Too Intelligent

Ok Sup Forums why are there no happenings and why haven't we done anything great in ages and also the Flagacaust didn't happen we need to brain storm some ideas to make Sup Forums great again.

Other urls found in this thread:

Last time I rolled I got trips in a thread just prior to the major storms that swept through california, and said "at least 5 will die".

Turns out 5 died.

Since then I dont fuck with meme magic.


1. Think of ideas to make pol great again

2. Prove the Flagacaust happened

Because the time for the public battle is over.

Now everything is being done behind the scenes and we have a much smaller role to play. That said, small leaks keep coming our way and we need to spread them so that the information cannot be ignored.

Roll for Merkels hanging

We still need to keep playing our part though the battle is far from over yet. The meme wars will never be over and we must remain vigilant ready ti fight them.

Indeed, however the days of the common man joining the ranks of the memelords is passed.

This war has become incredibly complex.

I think we need to come up with some goals to accomplish and maby some pranks we could pull off to gain public support but we need to weaponize the autism like never before to come up with something.

Any ideas?

We need to think of a prank that could be hilarious to normies but also would red pill people at the same time.

Hmm I'l have to brainstorm

Right now we need not focus on partisan politics, but the darker more obstructed areas of politics. I.E. corruption, CIA, NSA, spying etc.

Logicians need to start connecting the dots. There's a whole slew of information we have on corruption and various leaks on the inner workings of government. We need our logic powerhouses gathering all the data and finding connections between them so that we can create a functioning mental framework to use so that new information can be more easily processed and understood.

Intellectual types need to start reading the actual material, even if it's just intro stuff like the greeks. They need to study philosophy, law, politics, so that they can serve the spiritual and moral leaders of our community. We should encourage debate and open discourse between the various subsets of rightwing/anti-authoritarian groups.
We need to form a cadre of intellectuals to give more validity to the movement.

Memelords work on saging and identifying shill threads, post an infographic/screen cap whenever you can. Also keep posting about Kek, demons, and magic to keep morale high. See sick digits? Check 'em and praise Kek. Keep the energy high.

Most of all, everyone here should redpill members of their communities outside Sup Forums. We need more and more people to destroy the false framework created by the establishment that blinds our friends and family from seeing the Truth.

why are we not talking about last night terrorist attack in london. car ploughs into pedestrians and two of the occupants were wielding knifes

Who do we aim to put in prison first ?

We don't have the information to gauge that sort of action.

Our job is to bridge the gap between conspiracy nutjob and public knowledge.

"In Postcript Deleuze On the Societies of Control argues that the regimes of power identified by Foucault are in their twilight-it is for this reason that we witness everywhere the crisis of those institutions associated with the disciplinary regimes (family, school, army and even the state)- these disciplinary societies are, Deleuze suggests, to be succeeded by the societies of control (and given the present context its worth noting that Deleuze cites Burroughs as the source of this term). In contrast to the self-enclosed, regimented spaces of the disciplinary societies which operated through successive 'striations' or discrete enclosures such that 'one was always starting again (from school to the barracks, from the barracks to the factory)' the societies of control are characterised by a 'variable geometry'. Within this variable geometry boundaries become permeable, consequently societies of control announce themselves as a general 'crisis' of all 'interiors' and, in contrast to the disciplinary regimes, in the societies of control 'one is never finished with anything', instead we encounter only 'limitless postponements'. Deleuze highlights the differing dynamics of these regimes through the distinction between 'molds' and 'modulation':

'Enclosures are molds, distinct castings, but controls are a modulation, like a self-deforming cast that will continuously change from one moment to the other, or like a sieve whose mesh will transmute from point to point.'"

These wojaks keep getting weirder and weirder.


Im in rehab and its teaching me a lot about the human experience with regard to filling voids and the ineluctable worship of something whether it be internet or football or knitting or fast food and the nuances of general existence and whatnot and maybe studying our condition from a philosophical stance is te place to start. Paul Virilio ? Technology is fucking with us

I really enjoyed the conclusion.

I should have read infinite jest. Last year it kept popping into my life in odd ways and it felt like someone was pushing it on me to read. I never wound up reading it, but I think I come to the same conclusion it seems the writer of this essay came to:

Life is a paradox. We're caught in a system without any meaning and everything is wack and impossible and shouldn't work at all. yet somehow, through some damn miracle we exist in a universe of impossibilities and contradictions, and that's pretty incredible.

Maybe I missed the mark though. The language used in the essay was a bit beyond my comprehension at some points.

Why did you share all that with my post?

To me currently it seems rather unrelated.

Cause with i read that as a call to arms type of huddle formation, this faction does this, this does that etc

I was attempting throw two cents towards the intellectual side of things or just my perspective on our nation/ world's plight and how, to me, its gonna take figuring out more about human psychology and social systems in tandem with propaganda as a way to fulfill the OP's goal

I might just be insane and none of what im saying makes sense, like i said im in rehab and have psyche issues and my meds are still be tweaked

>the movement.
kys larp youngfag

What is going on here?

This was the last time I rolled trips. Some oldfag didn't know who kek was and didn't know about meme magic wasn't on Sup Forums for ages apparently so I explained to him what it was.

This is my best idea for now:

praise kek

Yes yes yes