Post redpills that Sup Forums will swallow in the coming years

A committed relationship with a trap can be more redpilled than a relationship with other women as long as you are the exception and not the rule


Fuck off faggot

Fucking traps isn't gay retard. Just like fucking a sex doll isn't an attraction to balloons

>there's nothing wrong with atheism because I'm one and I still have a moral code
>there's nothing wrong with dating a trap because I do and we maintain proper gender roles

Fucking a sex doll is also not encouraging of a lifestyle choice that can't stand on it's own without child mutilation.

I want a white trap gf

Anything involving me and a penis that is not my own is gay.

Also how will you make babies?

typical leaf

I can't choose what other people do

If there are traps around why not fuck them?