/sprrg/ (((Revolution))) in Russia General - Old Thread Hit Bumplimit Edition

Aleksey Navalny started Demonstrations — a few thousand peoples attended it in several cities.

Watch livestream here:
And check out RT

/sprrg/ = Soros Paid Russion Revolution General

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/watch?v=LpaI_i8DU6Y&ytbChannel=Nesid Dinle İndir

What if they put it in H?

aye бpaтишки

My friend in russia wants to participate in the riots. What should i tell him?


Enrolled. Received fresh Soros's grant. Shaking Russia

first 4 kick ass nasheeds

youtube.com/watch?v=LpaI_i8DU6Y&ytbChannel=Nesid Dinle İndir

Previous Thread:


fuck you all this russian democracy now and Im first

Does he have something with rainbow colors to wear?

Hail Soros hail

Would anything fruitful happen here? What chances that Medvedev will be sacrificed?

Sup Forums - кoгдa ycтaл oт кpиптoхoхлoв в /po/

Unconfirmed dead HOMO

It's over, even the cops are going home now.

It's already over lads
Over 600 arrested, FBK is kill

The real question is, would anything change if he was?


police caught guy with gun

You can see barely noticeable smile on her face.
Damn, I have the weirdest boner now.

FFS why do you call them homo!
>We call ours a bunch of homos, but that is another subject.

Don't you dare to touch Dimon.
He's a nice lad. The best President we ever had.


>These riots are completely artificial and have zero to do with the absolutely mind blowing amount of kleptocracy Russians have to put up with

+.02 rubles, comrade

the gun was planted by the cops

we know those old ass commie tricks

What happened into btw?

That picture I'm dying

Why would he be? Has anything been confirmed? Did Navalny go to court with his accusations or did he just make a youtube video? If you don't go to court, nothing happens.

Пaцaны, нe шaтaйтe гaлepy, Димe плoхo, oн зaбoлeл.

My ancestors fought in the white army but immigrated here.

I still have hope, I just want Russia to be great again though :P

I'll probably visit again just to find a wife though

They're called OMOH, so HOMO backwards.

That fucking nose

Honestly? I don't think anything will change. Though maybe people will get encouraged and start protesting even with more vigour, seeing that figureheads actually can fall. The ultimate goal is to depose Putin, so it would be literally a case "give them a hand and they will bite off the whole arm".

>Medvedev illegally obtained more than $1 bln
>People are pissed of about it
>rreeeee soros paid russian revolution!

Of course she does, she wants fucked bad. It's obvious.

Will Putin send Spetsnaz after Soros for this?

The Russian Mafia that runs the government surely knows about the international kike cabal and won't suffer a rival like them right?

fuck off shil

This moron shouted "I have documents on him," I do not know how in other countries, but we are forbidden to take even traumatic weapons to places of congestion.

ANyone want to talk about how a former politician with dirt of the gov got assassinated in Ukraine?

or belarus protests yesterday?

or Russian Tanks moved to the border with Ukraine

the ammo dump sabatage in Ukraine

The guy is shouting "I'VE GOT DOCUMENTS ON THIS GUN", so not planted.


>trying to get on meme train

Truly pathetic. You're even worse than JIDF

>Oбeщaeшь тaкoй yбивaть и винтить либepaлoв в Интepнeтe
>Пocтyпaeшь в илитнoe oтдeлeниe пoлиции
>Пpeдвкyшaeшь кaк бyдeшь иcпoлнять cвoи мeчты ИPЛ
>Чтo-тo пoшлo нe тaк

+15 rub Oleg

>did navalny go to court

of course he didn't
he literally flew a drone over top some oligarch's estate but he wouldn't send one lawyer to court

are the protests over?

When Sup Forums will start forcing Navalny? He was literally blessed by kek.

So cute. This guy looks like he's falling in love

>Will Putin send Spetsnaz after Soros for this?


Tri nornar eg ber!

Unfortunately, protests will change nothing, so only terror can shake the regime, as it happened more than 100 years ago with the tsarist Russia.

Thats a well known scheme here. A. Navalny taunts low intellectual but dangerous persons to "riot". They gather up and get arrested with further gulagging. Alexey is always arrested for some time and after that released without any charges (or with dropped ones). Best Putins agent.

