Why do so many left-leaning men prefer cats over dogs?

Why do so many left-leaning men prefer cats over dogs?

The answer is simple:

Dogs are pack animals. They will only follow a strong leader. An Alpha.

Cucked numales get triggered when their dog realizes that they are actually the alpha in the dog/human dichotomy. The dog shits on the carpet. The dog doesn't allow the human to touch -- it growls and bites. The dog doesn't come when called. In fact, the dog doesn't listen at all. Why would he? He is the alpha.

Numales hate dogs because the numale goes out into the world and throughout the day is made painfully aware of his beta status in society. He doesn't want to maintain that beta status in his own home. He gets a cat.

Other urls found in this thread:


Because dogs are haram to islam.

>be dog
>descended from the mighty wolf that roamed the wilderness of Europe
>be "domesticated" by being physically and mentally broken over the generations, turning them into the docile animals that are dependant on an entirely higher power to survive today and living in servitude

I can see white males today identify with dogs

Hey man I like cats and I hate big noses just as much as the next guy

>muh mighty wolf
spot the 12 year old

Somehow the only people that like cats are women and those people that used to make lolcatz pictures and now have their own Indy gaming company.

I agree that if you own a dog you need to let it release its wolf part from time to time.

friendly reminder that owning a dog in a city or a keeping a cat in an appartment is animal cruelty

>be snek
>descended from mighty boa
>come to your country
>don't speak britbong
>speak snek
>bite people
>people die

Dogs are brotier.

Cats are independant, require less room.
Dogs are dependant, require room and time.

Personally i prefer dogs, but could only afford a cat because of space and time.
Result, i have none.

No, it's 90% more
>I want to live in cuckopolis and bigger dogs are difficult to maintain in rented property while I work as a barista
Dogs correlate much stronger with living in a rural setting and owning property.

Cats are useless cunts, Doggos are the best.

Based german shepherd

>so many left-leaning men prefer cats over dogs
Where does this meme come from? I've always had cats and dogs. Is this just autism, trying to turn everything into divisions and teams: team cat vs team fucking dog? THat's retarded af. I also have a snake and a tarantula once, am I on team snek and bitey thing?


I'm a shitlord and I have a cat.

>long coated
>short hind legs
>larger than 35kg male

That German Shepherd is trash, atleast put there a good old DDR working like with shorter coat, not ruined back with long hind legs and optimal weight which is lower than 35kg male

Dont prefer dogs or cats both have the same status to me.

Cats are fantastic at pest control.

What if you own a snake?

Small terriers are better.

There is nothing a cat can do but a dog breed can't do better.

I work 90+ hours a week. I don't have time to run home and take care of some damn dog that shit and pissed over everything because the little shit can't figure out how to take a crap in a box. Cats are easy and don't give a shit when you work 36 hours in a row. Plus they kill rats. Frankly, I never saw a dog kill a rat. Saw a dog eat it's own poop.

You are right, fuck you for reminding me what a beta I am.

>Dogs are pack animals. They will only follow a strong leader. An Alpha.

Really made my neurons fire m9 wow good post 10/10 got my noggin joggin

>Dogs are pack animals. They will only follow a strong leader. An Alpha.
And already you're factually wrong. This is a bs myth disproven countless of times.

End thy life OP.

voted right, prefer cats

I hate dogs.

If I walk through the park they're fucking everywhere unrestrained. If I walk back late at night there's often people with a whole pack completely free roaming.

They always ignore their owners trying to restrain them so it feels like it's only a matter of time before one attacks me, then what am I meant to do? If I defend myself the owner will surely go apeshit because muh dog dindu nuffin.

Fucking shit animals. Can't let them outside because they'll run away. Can't leave them inside because they'll wreck the house. Can't take your eye off them because they'll eat something and die.

Fuck them.





I bet you bought XCOM 2, faggot.

t scared beta

Lol autist, clearly your a weird looking fuck to have dogs randomly attack.

>not an alpha so the dog is
Makes me think

Difference is a cat is much lower maintenance.

Dogs are fantastic at nigger control

>it's acceptable to randomly attack people on the street if ur alfa

My almonds are activating.

Really? If you stand by what you are writing, you have a shitty dog.

Almost everything you wrote is the opposite of the reality.

