>Follow her on twitter

>Power Rangers - Protectors of Europa

>Elect Le Pen, Don't Be Sweden

>The National Front Awakens

>Marine Le Pen 2017 Trailer

>"If we fail, France will become muslim"

>Le Pen's Official Campaign Video

>Marion Le Pen explains why feminists are hypocrites

>New Campaign Ad

>Marine Le Pen Destroys Islam, Praises Farage

>Nigel Farage Met Marine Le Pen

>Le Pen Best Speech Ever

Other urls found in this thread:



Basically, he is projecting a facade of being youthful and honest, he speaks well and this facade is very well polished, however it is complete bullshit. If the facade drops, so does Macron. He has a weak base and if he looks bad they may just not bother voting in the second round.

He is "center left", in other words a socialist. The socialists weren't going to win, so Macron split from them and created his own party which has a socialist platform. He's Hollande 2.0.

>Bercy Scandal

He spent 120000 Euros of public money from Bercy aka the Ministry of Economy, meant to be used for his role as Hollande's minister of finance on basically lobbing media and politicians for his coming presidential run. Then quit as Hollande's finance minister and ran for president.

A book was released about this in January 2017, it is getting very little media coverage:

>Did favors for Patrick Drahi in order to get favorable media coverage

In February Macron got 480 minutes of air time on BFMTV against ~80 for Fillon, ~70 for Hamon and ~60 for Le Pen and Mélanchon, BFMTV is an info channel owned by Patrick Drahi a French Israeli billionaire that was allowed to purchase SFR, one of the main French telecom companies, by Macron when he was minister of economy despite the previous minister opposing the purchase. Patrick Drahi also owns the newspaper Le Monde which also shills for Macron.

>Source of his campaign finance

Macron receives 5 millions for his campaign from a close circle of private (((donators))). This is probably a result of his lobbying with the Bercy funds or will turn out to be corporations which benefit greatly from globalism, they just need to be exposed.

>His comments regarding French people

-There is no French culture
-Crime against humanity is the French colonization
-France will have to get used to mass immigration


Fillon will crash and burn even before the election and then a lot of his voters will go for Le Pen. If kek wills it she will win in a landslide!


She will never win

Screencap this

kill yourself faggot,.

Macron is BTFO. Everyone hate him. His rallys are a total flop. The (((polls))) are FAKE

The pic is pretty dank!

That doesn't take into account Fillon's voters that will massively go for Le Pen once he's out of the race.

Also polls are always skewed because they sample more people from big cities.

And we can shame many liberals into voting for the first women president.

Honestly i think the 2nd turn will be MLP/Fillon or MLP/Mélenchon, the polls are so fucked up, i can't believe their stats on Macron, and i think Mélenchon also have more support than in the polls

A 2nd turn Mélenchon/MLP would be both terrifying for the next 5 years, but also will ensure us a big win in 2022, or even a civil war during the 5 years

That being said, i'll vote for her, but you guys shouldn't believe she has a chance

Fucking This. Cuckron is Hillary 2.0 everybody see how fake and crooked he is.

Daily reminder that Macron is a shill for the Rothschilds

>A 2nd turn Mélenchon/MLP
It would mean Le Pen's victory. The majority of people wouldn't vote for this dumbass.


>remove kebab


>remove kebab


>remove kebab


>remove kebab

You know we're in France right ? Literally every muslim/youth will vote for him, just that is more than all MLP voters, and every other parties will vote for him too, it would be a big lose

what are the polls looking like for Le Pen now boys?

Also, any Frenchbros have any idea if the attacks in London have helped to sway people to Le Pen?

Marion is not Marine you mountain jew

Is that LePen shooped onto Celestine?

>Fucking believing in polls when opposing jew candidate vs right wing candidate

>Also, any Frenchbros have any idea if the attacks in London have helped to sway people to Le Pen?

You know we had it worse than UK about the attacks ?

It doesn't change shit, it's never islam's fault, only the cologne rapes had an effect in fact

The polls are looking bad, they're not real but she still doesn't stand a chance against anyone

Mudslimes are only 10% of France and many of them don't vote. We won't see a surge in Mudslimes voting like we saw in the Dutch election because they have a different mentality in France. You couldn't drag them to the polls even if you offered them 1 million $$$

ITT Trumpcucks playing Let's Pretend

Hello britfag shill.
I was wondering when you'll show up.

>many of them don't vote
yeah, sure, they will not vote after seeing MLP in the 2nd turn

come on man

>Literally every muslim/youth

The youth is the biggest FN voter base.

>and every other parties will vote for him too

Not the Republicans.

Marine will win.

