Life after death

Aren't we all just afraid of death? Isn't the meaning of every living person to think they live forever so they live happily?

Are you afraid of death?

I am, being nothing, nothing at all makes me shiver with fear.

What is the purpose of life if there is death?

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>What is the purpose of life if there is death?
The purpose of life is to die. Don't think too much about it or you'll get depressed.

move past it
im not afraid of death and i acknowledge its inevitability

Yeah sometimes nothingness is scary but if you have faith in a creator than that could help.

Look at things another way, we have no knowledge of on how the universe even works to be fair, we come up with theory's but then prove those theory's wrong with knew ones, our understanding of the universe is forever changing and for what reason would you think there would be nothingness when the universe is this complex?

I dunno I'm bad at explaining things i am better at shitposting.



i accepted it honestly, any sort of afterlife seems like wishful thinking to me. when you die its over.

exactly, you die and then nothing
and thats ok
just accept it
and have some fun

The meaning of life is to enjoy it and live faithfully with God. Death is only something to be afraid of if you're an animal or an atheist.

i am an atheist and i dont fear death
i also dont need to lie to myself
for comfort