So I guess you are just a troll.

had a dog, still have a cat
the dog was taken out of a litter from one of my mother's friends, pretty quiet for half a yorkshire
one time I took her up from the ground because there was a mastiff getting a bit too close and personal, she started barking like crazy and almost bit the other dog off in the face when he tried to get even closer.
dogs are bro tier

cat is still vegetating in the hosue, still quite diffident, being a stray and all, even if it's been 8 years now

Why do you subscribe to group think? Can you be your own person or are you too stupid to make tour own choices?

LITERALLY a case of &

Why is OP making the exact same thread as they did 12 hours ago???

Have a sage.

>not getting a doggo and kitter together to be the ultimate beastmaster

He is implying dogs act like that only if you are a beta and they become alpha. Learn to rad you complete cunt.

Fuck you.

Neck yourself.

Cats are obviously superior

Cats are mercenaries, going from place to place; wherever feeds them and provides shelter. They don't give a fuck about the client, they only care for their own benefit.
Perhaps, sometimes, they'll defend their clients belongings, but only when its in their interests.

Doggos are the true crusaders of old; noble and keen to defend the homeland, caring for the young and old with one hand and slaughtering the enemies of divine with the other.
They find a master and pledge allegiance until their very end.
Doggos are the only true pet.

t. paki

Cats love you user

TFTD was excellent though. I still replay Enemy Unknown.

t. American with 'Irish' and 'German' heritage

>Plus they kill rats. Frankly, I never saw a dog kill a rat

Fox terriers have a way higher prey drive than cats and are much better at catching rats & co

Cats are full of true wonder and love

>implying that incredible longcoat working class dogs don't show up in every couple of generations

It's due to frontal lobe deformity or damage.

>be dog
>descend from wolves who were perpetually in state of food insecurity and abandonned to die alone by the pack the moment they broke a limb or catch a disease
>join a pack of humans in Europe
>hunt with them, guard the camp/farm, manage the herds, even go at war with them and be fed and taken care when sick/wounded in exchange
>have the highest standard of living among animals outside of human themselves
>go into fucking space before niggers or chinks
>will most probably colonize other planets when time comes

Dogs developped an extremely successful strategy of survival, comparing wolves to dogs is like comparing chimps and humans, you have to be retarded to think their situation has been downgraded.

Cat maintenance

The dog owners on the dog whisperer isn't a reality for everyone.

My dog died of 14 years and before he died I saw a stray cat being beat up by the others who could never get any food. I picked it up, brought it home, and rescued it from a short, shit life. The cat is basically my dog now and now that he's gone the cat fills the void.

I still prefer dogs over cats, but cats are not terrible. I'm probably gonna get another dog soon though, puppy or w.e.

Underrated post. Well done. Stay strong friend. We're going to save France yet.

This exact thread was posted yesterday. It is being posted constantly to divide and distract us.


It's been posted for a week or two now.

>Dogs are pack animals
You wrote it, how is it that you don't understand?

2 animals doesn't make a pack. If you have. Dog, it's a companion. that's gay and pathetic.

Unless you have 5 dogs or more you don't have a pack, stop pretending you do.

Best frog poster yet.

It's gotta make you wonder if way back in the day if there were human/dog tribes where the dogs were the alphas

he wasn't saying he and his dog formed a fucking pack he is saying that dogs COME from the pack dichotomy and it is an inherent part of their mindset.

People on Sup Forums in general prefer cats to dogs so this sounds like you projecting.

A better question is why do so many autistic weirdos own dogs in an attempt to make themselves less autistic and weird, then constantly make autistic and weird threads about "CATS SUK LOL" after having migrated from Reddit to Sup Forums.

Conservatives have dogs because it makes them feel better to finally have something less intelligent than they are that listens to them without question. It's also so their wives finally have something other than black men to do what their microdicks cannot.

