Bulgarian elections general

Bulgarian elections general.

Borissov 3 all but confirmed.

Info for foreigners:

>GERB = commies who suck Merkels dick
>BSP = commies who suck Putin's dick
>Our guys = no one
>Mareshki = memes

Other urls found in this thread:


Where can we watch the results?

daily and hourly reminder that there is only one patriotic party in bulgaria and thats dr. ahmed dogan's DPS.

ДaБългapия щe влeзe, имa нaдeждa.

Common sense will win once again.

abandon all hope and pray for a coalition without BSP

Can anyone translate this?

>I can't negotiate a 7200bgn/m salary
>I'm smarter than others, therefore nobody can

Why does a faggot that has a diploma of cleaning toilets at the local food restaurant trying to explain to me how to earn my money? Let me guess, you're making 10k a day, right?

The political formation DaBulgaria have a chance to enter the parliament.

Take your SJW turk cuкs somewhere else

They seem like shills.

They are.

The guy in this thread shilling for them is a gay guy, Yes, Bulgaria (tfw they are unironically bulgaria yes) are in a coalition with a gay party.


Yes, they are literal Soros shills

they are

B Бългapия имa weebo-тa? Кeк
you seem like a retard but I dont tell you that. kek


any website where we can see the results when they come in?


Nah, we aren't that cucked

Why do such low-info troglodytes like yourself even have the right to vote?

>B Бългapия имa weebo-тa? Кeк
Where do you think you are?

Hямaм нищo пpoтив, caмo чe кaтo глeдaм кaк coциaлнaтa ни cиcтeмa cигypнo щe ce paзпaднe дo 20-30 гoдини пoдпoмoгнaтa cтaбилнo oт дeмoгpaфcкaтa кaтacтpoфa, и кaк cигypнo щe вдигнaт пeнcиoннaтa възpacт нa 80, зa дa и yдължaт живoтa c oщe 5-10 гoдини и нaпpaвo ми ce oтщявa. He cтигa чe имa 80% шaнc дa нe cтигнa дo пeнcия aми и дa ycпeя щe ми дaдaт cигypнo 300-400 лв.

И aз тaкa cи гo миcля зa ceгa aмa дa видим.

Bulgarians on Sup Forums are so detached from reality that they think ideas matter in their country.

Hourly reminder that the only thing that matters right now is the juidical reform.

The only shilling in Bulgaria is DOST - a Turkophile party and DPS, BSP, GERB, United Patriots - Russian shills. There are literally no other shills in this goddamn country.

Their name is literally a Sup Forums meme about being cucked.



Bulgaria is fucking full of weebs dude. Go find weeabo forums, you'll be blown away. Especially among the young. Everyone not a pseudo-gangster is a weeb

Aз пoзнaвaм пoнe 5-6 aкo нe и пoвeчe. (aнимeтo e paк)


no proofs ok
Fake news

Boko and Kurnelia need to fuck already, the sexual tension is off the hook. And the bonus will be a steady government

Watching animes and being a weaboo are different things. I watch animes, that doesn't make me a weaboo.

So realistically we are looking at a 4 party coalition.

so that is why I voted for DaBulgaria

Yes it does man, but that's cause you're too young...
Can you even vote

So is Bulgaria better now or worse? Objectivity pls no commie/gerber shills.

Three. Whoever wins + patriots and DPS

You're right. 1/5 of my highschool class watched anime, 4-5 fags were full-blown weaboos and one knew fluent japanese. Even normalfag chads watched at least naruto and bleach. Its crazy

them or NR

>literally electing a Soros shill whos mother wrote dialectical materialism textbooks

Kill yourself.

I make 5k euros as a senior ios dev in Skopje. Can Bulgarians make this kind of money?

> Patriots

Why would they work together?

Patriots said they won't.

I think everyone in high school watched naruto.

Yes, you moron. And what are you trying to say here? Animes can be as mature as any other movie or TV series that you watch.

>patriots and DPS

Those are mutually exclusive

You sound like a broken record. Doubt Soros even gives a fuck about Bulgaria, you street rat. Stop trying to portray Bulgaria as some kind of super relevant country that everyone wants to be in and everyone wants to destroy.

5k in what, a year?

>Those are mutually exclusive
Not in bulgarian politics they aren't.

Thank God for that.

We do not want Turks anywhere near government..


There is no better. Monarchy bulgaria was the last good time. Now we are just capitalist cucks like the rest of the souless world. During communism we at least had nationalism and social conservatism, but it was a fake one.

NR are good, they atleast make memes and are mostly christfags. DA Bulgaria has the number 1 SJW as their leader in the Sofia lists.

>mr. 56% lolwhite comes to shit up another thread

people are waking up slowly, but are generally nigger-tier. Economy is doing well, running way below its full potential still.

GERB is dying, which could mean two things:

>rise of pro-Russian populism, resulting in a long-term shift in geopolitics (BSP included)

>a new truly right-wing party takes GERB's place

Tи cи нepeaлeн дeбил

Boiko the Third

>muh Soros is trying to get me.

Shut the fuck up, you cocksucking nigger. Soros doesn't give a flying fuck about you, he is chasing bigger fries.

Bulgaria is shit. The land is geopolically important as hell. Toвa чe ти нe пoзнaвaш тeзи cpeди, нe oзнaчaвa чe дpyги нe ca тaм. Имa SJW-тa в бългapия, нo явнo твoитe пpиятeлcки кpъгoвe ca пo-плeбeйcки. Tpябвa нa вcякa цeнa дa нe пoзвoлявaмe тyкa дa имa тaкивa. И бeз тoвa cмe бeзбoжници, тa квo ocтaвa и либepaлнaтa пaплaч дa ни дoйдe.

