Surviving corporate america

work in a F500 firm. Literally everything I do is triggering and wrong think if found out. How does pol handle this? I like my job but I feel that everything can disappear if they hear one non-sjw comment.

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You don't tell ANYONE your inclinations. It's just too much of a risk.

I'm in the same boat. It's actually what got me off shillbook before ending coming to Sup Forums in general.

It's better to give as little about yourself as possible to people online you can. I don't tell people where I work. I'll make up bullshit about it.

Only very close friends know my non SJW humor.

Hang in there, buddy. You'll get someone to talk to.

It's rough because you don't immediately criticize Trump when the topic comes up or talk about great diversity when there's some shitty outreach program they get really suspicious. I do good work which helps protect me. But, ive already been called into HR once since someone overhead me telling a story.


What line of business are you in? I work in sell side sales in the fixed income department and everyone is based.

Auto industry

What department?


I'm part owner of a small company. We have a Frenchie, a muzz from Iran,
a Brazilian, a Filipino, and three whites. I once worked at a company
that was "literally" a matriarchy and it was fucking hell. I can't even
to begin to tell you what a pleasure it is to be SJW-free now.

The Brazilian used to spout feminist shit but I shut that down quickly.
One night, in a drunken stupor, I sent her this link:

I've told her repeatedly that she isn't to espouse feminist politics in
my office.

I keep threatening to deport her (from the company at least) on a daily basis, make
fun of her not being a "true American". I also constantly remind her what a
shithole Brazil is.

People see Breitbart and Sup Forums on my computer screen every day.

The poor muzz was practically in tears on election night when it started looking
like Trump actually had a chance. Right after the first travel ban, she brought it
up with me, trying to make me feel guilty. Her parents were planning on a visit at
the time and had to postpone their trip.

I'm thinking of putting up a life-sized cardboard Trump in the office. Oh yeah,
I'm also in the Bay Area which makes it even more fun.

Similar for me. I am a German physician and just took up my first job in a hospital. In the past I did not always hide my power level and the internet does not forget. If anyone finds out I could get in deep trouble basically at any time. Might not destroy me, then again, it might.

As someone who has a bit of experience with this kind of thing:
It almost never strikes when you think it does. It strikes when you least expect it, sometimes years later. And it often does so in unexpected ways.

Fan fucking tastic.

I work for Big Jew and couldn't go to a Trump march this weekend for fear of being photographed.
I should probably criticize Trump around the office just to fit in. Usually I just don't comment or ask a question but I'm sure you guys are right, that shit gets noticed if you don't immediately call him a liar or whatev.
Some Frenchy on here said that when asked about politics he said "coming from a place of privilege I don't feel comfortable talking about that", which I like a lot. I can't wait to use it.

Sounds like what I expected. If you really want to brake away from Jew500, you need to form your own company.

just read obama leaf and spout his memes. you'll probally get a raise

IRL keeping silent about being a conservative/trump supporter etc is fine but actually going so far as to spread liberal propaganda is wrong and unforgivable.

I'm socially ostracized for liking Trump in fucking Taxxachussetts but fuck em. And I would NEVER NEVER by into liberal groupthink.

If you can't redpill the people around you just keep silent and say you don't like discussing politics.

If you MUST spout liberal propaganda to survive do it so obnoxiously that people find the redpill due to revulsion with how big an SJW tool you are.

>tfw right-wing solicitor working in an immigration law firm

Nobody will know my secret until I make partner.

In other words, you help foreigners and SJWs overtake your country. My my, how big their surprise will be when they find out one of their best immigration lawyers has mild secret doubts all along.

Pretty much. In fairness I spent a year in the U.S illegally helping foreigners get H-1Bs and presenting arguments against deportation as part of my experience.

Planning on moving from out of the field at some point. Immigration is terribly soul-crushing. Even crim is better.

Move out
I work for a >10 billion Euro firm and we are having some great banter all day long
Sure there are some corporate "culture guidelines" but literally no one cares

Well, if you admit it...
Similar for me, when I treat refugees.

They are mostly nice people, though. Most of them have no physical illnesses however. They all have psychosomatic problems. In a way I even pity them. They are stranded far from home in a foreign country, lured by false promises of a better life from politicians, journalists and other low-lifes.

Then when they make it here, they find that the people resent them, the language is unintelligible to them, and they have no job skills that have any meaning in a western society. In other words: no chance.
They should never have come here, for all our sakes.

You must not be very useful if you are so scared of losing your job. I say pretty much whatever I want to whoever I want and noone does shit because they need me and know if they fire me, I will just go over to the competition and take all our clients with me.

Being openly conservative has actually helped our business alot. People that like that SWJ bullshit are generally lazy and incompetent. They generally get offended and leave on their own or we put them in the cuck corner where they are relegated to doing all the bitch work.

It sounds like that is what will happen to you if you open your mouth. I bet they stand around drinking coffee and shitting on Trump for an hour every morning don't they? And I bet you are stuck in the cuck corner slaving away pretending not to hear what they are saying don't you? Time to grow some balls and tell them to fuck off. Get a real job where people actually need you. That is the only way to get away with saying what you want to say.

This is why you keep quiet, and just vote at the ballot box to promote your views. That is why there are privacy envelopes and tabulation folk can't identify the individual voting specifically.

There are some who I work with that have some whacked social outlooks and political views. I pity them as less than evolved. But let the boss deal with extreme cases.
If the boss is a bigot against you, you had better develop the power level and skills to change jobs or start your own.