Hey just wondering is it true that Islam says it's okay to rape a 10 year old white non-muslim girl because infidels...

hey just wondering is it true that Islam says it's okay to rape a 10 year old white non-muslim girl because infidels are the equivalent of animals and it's encouraged to fuck livestock to release sexual frustration

like under sharia law isn't it the case that all non-muslims should die, become slaves, or convert to islam with no other possibilities being desirable

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Yes and if you read the books (full koran and reliance of the traveler -- essentially a sharia law handbook) this all pretty fucking obvious.

Most of the people who follow the religion can't read though so it's all just post-facto rationalizations for savage chimp behavior.

come on guys I really want to know and I thought you would tell me the truth

don't make me ask /b

are you telling me trump is literally doing nothing wrong and in fact the liberals are advocating rape and dooming non-muslim refugees by forcing trump to reshape his initiative to target countries known for sourcing terrorism instead of muslims specifically

>like under sharia law isn't it the case that all non-muslims should die, become slaves, or convert to islam with no other possibilities being desirable
Not just under sharia. It's in the first pages of the koran, so it's even law for the so called moderate muslims.

>Most of the people who follow the religion can't read though so it's all just post-facto rationalizations for savage chimp behavior.
my understanding was that they picked up the baby as soon as it was born and whispered the koran in their ears and forced them to memorize the words before they even had the capacity for morality or individual thought, so they basically don't even need to be able to read, or rationalize to be indoctrinated with zealotism

I don't know, why don't you go read the Quran and see for yourself faggot

I went to a mosque to get a copy of the quran because I just wanted to learn about it and everyone got real angry and started to surround me. I literally had to use boxing footwork to keep them from standing behind me and assume a fighting stance as I walked out.

where can I find a copy? they're not like christians at all :(

Trump isn't banning them from entering the country altogether and arranging to forcibly repatriate the ones in the USA as the founding fathers of the US who created the Marines to deal with the Barbary pirates would have done in the current circumstances.

Flooding our countries with these people really just ensures that future generations will have a bad time and need to violently exterminate them or otherwise drive them off the land to regain some semblance of a sane country again. They have NEVER peacefully co-existed with anyone in almost 1400 years.

It's bad enough that they're of different races but the mosque acts as a sort of cultic socialization tool for these largely illiterate people and inculcates them with the values from the books which is basically an expansionist, war-like totalitarian ideology. An imam kind of like a drill sergeant in a military, but for dumb brown people.

You can read it online for free.