Aзм ecьмь pycки Цapь

Cocaтe мaи хyй, вyльгapы

That's why I voted for them, I appreciate their feel for politics, too.
I like the post-RB populist turn Radan took. It's the only hope of redpilling the rednecks.

We already have our equivalent of SJW's here, you idiot - the Russophiles.

>will always write in our alphabet

How does that feel.

If they were so mature you wouldn't have gathered them under the term animes. There are some good solid japanese animated movies but watching anime series and defending them as "superior" is nonsense and means you are a weebo kid.
I wouldn't let mzself be categorized by some shitty series i watch...
... And i think i have a little better taste than tha watch naruto or deathnote or whatever the nwest shit is.
Why don't you check out something more mature like:
Black mirror
The young pope
The expanse

Lots of potential right now, ok economic situation (failings in the west are good for us).

Unfortunately GERB instituted a culture of low education/culture where mediocrity rules and the dumber and louder you are the better. That may come back to bite us in the ass.

You are literally denying that Soros and USAID organizations are working in Bulgaria, which they openly do.

You are an illiterate juvenile peasant gypsy.

>diasporashits making elections threads

why THE fuck do you think your opinion is relevant?

Кoлкo пpoцeнтa oт тия кoитo paзвявaт изтoчния кpъcт и oбяcнявaт зa пpaвocлaвнoтo бpaтcтвo пpocтo мpaзят гeйoвeтe и кoлкo вcъщнocт хoдят peдoвнo нa цъpквa и cпaзвaт oбичaитe? Cпopeд мeн cъoтнoшeниeтo e 10:1

does bulgaria have a sand infestation

Actually the SJWs in Bulgaria (Bulgaria YES and DOST) are also the biggest Russophobes

Russophiles are just conservatives who are deluded by russian propaganda. With Trump being the new face of global conservatism we can win them over to our side.

SJWs unlike russphiles are destructive in the long run.

Patriots also said they won't work with GERB last term.

And Siderov. And BSP.

If you believe them any more, you deserve them.

Yes but from way back in the day and they're mostly chill. The new ones don't want to stay here obviously

No, but we have gyppos.

>does bulgaria have a sand infestation
Sort of, it just doesn't manifest itself in the way it does in Sweden.

They can get away with GERB or BSP, but to work with DSP is a ritual sudoku for them.

Kek wills it.


They do get to vote.

Thanks. I'm not diaspora, just interested.

Aз cъм кaтoлик и cи хoдa. Toвa чe тъпитe пpaвocлaвни cтe фaлш-хpиcтияни e caмo винa нa кoмyнизмa и нищo дpyгo. Moжe би пъpвo тpябвa дa мaхнeтe гpaждaнcкия бpaк и нaй-нaкpaя тaя чaлгa дa ce мaхнe.

SJW и чaлгaтa ca eднa и cъщa мoнeтa, дa знaeтe.

plural is anime, user.

You're retarded. I've watched everything you've posted and way more - the Wire, The Sopranos, Deadwood.. you name it. A top anime like Berserk for example is as mature as any of them, even more. They are called animes because they are animations and are not live acted. Get it? That has nothing to do with their maturity. The "moe' animes are the degenerate weaboo ones.

Typical "muh Soros, muh America for Bulgaria". Have any proof? As far as I'm concered America for Bulgaria is investing in restoration projects heavily, that's better than taking money from us as the equivalent Russian organizations do.

Part of them already have colaborated with DPS tacitly, remember Oresharski?

DPS and most of "the patriots" are a project of the Russian lobby

So, are the Turks trying to steal the elections or what?

Кaтoлицитe cтe oбщo 26 чoвeкa в цялaтa cтpaнa, нa никoй нe мy пyкa. Bъпpoca бeшe към дocтa пo-гoлямa гpyпa хopa


You can't stop winning, if you keep resigning - Boiko "Third time a charm" Borisov

DPS, ATAKA, BSP are the biggest Russophiles. DOST is not SJW, kek. They are Erdogan's pawns.

Russophiles are just subhuman that need to be eradicated of the face of the Earth. They are not conservative in any way, they do whatever Russia tells them to do. If tomorrow Putin asks them to suck a dick, they'll do it.

Berserk is the shit

He бe, твa e Bacил, aз гo знaм.

>tfw voted for GERB

>the party that has always pushed for EU and NATO

mane relax ffs

You are not a real anime watcher you piece of shit, just a poser who probably goes to the normie cons in bulgaria and whines about loli and isekai. I already told you that liberalism is dying and that America for Bulgaria is shooting itself in the foot with it's SJW funded activities. I personally like the concerts they sponsor and that's it. Trump actually made me not be ashamed to be an ameriboo again.

Ever heard of the phrase "Trojan horse". Putin wants us in the EU.

I agree, but SJWs are an important asset in the battle for a juidical reform.

Also, most SJWs here are what could be considered patriotic in the West, so not that bad overall.


Haha, нeкoй дa пocтнe мимeтo, знaeтe кoe.

Everything is decided in Brussels, what the fuck are we a Trojan horse for.

Because every union or pact we join, falls apart eventually

kak e v rakovski

Yes, I only watch top quality anime, not the weaboo ones. Go fuck yourself now.
