Clusterfuck discussion

Continue discussion and derailing in context of course.

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I hope that german faggot takes a break or something god damn

Why do you think it is Sorros army?

Fuck Navalny and Soros shills

Trump's idea is to buy oil from Canada and Russia instead from the Middle East. They don't like it.

I'm just mocking

ahh shit

This is the thread that slowly takes us to collapse of Russia and World war 3.

Chill out, i think it's just sarcasm.

He didn't

>MFW sarcasm in your language is so deep it can't even be understood in English!

just go back to 2chan or r/eddit. You don't belong here. This board supports putin

>This board supports putin

Stupid shills isn't the whole board you stupid shill

seems pretty chill right now at least

Stop it, kraut, we are running out of 15 ruble coins, go take a break

>supporting a manlet and a corrupt thief


if i were russian i would back putin as the least worst option but he is still absolute shit tier

he gets some credit for helping assad though

I got it now. He's the eternal kraut, German nationalist who wants EU to keep cucking Europe so Germany gets more money and profits.

Weak Russia is in his best interest so he shills for Putin

+20 pyб

>everyone who disagrees with me is a shill episode

>15 ruble coins
Why did I laugh audibly?

Is this is one of german posters shitty jokes? Because if it is, it's definitely the shittiest one.


Oh the irony.

Nah this board isn't exclusively for Putin. There is a group of Russian that distrust their own government because Putin allocates all the funds to the military in fear of NATO.

Russia would collapse on its own soon due to sanctions and it's unable to make great jobs.

I'll just make this one post and then I'll let you faggots ignore it for its hyperbolic inconvenience.

If you seriously think that there are no such thing as 5th columnists, globalist yids or geopolitical proxies with malevolent interest towards the Russian state, then that's how I know you're either textbook useful idiots or shills. There are constant movers and influencers trying to sow dissidence in Russian society ever since Russia showed its cards on the world state as being an antithesis towards the global world order.

I don't know the full story of the contents of this "expose" on Medvedev's corruption accusations. But the fact that all of this is transpiring at a pivitol moment in time with regards to Russia's upcoming elections and Russia being in the western news non-stop, is not a fucking coincidence.

maybe late but

>everyone who disagrees with me is a shill episode
>Everyone is Soros funded shill, Putin diddu nuffin

The irony truly.

It is the diaspora cunt.
Like every Russia apologist in EU.
Whats going on with South Ossetia and Abhazia do you still have no diplomatic relations with RU because of it?

and yea generally speaking, you vermin need to leave and go back to your containment board on 2ch

>there are no such thing as 5th columnists
>There are constant movers and influencers

You contradict yourself. There will be always players.

>I don't know anythign about what's happening inside Russia - the post
Shut up fucking leaf

FFS lets watch and comment here livestream

>i don't have a counter argument: the post

counter argument to what? You said it yourself that you don't know any context of what is happening right now.

>They don't like it.
Fuck them, they are faggots. Faggots everytime.

Can you even read?


RT livestreams cut as soon as cops take someone or starts beating someone


how do you look at a young person who joins the police in russia? is it seen as honorable? are they respected? or is it seen as folding to the order and becoming a bootlicker for life?

No, we are waiting North Korea. Third World War will not awesome without tihs dogeaters.

I know english might be your 2nd language, but that's no excuse for not knowing how to read when you're throwing "bants" online

I said I don't know the FULL CONTENTS of the allegations against medvedev. I watched the video and I know the basic gestalt of what's happening at these protests. However what you and I both don't know is the veracity of the "research" as its not legally verifiable. It's just some konky2012 bullshit at this point.

It's mostly the latter.

it is respectable for low IQ tier bydlos,Sven.
This is the reason why police is so aggressive and stupid.

i dont like vladimir put-[USER WAS IRRADIATED FOR THIS POST]

supporter of antipeople regime. my grandfather and uncle are policecucks

>is it seen as honorable? are they respected? or is it seen as folding to the order and becoming a bootlicker for life?
No they aren't, policemans here uneducated people who was in army and then go to police for easy money

going to police is for losers who cant get into OMON or smth like that

but its still a good chance to come out of dirt even if you have neither brains nor powerfull friends nor money


whats OMON?

