The age used to be 15 a century ago. What are they putting the water supply? How do we get rid of this social engineering that feminizes young girls and makes boys transgender?
Girls now start puberty at age 10
Noah Adams
Alexander Garcia
Colton Stewart
>What are they putting the water supply?
Adult women take the pill, pee out female hormones in dozen, which ends up in drinking water.
Plus the good food and healthcare situation we are in makes puberty start earlier.
Colton Moore
Matthew Hall
Girls who grow up without their biological father hit puberty earlier
Jacob Reed
>click bait website
fuck off faggot, post a fucking archive you stupid fucking pasta nigger cunt
Jace Thomas
Why would that be? Puberty is a biological process, not a social one.
Isaac Stewart
fuck off nigger. this was convenient.
Aaron Clark
Jaxon Morgan
Good. Legalize peddo bear.