pro-tip: you can't
Name a more based man:
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Reptilians are truly among us
he's a racist, globalist shill meant to discredit the right. nice try shariablue
Name a more based man
around the 53:00 mark Cenk throws the 13 million dead Jews oy vey goyim never forget youre evil line at him
>openly the most racist guy on earth
>gets asspained when people call him a racist
Alive currently? Probably not. But otherwise, there's a whole host.
If you are afraid to say that you support Duke then you are a pussy because there really is no one else willing to say publicly what we all say anonymously.
Duke has a Rockwell kind of bravery, and an intellect to base it on.
Trump can't hold Duke's jock irl.
>larping as ghosts from pacman
Guy looks like he's made of plastic.
>getting convicted of using donation money for plastic surgery
Who Is Really Behind Gun Control In America?
His radio show is comfy as fuck.
Says on his radio show every day that he's for true human rights. Stop listening to kike media.
Thank god Dr. Slattery is on StormFront Radio after TruckRoy left. Pat always gets mic cucked.
Anyone here listen to the Don Black program?
How about someone that isn't a racist you dense cunt?
What's wrong with being racist?
There's something about his gaze/face which unsettles me. This guy is a conniving cunt, mark my words.
>castro:kill torture murder
he's a great leader!
>mandela:kill rape murder
what a great inspiration for the human race!
>arafat:kill torture murder
nobel peace prize for this great man!
>duke: stand up for your rights & follow the law
are you kidding me supporting this racist!
>Duke pleaded guilty to defrauding supporters by falsely claiming to be impoverished and in danger of losing his home in order to solicit emergency donations; at the time, Duke was financially secure and used the donations for recreational gambling
Is it true?
If so, he is based as fuck.
David Duke is an FBI informant in dire need of a haircut and skin treatment.
he's a retard who can't control himself and chimps out all the time
Being a part of the Klan is the worst thing Duke did.
oh shit
Duke is pretty quality
William Pierce
Tom Metzger
he has probably heard it 10 billion times
I'd imagine the ugliest guy on earth doesn't like people calling him ugly, since he clearly knows already, but people will call him ugly regardless
this nigga is straight up retarded, or 14
Yes I can, so to speak
>My Awakening in the background
So he came out the closet now and shows off his Jewish boyfriend or summin?
Agreed. He is impossible to hate unless you have a perverse view of race. He is a man of peace and of real biodiversity. God bless the Duke