Krautchan, biggest German imageboard, raided and taken down by police. >Earlier today, the German police released statement regarding raids that took down far-right websites across Germany in a fell swoop as the police arrested administrators for propagation of hate speech. One site, Krautchan, notorious for it's international board filled with racist content and Polandball memes was specifically targeted in the raid, and can no longer be accessed through it's address.
Not even surprised by the reporting. It's DeutscheWelle - kraut government shills. They'd sell their mothers for another taste of a delicious circumcised sandnigger cock.
Anthony Wright
>yes goym, you are totally offered a choice if you want to resist us >your own people are to blame >we didnt jew nothing lol >we are not violent
Aaron Long
>racist content and Polandball memes >Polandball
Didn't know they are still sore over Sudetenland
Eli Wright
Well fugg.
Michael Bell
i only ever visited krautchan once, but wasn't it pretty left leaning? i guess germans aren't even allowed the possibility of posting right wing content
Julian Sanders
>raids >to takedown web servers
Christian Robinson
Finland wins again
Jayden Thompson
You're next, Sup Forums
Charles Roberts
what is autosage?
Xavier Davis
Krautchan did nothing wrong.
Aiden Nguyen
Someone who is better than a motorbike guru.
Aiden Collins
No it was just really autistic
Leo Perry
I find this more grievous than even bringing the rapefugees. For the first time I legitimately want Merkel hanged.
Austin Moore
Isn't that every chan by definition?
Jason Williams
cool sauce op
Jacob Evans
it's literally down you faggot
Carson Bailey
Good. The cucks deserve to suffer in silence.
Jaxon Cruz
... and every time Sup Forums is down for a few minutes or hours it was taken down by the FBI?
Fake news, retard.
Nathaniel Price
It's down for days very often
Hunter Lee
Good, Krautchan went down the shitter eyars ago when their admins bowed down to a bunch of tranny hackers.
Jack Allen
whatever makes you sleep at night you're next and you know it
Brandon Johnson
that fucking sucks.
shitty site or not, censoring speech is a sure sign of the death of democracy.
sadly it looks like germany likes repeating history....
Daniel Collins
Kek. And Krautfags claim that Asian nations don't have free speech.
Jaxon Ward
It has been down for several times. Nothing new m8.
Xavier Kelly
Doesn't change the fact it's fake news.
Carson Johnson
Is there a good alternative to What they have to offer seems to be nice, but I don't want to support Berlin SJWs and have my mail hosted in a country without freedom (inb4 no USA, their anti privacy laws are even worse).
Nathaniel Morales
>Yuropoors >free
Jordan Murphy
>today lmao taking old news without actual link and sprun them around to get people to visit your discord chat? ban discord links from Sup Forums
Matthew Ross
Krautchan was just a German chan.
It wasn't a "Right Wing" site.
God Germans are fascist totalitarian cunts.
Lincoln Morris
Nothing happened, though. Did you even bother to try clicking the "news" link?
Benjamin Perez
It's a chan, therefore no real leaning.
Which means it's not a marxist Islamist propaganda outlet.
Logan King
Tutanota and Protonmail. Second should be better because swizerland. First is unfortunately a Germ company, but I still kind of trust them.
Ayden Sullivan
Pushback to the memewar was inevitable given that governments are scrambling to regain control over the dissemination of information, but we will not be stopped
Press F to pay respects but soldier on
Joseph Reyes
Justin Allen
Hello, quick update: I'm a mod of kc Sup Forums, in the middle of the night the police visited me, they wanted to take all my electronics and me with them. I managed to take them out, I'm on the run since 11 hours, I drove all night with my car from freiburg, I'm at a friends hideout right now. I will be heading to russia tomorrow.
Jacob Bennett
The Feds have had much better opportunities to sink Sup Forums. Hate speech doesn't work.
It's easier for them to just monitor users.
Jose Reyes
> he doesn't use kek
Kevin Torres
Good luck. Provide us with something memeable
Adrian Ramirez
It's from Krautchan newfag
Angel Fisher
The Empire is weak
Connor Smith
All free and anonymous means of communication become rightwing without moderation to enforce leftism
But I get your point, the idea was not created with a specific ideology in mind or to serve one
Jason Perez
that sucks
Jaxson Long
>I don't bother to read almost anything beside the OP and the first few posts This is why you retards need to go back wherever you've heard about this site, and stay there for good bunch of retards
Ayden Sullivan
tfw no more igor stories
Bentley Barnes
>implying anyone from KC is able to walk more than 5 meters per day let alone take out police officers
Jonathan Anderson
Hows that freedom of speech working out krauts? More like free-dom
Jaxon Russell
So it never happened?