Liberals have cats because there's a challenge to dominating something that sees you as a convenience at best and doesn't respond well to the presumption of command. The downside is that the Power Retard's easy answer of "hit the defenseless thing until it's scared of you" isn't socially acceptable.

lol the thing that "broke" the dog were white males, dumbass

I fucking hate dogs. I want to just kick mine out of the god damn house. whiney little shit. I don't care if it has dementia and uti at the age of 15. I want to kick that little fucking shit out of my god damn life. Fuck you why the hell are you in my life? Oh thats right. Because a co-worker at my wifes work was moving and said HERE YA GO. I am 90% sure she was cheating on me with him too. I want to fucking murder this dog and I don't even see how I would be at fault. The people who left the fucking delusion hyper care intensive mutt should have taken it with them OR not moved at all if they actually cared for it. Now its in my life ruining everything pissing blood on our god damn apartment floors when WE WERE NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO HAVE A DOG. FDF KJSDBHFlj;kzasdhn I fantasize about kicking the shit out of it almost as much as my inevitable pathetic suicide. Fuck you op. Dogs are shit. Retarded animals. Get fish.FUCK

KEK, you should've said no and put your foot down.

Actually, the dogs we domesticated were already broken. Omega-level outcasts and runts who didn't get to eat with the pack when a kill came round and times were harsh. Instead they fed off our scraps and eventually we just kinda got used to one another.

found the vegan

More like liberals love being walked all over, where conservatives understand that respect is earned.

i don't know about their political views, but most dog owners i see aren't the alpha, the dogs are.

had both, both are great, would rather dismiss humans than one or the other.

Im about to put my fucking foot down on its god damn skull

Get it put down properly or jump off a bridge with it in your arms.

Wife just brought it to the vet. I am going to have to pay out of pocket to fix it then kill it. Lovely. This is how people go postal.

>cucked by his wife and a dog
its confirmed numales hate dogs lol

but cat is always alpha
he doesnt give a shit

First time I saw it. I really like the French bro's post. I'll stop replying to it in the future. Thanks for the heads up.

I really do.

Man I just like animals. Animals are awesome. Except horses. I don't like horses.

Cat's and dogs are both awsome in their own ways. They are both capable of loving their owners. A dog shows it's love by protecting you and getting exited when you come home. A cat shows it's love by following you around the house and rubbing on you, wanting to sit in your lap or sleep in the crook of your leg at night. They are both great animals that deserve to be humankind two greatest companions.

And if you hate either one your sub-human tash who needs to be gassed. If you hate any of humanities compainion animals you should be gassed. That doesn't stop eating meat and protest the killing of chickens and cows, two other great animals, but have some respect for them.

Except horses. Fuck horses. They are slaves for us to work and nothing more.


Muslim spotting made easy on pol

cats are for pussies

>sub-human tash

American education, everyone

We're talking about keeping them as pets in this thread, not eating them, chink.

>be cuckold britbong
>own a mighty lion king feline (stray cat)
>"Oh look Mighty Lion, it's Ahmed!"
>"he's here to culturally enrich my wife"
>britbong eats some falafel & chips having an orgasm, thinking how progressive his cat is.

even the snowjew knows


Just enjoy having pets and care for them you bunch of fags.

Carry a gun and put down each and every one that threatens you. Don't matter who you are as long as you got a gun. Actually I believe my town's midget did that. Was attacked by a stray dog on his way to work, nicest guy you would meet but that mean shit when you gotta protect yourself.

go fuck yourself
where would mankind be right now if it werent for horses

>oh my god he missed one letter out of the whole thing he wrote! And on Sup Forums of all places, the worlds center for grammar and spelling! I've certainly never once done that in my whole entire life better make a general sweeping statement about all Americans based on this ONE FUCKING LETTER he missed! And then I wont even bother to punctuate my fucking sentence!

Leafs, everyone.

The original of course, I worked out a few years ago I wasn't so tough for playing Superhuman because there was a bug shipped with the game of difficulty resetting to beginner after loading a save. 100% harder now haha

>Why do so many left-leaning men prefer cats over dogs?

where did you get this info from?

>Have actual autism
>can't stand being around animals
>Really like dogs and think they are great companions
>hate needing to give them constant attention
>hate having to be completely responsible for everything they do
>Need an self sufficient pet that is basically autistic
>only real option are cats
>Cats are shit and terrible

Life is suffering.

i am a leftist and i have a dog

Why does the fat purple haired girl living alone in the apartment across from me have 2 cats?

Yah and they served their fucking purpose. We have better things like ATVs and cars that won't rear up and buck you off because something made a scary noise 3 miles away. It's time to follow the french example and turn them into steaks.

horses are dumb, but useful, like cows

Are ferrets redpilled?

>sleep all day
>hunt rabbits with em
>cute as fuck