they can't spend 30 dollars a day on hamburgers from mcdonalds they would realize 30 bucks could get them a cart of vegetables that would last them all week

>when your weight is genetic but your sex is a social construct