Russian SWAT

like SWAT

do they also function as riot police?
or is the OMOH thing different?

is it nova prospekt?


one of the millions of SWAT-like organizations

Пиздeц. 15-ти pyблeвaя шaвкa дaжe нe пoнимaeт, o чeм пиздит.
This stupid Putins's personal condome can't understand simple things. There is an international board, and many peoplre really know, his speech is a bullshit.

Yes they are

i dont get why that badly shopped pic gets posted all the time
its not unlikely nazi germany would have offered sanctuary for muslim refugees, for instance, if there was peace in 1941 but the soviets were cracking down hard on traitorous nations like crimean turks/"crimean tatars" and chechens

hitler sucked mohammads dick and waffen SS had numerous "Turkestan", Albanian and Slavic Muslim/"Bosniak" units, like the Handschar division

It's seen as a desire to get cheap and state sanctioned power trips. Medvedev's police overhaul did very little to make our police force better. Aside from new cars and name change, it's still the same.

Nevsky Prospekt

sorry if I just ask a bunch of dumb shit. ty for answers on police. I'm curious about stuff and I visited petersburg about 10 years ago, the light blue house felt familiar. I think I bought a HL2 mod on a dvd there, it was like if a downs syndrome sloth had vomited on a machine that was running Garys Mod, but, you know, it was interesting I guess

it's actually HOMO spelled backwards


Miserable Putin's regime is afraid of teens and old people

People are incorrectly responding that it is SWAT. It is more like a riot police. Guys jacked up with steroids who like to beat crowds and disperse protests.

Now I have o questions why Italians are so smart.

Shit like this happens in demonstrations. You can't expect them to go flawlessly.

This. Hitler fucking LOVED Muslimes, it's the Jews he hated so he would have 100% supported a Muslim migration to Europe whose goal is the extermination of Jewish people.

>o questions
truly a HOMO

Theres somewhere video where some foreigner gets stopped by Russian Omon and asks what HOMO police they are.
You can quess the rest, it involves beatings and handcuffs and cavity searches.


>Guys jacked up with steroids who like to beat crowds and disperse protests.
It is estonian reality, or just light trolling?

Fucking hate protesters that are provocating, like this bitch. It is like the beg to get their shit pushed in.

>Hitler fucking LOVED Muslimes
Indians too, if i not mistake. Beacause he had some interest in India. So, Indians was aria, LOL.

I was describing Russia.

That word turn me wrong way.

Now they will use this to attack p[protesters.
10/10 Russia.

What's the big deal? Just a little concussion. He didn't even get shot or something.

>Ceйчac eгo кoллeги избивaют вooбщe вceх

By clearing the area? What a cuck whoever posted this video.

what happened to him?
what does it mean в пoлётe?

>Now they will use this to attack p[protesters.

this should be enough to roll over them with fucking BTRs

Dropkicked him in the face

Дoлбoeб или пpoвoкaтop? Cкopee втopoe.
Is tihs man fucking retard or he was doing it specially because he is an agent?

>no video from before the policeman lies down


>Дoлбoeб или пpoвoкaтop?
He got hit? Do you really think they are not acting?

Or after, because nothing after that happend.

shit is john cena there or something?

>shit is john cena there or something?
Nope just OMON making stories up.

>that redhead cunt appeals to maydan and says "in Norway man shot 50 people..."

>they are not acting?
Who is "they"?
Хyй вынь изo pтa для нaчaлa.

>Хyй вынь изo pтa для нaчaлa.
Why are you projecting you fag fantasies towards me?

Don't bully based latvia-bro. He supports our cause.

Get the dick out of your ass and think clearly.

hey mitau how do you know russian

are you diaspora?

Yes, they plotted the whole night long to make it look like Ivan was dropped kicked in the head so in return they could beat some liberals up. Oceans eleven style.

Лoл, мaня oбcpaлacь.
That faggot sayed he is a faggot.