>wanting to vote for the most crooked party in France that destroyed the economy of every single constituency where they had executive power
Okay... But why?

>Not the Republicans.
yes they will
you know most Fillon voters will switch to Macron in case of a Macron/MLP 2nd turn ?
they're delusional cowards, they will never vote for the FN because "literally Hitler", they agree with everything in her program, but they still don't vote for her

How embarrassing.


What should we do then? Give up? Your low energy defeatism is shitting up this thread.

Forced meme the post.

Also digits confirm.

Here's a (((you)))

Ceci vaut pour toutes les petites tarlouzes en provenance de jvc et autres

C'est votre devoir de répandre les fines pièces d'artisanat mêmétiques produites ici et ailleurs. Ce n'est pas en restant les bras croisés qu'il va se passer quelque chose

Can Based Fillon still win or do we need to rely on Marie Le Commie


multiple kek


An MLP/Fillon second round would be so fucking based

Not this time. Most of them had enough of being told who to vote for. They also saw the crooked media attacking Fillion for a non story.

The saw their own party trying to disown or go openly against Fillion because he wasn't the establishment choice.

My prediction is that some of them will abstain of most of them will go for Le Pen as a big FUCK YOU to the establishment.

>don't mind me, just doing fire-and-forget meme magick for the digitz as offering to the new moon
>btw the new moon is perfect for casting (hopefully great) misfortune to the enemy
>the full moon is for the energy replenishment of allies


Sérieusement ces threads ont besoin d'être en français. Qu'est-il arrivé aux Néerlandais avec leur 'speak english please'? Ils se sont fait roulés dessus.
On a besoin de générer une force mêmétique, qui fait appel à l'esprit des gens. Pour générer quelque chose d'efficace en France, on doit garder l'esprit français. En parlant anglais on passe automatique à un humour qui n'est pas efficace en France.

Ne vous méprenez pas, j'aime beaucoup nos amis anglophones, mais il est grand temps de commencer sérieusement à s'y mettre.

Et quand je dis parler français, je ne veux pas dire 'traduire mot-à-mot les mêmes d'ici'. C'est juste con et ça leurs donne un air faux.

Kek, nice pic.

I'm not giving up anything, i'm saying we can still fight, and hope, but thinking she has a chance this year is just dumb, some people still think Mélenchon is anti-system, no one have hope in PS/UMPS anymore, they have to lose hope in Mélenchon too now

Fillon is a piece of shit, nothing will change with him, some of his voters are based, he is not

>Most of them had enough of being told who to vote for.
Yes, but they're still coward enough not to go for Le Pen, that's why Mélenchon is rising a lot, they're only voting for "anti-system" candidates now, Le Pen has risen a lot too, but still not enough

Je suis assez d'accord, sans parler du fait que la grande majorité des français ne parle pas un mot d'anglais

>En parlant anglais on passe automatique à un humour qui n'est pas efficace en France.
Il a raison

>but thinking she has a chance this year is just dumb

It's not. Turn off your TV and stop being low energy

Merde, je voulais dire automatiquement évidemment

Find a good name for Macron just like Trump did with Crooked Hillary please

I have thought about Cuckron but frogs can't understand

Frenchies were the first one to revolt against the monarchies and you want me to believe that they are afraid to vote for Le Pen?

Nah that's the media narrative but I can feel a new revolution coming

C'est quoi l'esprit français ?

>between 40 and 50% abstention in France

i wonder who they're gonna vote for when they see MLP in the 2nd turn

They won't vote because the media will say that she has no chance whatsoever so they will have no motivation to go to the polls

Also i don't watch TV since like 2 or 3 years

French people who know french history vote for Le Pen
others are just cucks, thinking "muh revolution is about fuck christians and open borders !"
they actually think they're anti-establishment when they want open borders

T'as déjà remarqué que les français avaient tendance à mettre un espace avant les point d'interrogation? Il y a plein de petites différences comme ça
L'esprit français c'est une manière générale de désigner l'esprit de quelqu'un qui a grandit et vit en France et est donc de culture française

C'est vrai.

Après les anglophones viendront gueuler parce qu'on veut pas parler anglais (ce qui est faux je passe 95% de mon temps à parler anglais sur ce site). Parler notre langue dans des threads appropriés n'est pas un crime, bien au contraire.

C'est contre ce genre de raisonnement que l'on se bat.

Ma couille?
Mon couillon?

>They won't vote because the media will say that she has no chance whatsoever so they will have no motivation to go to the polls
yeah, well you never saw an election in France then

it doesn't work like that here, they say she's gonna win, so more people vote to counter her

just like the regionales 2 years ago, FN was gonna win everywhere "omg look, FN is gonna win !!" everyone voted against them, they lost every single region

what happened to krautchan?

