Simple Risk Thread (CLOSED)

MUPDATE #51: New Thread Edition

>Krauts finally catch a break
>USSR gets massive +6 bonus for unifying the continent

>Puppy Pack (3 nukes)
>German Reich (1 nuke)
>Kangz Empire (1 nuke)

More Uranium coming soon lads


Attack the filthy commies, kill em all

seize remaining brow islands

>I still get the +3 bonus for individual bold regions right?
Invade Kangz


Invade the Nazis in the north, spills to middle island.

reich if you literally just cede me 1 single T near brown I can help you

can you give me the rest of the continent so at least one of us gets the bonus? in return

Hans, you may as well cede your possesions on Western continent to puppy, they are far more useful to him than to you.



35-18 = 17 but you gave the krauts 26
OP pls

Yeh was thinking that
cede puppy rest of the island

OP has been allowing it all game.
He has already randomly changed one major rule half way through
changing more seems a bit silly

Inb4 kangz nuke on either one of us.

MUPDATE #52: Rule Change Edition

>If you want land, roll for it manually
>You can take territory from allies as long as they agree it's not breaking an alliance
>At this point in the game it'd be too game changing to give somebody an upper hand through territory exchange

Sorry if I'm starting to fuck up counting I'm getting tired, going to go get another energy drink

>Puppy Pack (3 nukes)
>German Reich (1 nuke)
>Kangz Empire (1 nuke)

Oh also new Uranium in the east

>inb4 bias
Pack/Reich have 4 nukes between the 2 of them and could easily put a massive dent into any opposition

Roll to take Reich land on my continent
not breaking alliance

Go for uranium

push back the fucking ruskies, they need to die
if I get them off my continent push into theirs

You never answered my question, do I still get individual bold region bonuses on top of continent bonus?
Invade Kangz and expand Soviet influence.

You already showed your bias last turn giving krauts 10 free Ts when their alliance was already way stronger

he also gave forsaken 50 of my Ts on a pali when there was no palis in the rules and none before were counted.

OP has been doing fine its clear that he is not trying to be Bias, the uranium in the east is fine

You get +6 tile bonus from having all territories on your continent united. You don't keep the +3 on top of that. Feels kind of unfair I know but I don't want to change any more rules around.

Reclaim rest of kangz islands push north if possible

He gave Forsaken nowhere near that.

Hes been doing palis all game.

Fair enough.

MUPDATE #53: Late Night Grind Edition

>War at a standstill between USSR and Kangz
>Neanderthals in control of Eastern Uranium

before you joined he wasnt doing palis, a few people got them and they werent counted per the rules in the pic

then forsaken got a 5D pali so he decided to start counted them which rewarded 50 ts
even so OP has been doing his best to be Unbaised

push those god damn commies back, take commie land

keep transferring grey land

>even so OP has been doing his best to be Unbaised

I agree

but still Forsaken didn't get 50 Ts. His fault for not bringing it up though, as he should have.

Invade middle island

Invade kangz land!

he literally did, and he got a nuke, he nuked some eastern uranium
it was that get which totally kicked me off his island and gave him half my southern region

invade north islands

Hey dumb nigger, for once can we attack in unison? Let's split middle islands so we can take war westward on multiple fronts. Let's kill grey. He's almost dead. Jesus.

sorry mate I'm entrenched in another war because the commie fuck decided to attack me
we're at a stalemate and can't divert attention away from eachother

Grey and orange will soon be upon us

Kraut's a neutered dog dying of AIDs and the puppy pack won't attack anybody who doesn't directly attack them
it's fine

They are a team, and yellow is now AFK. I am your last potential ally. I am suggesting we prevent this from becoming a 3v2 with us on the smaller side.

MUPDATE #54: Alchemist Left Because OP is Biased Edition

>Still a standstill on the Southern Front
>Krauts can never catch a decent string of rolls
>Neanderthals have a Nuclear Device

>Puppy Pack (3 nukes)
>German Reich (1 nuke)
>Neanderthals (1 nuke)
>Kangz Empire (1 nuke)

keep her going transfering reich land

Invade Kangz land and spread Soviet Communism throughout!

Drop a nuke on Reich on the western continent, cutting off orange from the middle islands.

