Since Trump won, Sup Forums became pro-gov

>since Trump won, Sup Forums became pro-gov
>since Trump won, Sup Forums became shills.
Bravo Trump, you did what the jidf couldn't do.
You did what the liberals always wanted.
You deradicalize Sup Forums and made them plain old conservatives.

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If you FAGS don't know about the biggest organized criminal breakin than you fucked.....

One word.....

MONTGOMERY......600 million documents....

156 Judges wire tapped.....The Hammer....[Open]

>inb4 12D chess
No you fools, you're the one being played.
Trump is /our/ guy, a centrist who wants to keep your extemist scum at bay. Just like Putin.

oh you fool. the forces at play are far more dangerous than a mortal could comprehend. what a thought.

wtf i love tax cuts for the rich now!

Yeah, it's great. I would prefer the same to go to the lower classes too but we can hope that trickle down economics might work at last.

>You deradicalize Sup Forums and made them plain old conservatives.

TIL Stromfags, Lolbertarians, shitskins, comtards, pedos, trolls are conservatives.

>Sup Forums still decries intransigent legislature
>Sup Forums opposes deep state and believes it opposes trump
>Sup Forums still believes the majority of state apparatus directly opposes trump
Try harder.

She lost, get over it.

i-it'll f-finally work this time!

Retard implying Trump has anything to do with the Government, Presidency is just a show position its all in the (((bureaucracy)))

They got nothing, "Jews" are still in charge
They got nothing, "Big Gov" is still in charge
They got nothing, "Gringos" are still in charge
They got nothing, "Capitalists" are still in charge
They got nothing, paedophilia is still illegal
Trolls only made democrats slightly irrate, look at them now, they are having fun at the demonstrations and feeling moraly high at twitter.

The fact is, those tax cuts will supercharge the American economy and lead to greater wealth for all.

I would vote for Trump if I could. As a centrist.
Because Clinton economically is neo-liberal, far right and aggresive and against the middle class.

The authoritarian right is necessary to fix society.

yes, surely trickle down will work this time! keep believing that, poorfag


Trump's 4D chess will give the poor in America all the money they need, once they get rid of Obamacare.

then Sup Forums is stupid. Time will tell.
Trump will make america great, but not in the way you want.

Reminder that most of Trumptards on pol are russian trolls

The elections were far more complex than Sup Forums portrayed them to be. Trump is a moderate centrist civic nationalist with extensive jewish connections.

I think this board just wanted to be a part of something, since they've been powerless and marginalized their whole lives.


Society is ok.
You just don't realise how bad things were in the past. This historical period is the most peacefull and stable we've ever had as humans.
What you want is less immigrants because muh genes.
You won't get that with that attitude.
Think about it, why 150-100 years ago when there were massive immigration waves towards america, muslims were practically non existent?

>moderate centrist civic nationalist with extensive jewish connections.

I have no problem with any of that.

Yes, I'm sure we're all poor and fat like you. When even the FOB girls in Toronto won't give you a second glance.

Yes he is, and I like him for that. He knows how to do things, and please the centrists, the con.right and the far right at the same time. the center left is just slightly irrate to him and the far left was against obama too, so he has more appeal than any democrat would have.

Wait, you thought that people here took trump and conservatives seriously?

You thought people here seriously believe in hare-brained politics from the 40s, failed economic theory unsupported by data or unironically question climate science? That anybody on here is religous or doesn't support basic human rights?


Congratulations, you have been played by Sup Forums. You are in fact dumber than the average Sup Forums poster. If you actually believed anything on here, you gotta take long hard look at how you got here, kiddo.

Calm down you snarky autist. Did you hear any of the narrative throughout the whole election?

>le alt-right marginalized white boys feel detached from society so they support trump

Regardless of how true it is or isn't overall (Sup Forums is only a sliver of Trump's overall support), all you have to do is browse this board for 5 minutes to see the 'marginalized young white guy' narrative coming true


Ottawa, you little faggot.

Americans don't understand that liberals only bich about Trump on twitter and demonstrations were done against obama as well but the media were hiding them to paint obama as a progressive.

The /ptg/ branch of Sup Forums are such pearl-clutching crybabies. They're soooo in love with "free speech" they embrace Intenet Tough Guy racism and Naziwank, but let anyone laugh at the cuck-in-chief and it's OMG! SHILLS! TROLLS! SAVE ME! WHERE ARE MY FILTERS!

It makes you think.

The average age of this board is 18 and a lot of young people on here portrayed this election as the be-all end-all of politics in the western world. They didn't consider that things happened outside this modern timeframe. But they'll understand that one day.

Drumpf ruined Sup Forums and Sup Forums forever

>trump says a couple of vaguely sort-of-but-not-really racist things on the campaign trail
>trump gives liberals conniptions

And you all support him. But he's not one of you, never has been or will be. He's an opportunist and you're working for him for free.

In fact how any real man support crybabies like the current conservative leadership is beyond me.

>we will repeal and replace!
>new bill 1/20th of actual ACA
>no votes
>bill doesn't pass even though repubs have monopoly on power
>it's the democrats fault!

Really fires up my neurons.

>moderate centrist civic nationalist

Top kek what is that even supposed to mean?

>Shareblue-Sample898(Rename before posting).jpg
it's like you're not even trying

Google what those words mean if you don't understand them.

The left was always anti-american, and Russia wanted to make the right the same, and made RT and funded Alex Jones. WikiLeaks is also anti-american.

It's also anti European as well.