Got shoa'd





Thank you for your enthousiasm suiss bro

Trump had no chance.

And he won because his supporters were HIGH ENERGY

>posting second-worst primarch
heresy desu lad

Ui best wifu


The cucked left and the cucked right had to form an unholy alliance to block the FN in many regions.

Without that alliance they the FN would have won overwhelmingly.

Our chance this time is that people will be immune to such an alliance because of Fillion being betrayed by his party and the medias.


>just like the regionales 2 years ago, FN was gonna win everywhere "omg look, FN is gonna win !!" everyone voted against them, they lost every single region
>people can vote during the 2nd round even if they didn't bother moving their asses for the 1st round
Très colère.

Tu es vraiment salaud. On a besoin de toute l'aide possible même si cet aide ne vient pas de la part des francophones. On peut voir que les français en Sup Forums sont déjà defaitistes. Comment va-ton gagner quelque chose si on dépend d'eux seulement?

You too Mexi bro lets keep up the high energy until Cuckron and his cronies are shitting their pants over the lost election

What you said doesn't prove me wrong at all
We still lost with fucking 40% abstention
And these 40% only switch for Le Pen or Mélenchon

Honestly i don't mind it, the 2nd round most people just vote for the "less bad"
I just wish people would really vote for the less bad



On est défaitistes parce qu'on connait notre peuple mieux que le reste de Sup Forums, regarde ce qu'il s'est passé avec Geert Wilders "he already won" tout le monde disait

On a eu des élections régionales il y a 2 ans seulement, et on a perdu car tout le monde a "voté pour contrer" le FN

I'm starting to wonder if you're a shill. Every one of your posts reeks low energy defeatism

This. High energy or nothing.

Autographe de JMLP qu'il m'a fait hier

Rassuré ?

Ok. On ne va compter que sur les francophones de Sup Forums. Moins de mains à créer des memes.

On ne peut pas influencer l'opinion publique française en parlant une langue étrangère. On a besoin de parler français pour que les idées qui ressortent de ces threads soient efficaces. Les anglophones peuvent toujours nous aider mais ils seront toujours un peu à côté de la plaque.

Mais tu as raison, les français sont défaitistes, faute à une propagande dès le plus jeune âge. ça me rend triste parce qu'on a un vrai potentiel d'idées dans ce pays. C'est pour ça que j'essaye de motiver ces bâtards.

Montrer vous enthousiastes putain de merde! Si vous n’êtes pas entièrement convaincus des idées du FN, cela montre juste que votre cerveau fonctionne encore. Le but est de déplacer l'opinion publique hors de la mondialisation et du cosmopolitisme. Alors réveillez vous!

And for you Mexibro, are you translating with some website, or do you speak French?

This download link contains 48 anti macron pics, my french is trés terrible so i would appreciate if someone could help me post these pics and spreading them all over the place

Wouldn't it be smart to try and make Fillon - Le Pen the second round? Polls say that she has a decent chance against Fillon, and this way turbocuck Macron won't be president.

Pourquoi être défaitiste alors? Tu sait que tu gâches de l'énergie à être contre-productif au moins? Etre défaitiste même dans la pire des situation est ridicule. Soit tu te bat, soit tu crèves, et crois moi que ces mots seront bientôt réalité si on reste les bras croisés.

Currently downloading
Merci Miguel

Macron and Fillon are as bad as each other
And voters don't give a shit about who is against Le Pen
It will always be Le Pen vs every other french
I don't think Fillon or Macron would have a big difference on this
Also Philippot, (/ourfaggot/) said that we had a bigger chance against Macron than against Fillon

Je vais les poster ici, comme ça on pourra voir les meilleurs




Parce que à chaque fois qu'on a dit "on a déjà gagné", on a perdu


Être optimiste c'est bien, mais se mentir à soit-même ça fait juste agrandir la chute


it is my pleasure the help ^^

N'hésitez à dire lesquelles vous plaisent


I need a basic Gestalt
>When are French elections?
>How does the process work in France?
>Does Le Pen actually have a chance at winning?
>did the London terror attack have any effect?
My apologies in advance, I haven't been following this election








>When are French elections?
>How does the process work in France?
>Does Le Pen actually have a chance at winning?
>did the London terror attack have any effect?

Start 23 april, end 7 may
It's in 2 round, first round, every candidate participate, 2nd round, only the 2 best of the 1st round can participate
Some of us may think yes, some of us may think no
Not at all, we had it worse than UK in France