Ryder Morales
thats what you get for having the big bad guys in the game i mean they had fucking skulls on their helmets for fucks sake
Bentley Nguyen
>a certain site
Jack Moore
I czeched Protonmail but they seem to be bullshitting a lot (full disk encryption - very useful for a server that is running 24/7, emails with expiry - if the recipient can read them he can also copy them). Don't like how they try to sell a false sense of security. Classic mountain jew tactics.
Wyatt Barnes
Good old times
Julian Rivera
Can you prove it did? I have the same amount of interest in KC as I have in diochan, literally 0. If you can get a statement from whoever then go ahead and post it, as far as I know not a single source has been posted in this fucking thread but shit from 2014 at most
Isaac Perry
I had some good times posting on KC Sup Forums
I remember when 'That Feel' was started, good times indeed. Haven't had a good wank over Argies sister for years now.
Brandon Hall
KC is hosted in the US you autistic fuck. How do you not know this?
Ryder Perez
soo that means were getting an influx of nazi threads really soon... wew
Jason Morales
>60 gorillion Europeans died fighting for this
Owen Cook
i've seen this copypasta years before
fake article too
Parker Morales
Why are germanics so facist in everything they do compared to anglos?
>right leaning >Concentration camps and world wars
>left leaning >Huge migration and arresting of other opinions
Nathaniel Garcia
It's our best trait.
Brayden Powell
When we do something, we do it right.
Ayden Ross
Its the eternal kraut.
Angel Wilson
>you're next and you know it how does it feel to be a bootlicker?
Jaxon James
Get a server host somewhere aboard and then remarket it to germany again if you can. If you are also truly legit we could try to help you. But its all so hard to verify and the jew is among us.
Nolan Smith
They used american ones as far as I know though.
Charles Hall
trollt weiter, der general ist wohl wieder im urlaub und niemand kann ihn erreichen.
nur er kann den servierer zurücksetzen.
Justin James
>I managed to take them out what did he mean by this
Carson Walker
but thats just plain wrong you know. We were allowed to proliferate in numbers during the worst years of obongo. And we have grown tremendously thanks to that, even helped get donald trump elected. If there was a flashpoint of opportunity to remove Sup Forums, it was a long time ago. We are past that peak oil...peak removal curve. 30% away from its optimal value. Maybe even 40%. Sup Forums is extremely stable right now and removing it would cost way too much, and they cant even do anything about the anti programming thing that we do.
a 100k users who wish to kill all kikes and that number is growing.
Samuel Carter
t. american whos internet history can be sold off
Ayden Lee
>same thread, same images, self-referential links literally fake It's like people don't understand that sourcing is the most important part of sliding
Hudson Wilson
lol fuck these damn krauts
Robert Sanders
>he seriously believes that 90% of this site are underage kids trying to be cool around friends becuase they browse 4chinz pic related
Mason Hughes
Its true There were also raids in bavaria because of "Reichsbürger" the other day I think they want to silence all the people with other opinions
Robert Stewart
KC servers are in murrica. No raids possible.
Colton Gutierrez
Wow Germany sure is fucked mate
Kevin Barnes
>smearing Führer's name
How dare you
Charles Lopez
lol tis demotivational d&c
kike detected
Andrew Gomez
oh snap
Logan Anderson
>someone doesn't agree with you >kike detected and tell me how aren't you underage retard trying to be cool and """fit in"""?
John Perry
>krauts >freedom of speech >or freedom at all LMAO
Ian Cook
Alexander Jackson
>609uu vitusti huutista :DDDDDD
Dominic Brown
btw this is serious issue what (((police))) is doing. in different european countries they start to push anti freedom under crybaby speech law.
if people hate that their freedom of speech would be taken from them, then (((they))) start soft and do the first step of brainwashing, that is to "attract" weaker minds through methods like cartoons for children and tangling to emotions of adults through talk shows. if you live in free country this is how they attempt to brainwash you. they want you to become passive like the germans and swedes
and when people do not have anything to say or act harshly when it comes to their freedom of speech, they are going to lose it. there they dont need to brainwash you anymore, they can straight up arrest the first person to speak up against the hate speech law
Eli Cooper
>took down far-right When will they crackdown on far-left?
Gabriel Fisher
Why would (((they)))?
Robert Torres
The server location is irrelevant to arrests for individuals.
Getting the information can be made more difficult, that is all.