Wrong way around, dipshit. Sup Forums turned the US Government into nazi fascists. Just ask the leftards.

That narrative wasn't for the young. It was for middle-aged people in the work force. You are stupid. You should stay in your snow hole and keep masturbating to the thought of a moose fucking your sister.

even kek himself is showing his digits so that he warns us

Not really, Bannon himself, the big spooky white supremacist is self described as a Leninist. There are some nazbols behind Bannon bu nothing more.





Yes, the narrative was for the young. You are talking about something else. Kill yourself, you salty autistic American weirdo.

>Trump turned Sup Forums into pro authoritarian statis dictatorship big government zionist shills

It hurts that all it took to do it was talk without political correctness.

>How do percentages work
kys retard


What are $

the fact about these YUGE tax cuts is that we really can't afford them. Even at 11% GDP growth which is like triple what we can realistically attain through tax cuts, we'd be looking at an extra TRILLION dollars in deficit per year, especially when we saw Trump's budget plan, no net spending cuts, just shifting spending from other federal agencies into the military.

Trump's tax cuts would bankrupt us faster than you can say Bernie Sanders.

>thinking it was Trump

dude this was the JIDF's endgame, have you not seen a more pro Israel president?

Its honestly sad what this board has become.

Trump is quite possibly the most pro-Jewish president to ever exist.

Nobody here likes to hear that though.

Politics are such a soup today.
The fact that Clinton who used to be member of the KKK was the liberal and Trump's men used to be communists makes it even more bizzare.

>people still think Republicans are the party of financial responsibility

The right loves to spend just as much as the left, it's only the recipients of the subsidies that differ. Just look at Kansas, Republican administration there slashed income taxes, and did almost nothing to curb spending. So now they are running a deficit in the hundreds of millions.

Even after decades, people haven't discovered that you can't keep funneling money to defense contractors and the top 1% and expect to balance the budget

Daily reminder that (((they))) are not Israel.

>You deradicalize Sup Forums and made them plain old conservatives.

if someone even more hardcore on immigration and muslims came along, pol would flock to him and say thanks to trump but pass the torch

Israel is the home of the jews, it doesn't mean they only conduct their treachery there though. It's textbook jewish philosophy to keep their own heartland and homes safe and "pure", while they corrupt the world around them.

>w-why does Sup Forums support the guy who wants to save American demographics and in Bannon's words "deconstruct the administrative state" pls just go back to being l-libertarian

Fuck off shill, nobody except Whites give a shit about the constitution, liberty and rights. Without Whites the state is all powerful, so you better show some fucking respect to the man who's going to save America!

When will that be released again? A bunch of threads said Friday and nothing happened


JIDF detected

(((they))) infilrate every government, every religion

That's just a meme, yes some people are ironic but the majority is serious.
I've met Sup Forumstards in real life and they are unironically scared of a globalist jewish conspiracy that wants to enslave the white man.
My arguement is that there will always be an elite controlling the masses with any means. Most people here all they want is to be more priviledged than other ethnicities. They are basicaly reverse sjws.

And pro jew.

I am so fucking sick of any mild criticism of Trump being dismissed on here as "shills". Redditors from /r/the_donald and other places can't take criticism if their reddit accounts depended on it.

I'm not sure how you can even deny that there is a JEWISH plot to destroy whites. Jews are behind every major push to go against everything good. Promoting homosexuality, promoting open borders, destroying the family unit. And when you dig deep enough, jews are even behind many minor things as well. It's outrageous. Their methods stop them from being detected by most people.

Yes, there will always be an elite controlling the masses, But jews are by far the most effective elite there ever has been, and I don't mean that in a good way.

>lowest quintile probably makes like 14k a year
>wtf why am I not getting 200k off my taxes?

whats even more disgusting is now its suddenly okay on this board to support Israel and build up our military when in reality a good portion of it will be going to them.

glad to see I'm not the only one that smells the bullshit here leafbro

The thing is that many Jewish believe they are whites themselves. They want to destroy religion and nationality, not the white race.
Also, by reducing european culture into a "white race" cultural soup, you help them by doing half the work.



No, they don't fucking believe that. It is very natural for jews to be secretive and try to blend in as much as they can. Standing out and being identified is the last thing they want. Look up what a "crypto jew" is.

Jews have said over and over they want to over-run Europe with non-whites. It's easy for the layman to mix up jews with whites, and so jews find it easy to pretend to be whites so they can hide.

>smells the bullshit
>weird obsession with Israel when Israel has always been a tertiary concern before breaking the back of Jewish power in the USA and deporting shitskins
>"We're not shills, just concerned nationalists desu"

I'm so sure you are.

Steve Bannon: "I'm a Leninist"

Jews do not promote immigration, shitty nato wars do.

Excepting of course that Trump is cutting the shit out of all your gibs

Kill yourselves you blatant shilling faggots

>weird obsession with Israel

you almost had me fooled kike



I'm just enjoying based ICE doing their job.

Greek shill: I take quotes out of context because I'm from /r/politics and my ass has been severely blasted since getting rekt by Trump

>call people a kike
>"clearly if I use bad words they won't notice I oppose the only guy unfucking American demography because they're dumb drumpftards"

Kill yourself. I'm serious.

>once they get rid of Obamacare.


They threw in the towel buddy.

>Jews do not promote immigration

Did you make this thread so it could be a thinly veiled pro-jewish thread?

He's not though. He's not touching entitlements.

Postly reminder.

Keep calm and shitpost on. :^)

he did back off on that point though