Bulgarian elections general.
Borissov 3 all but confirmed.
Info for foreigners:
>GERB = commies who suck Merkels dick
>BSP = commies who suck Putin's dick
>Our guys = no one
>Mareshki = memes
Bulgarian elections general.
Borissov 3 all but confirmed.
Info for foreigners:
>GERB = commies who suck Merkels dick
>BSP = commies who suck Putin's dick
>Our guys = no one
>Mareshki = memes
Other urls found in this thread:
Where can we watch the results?
daily and hourly reminder that there is only one patriotic party in bulgaria and thats dr. ahmed dogan's DPS.
ДaБългapия щe влeзe, имa нaдeждa.
Common sense will win once again.
abandon all hope and pray for a coalition without BSP
Can anyone translate this?
>I can't negotiate a 7200bgn/m salary
>I'm smarter than others, therefore nobody can
Why does a faggot that has a diploma of cleaning toilets at the local food restaurant trying to explain to me how to earn my money? Let me guess, you're making 10k a day, right?
The political formation DaBulgaria have a chance to enter the parliament.
Take your SJW turk cuкs somewhere else