Invade the middle island from the north.

Invade North Island from all Angles

if vlad attacks use enough of my roll to counter his attack, and use the rest to move into kraut land

Need specific tile, sorry

On the one connected to the northernmost islands.

this may result in your removal from the map by nuclear debt collectors

Eat shit, cuck

MUPDATE #55: Nuclear Orange Edition

>Neanderthals drop their bomb on Puppy Pack coast to prevent their access to northern islands
>Just in time to cut off Puppy Pack from getting a +10 tile bonus

>No more Uranium will generate

>Puppy Pack (3 nukes)
>German Reich (1 nuke)
>Kangz Empire (1 nuke)

Attack Kangz!

fuck up the commies, fuck them

Take middle island

invade north islands

roll to transfer last bit of land on the continent from reich
spills go to transfer a line of reich land till i touch the grey in the middle island chain, then from there attack neanderthals in the north of that chain

Can I purchase one of your nukes? I need it in case Kangz fires on me.

>making a beeline

Wish you'd use a nuke on that island in the middle, blocking orange from US, forcing him to fight your enemy the russians.


MUPDATE #56: Decision Time Edition

>Neanderthals hold onto Northern Islands and a +6 tile bonus
>USSR slowly but surely pushing into Kangz territory

>waste nuke on a usually peaceful nation with 3 nukes
>get nuked into fucking oblivion
nice plan retard
push back the commies, I'll only go nuclear as a last resort

Invade Kangz territory and spread communism into southern bonus!

Kill Reich

Pray the niggers use their bomb.

>waste nuke on a usually peaceful nation with 3 nukes

If your plan is to kiss ass to orange, think again, he will not turn on Reich. They are discord BFF fags teaming up on us.

roll to do this same strategy here OP
Reich isnt even in the discord, you are the only person in the discord server in this game i have talked too. and I already explained to you that most of that has to do with the 3 turn ban.

Can I purchase a nuke from you? I need it in case Kangz fires on me.

again, I'll only use nukes as a last resort in dire situations, like when I nuked the muzzies' uranium in the strong days of the kraut

Nigger in the South is going to make this a 3v2 if he doesnt use his nuke, and my enemies know this.

Yeah, and that was dumb as fuck.

no, especially not since uranium is gone forever now

MUPDATE #57: Kraut on the Edge Edition

>Krauts almost completely wiped from the Earth
>Puppies come in at last second to help out
>USSR holding strong in small portion of Kangz continent

ah the good ol' days

Fill my western region on my home continent

OP since you can move across the grey ocean just attack through that to neanderthals northern tip of this island chain

Reich isn't even posting anymore, it's a 2v2
push the damn Ruskies out of the continent

Invade Kangz land!

remove neadrethal, go to break bonus on upper island chain

>trying to beeline

>the nigger could have had the easy island bonuses

come on, nigger.

MUPDATE #58: Remove the Haters and Losers Edition

>Puppies cut off +6 tile bonus for the Neanderthals
>USSR strikes DEEP into Kangz territory

Keep ragging him like this, and YOU may end up getting nuked instead of me.

reclaim northern Island
drop nuke on USSR

Counting that as your roll for this turn

Retake northern island

Any spills to home continent

This cannot be real. You are trolling.

Continue removing Neanderthal from northern islands.

push back against USSR, I gotta get that fucker out of my territory
Hey USSR, could you maybe get back into your own country?

Make sure the nuke takes out the sea lines

some men just want to watch the world burn i guess

>sea lines
You're dropping it on Kangz continent?

nah yours

Invade large southeastern island in center chain.

invade rest of of kangz islands and invade the eastern mainland and spread

Make sure to focus Reich territory, but fill that island.

does this mean you are breaking our NAP


>Krauts drop the bomb on the Commies
>Commies effectively BTFO forever

>Puppy Pack (3 nukes)
>Kangz Empire (1 nuke)

keep spreading mainland

Next turn radiation should be gone
use roll to fill the empty space spill go to remove Neanderthal from northern islands

take out the fucking commies, if I have enough left push into my own damn continent


Counting that as your turn for this round.
It would break the NAP, so you'd lose your turn for next round.

Retake northern 2 main islands. Any spills to my western region on home continent.