>The head of the AfD party in Kiel deems multiculturalism a failure. Not an unusual opinion for his party. But Mr. Demagbo is from West Africa. How is that compatible?
>The head of the AfD party in Kiel deems multiculturalism a failure. Not an unusual opinion for his party. But Mr. Demagbo is from West Africa. How is that compatible?
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Bump. We need to stop this evil racist who hates muslims from ever winning any seats. Help me out pol, call your local antifa chapter and let them know about this evil man
>Achille Demagbo is 36 years old. Born and raised in Benin in West Africa.
You can't make this shit up
almozd chegged, almozd
>based black man
I don't see any problem.
Refreshing that migrants also realize how that if the nations they migrated to become too balkanized it is not good for them or us. It's just common sense but it's refreshing that they are the ones who start pushing back to it when the spineless whites are afraid to do it cowering in fear over being called "racist".
We live in a timeline where everyone is literally Hitler now and it's fucking hilarious.
Even a foreign black man is more redpilled than the absolutely pathetic native naive germcucks. How fucking embarassing is that?