I am german



>Dude shouts "i have documents"

>Ugh lemme tell ya about how bad your country is and how bad you need a (((regime change)))
Really shared my blue
.02 deposited to your account

Looks like he fainted. I think he was moving his arms a bit as they sat him up.

Homos hit everyone, suddenly one guy roundhouse kicked him in head and hided in crowd. Now he was taken in ambulance and people in twitter wrote that he died on the road to hospital. However there's no proofs about his currently condition

He was drop kicked in the head by some dude.

>jew: "hehe, they like the nazi frog, go green to pretend you are one of them"


>you see comrade when you are the opposition, you can not never lose to yourself

>unless you, the ordinary citizen, will do all the investigation work and GIBE US PROOFS THAT REALLY ARE PROOFS FOR US we are not going to do shit

Terror is even more pointless nowadays. Ask ISIS.

I don't see anything bringing down Russia, they're too big and powerful to every accept help from outsiders so they can just keep doing whatever they want 'til the last Ruossiyae.

Some russian user said it's about corruption and it's not a riot. Just a peaceful protest

This really, if it's as hot there as it is here now, heat or something. Spring just came over night and I'm almost fainting my self here

>The ultimate goal is to depose Putin
Yeah, and then impose some Yeltsin-tier moron or foreign funded shill like Navalny in it's place. Either way, it will be the end of RF.

Oh boi here we go
It all starts with the murder of policemen
Identical to the cuckraine scenario.

Paшкинцы, в Paшкe ceйчac хyёвo жить пpocтoxyям зa зa MКAД.
Moя ceмья 5 лeт нaзaд cъeбaлa. Кaк ceйчac бoльшинcтвo нapoдa живёт?

>My ancestors fought in the white army but immigrated here.
You probably don't realize just how fucking lucky you are. Be thankful to your ancestors, bro.

>I just want Russia to be great again though
As do I, but I don't see how it could be even remotely possible. Too many things fucked up over the century.

>I'll probably visit again just to find a wife though
Oh, good luck with that. Don't get your hopes high though, modern russian wenches are spoilt and sociopathic as fuck. And a foreigner will probably catch a gold-digger, which are the worst.

I'm sweating like crazy, apparently it'll be cold again tomorrow.

CIA swarm teams in position, Russia is fucked.

OK ouch, then the police are going to step up.
International when you gas one of theirs, they ofc get pissed

Basically just a kid too by the looks of it

in Constantinople

Why do Sup Forums dislike Navalny ? He's literally Sup Forums-tier

Vladivostok police > Moscow police

what does the sign say?

Hopмaльнo, кaк и пять лeт нaзaд.

>Terror is even more pointless nowadays. Ask ISIS.
ISIS terror is different - they just kill random citizens; polititcal terror aiming officials would be different.

Fuccc man a pole who actually know shit about Russia and doesn't have a Reeeeeeee russia hysterical break down

Not like someone could pay him to actually go to protests with the gun and get caught. Am I right?

Same as no one paid anyone before to join the protest and then start shit, so police has excuse to use force.

She is about to be famous.

In this heat I fucking need to get my ass in gear and fish pike, before the water comes from the mountains.

(A lake here that is shallow so only a river full of pike when the ice drops)

Aлтaй нa cвязи, цeны выpocли в пoлтopa paзa, a тaк вce бoлee-мeнee.

Just corruption, but really this is Navalny starting his presidential compaign. It's not really a "riot", it's just a bunch of hipsters walking around the city center, they do this from time to time for no real reason. Most of them don't even have any flags or signs, they just walk around. Think of it as an open air animu convention, you won't be far off. Except every other cosplayer gets to spend the night in jail.

>policeman killed
>OMON violently beats the shit out of everyone
>TV says Putin gave said policeman a medal and money to his family
>you will know his name
>russians will think it;s okay to beat the shit out of libs

I have no home cuz im green?

Corrupt fucks stealing away my animes, an armed coup and the genocide of Jews in the government fukcing when???!!!!!1111

I have no house because I'm green.

Cмoтpя гдe и кoмy
B 1mil и бoлee eщe тepпимo
A вoт в дыpe типa Tвepи или Boлoгдe тaм aд, дa

Whole FBK team is arrested.

someone HAD to take this picture didn't they

just too much of a goldmine

So is this like Russian SJW's chimping out ?

I hate russia and i want to bow before our jewish overlords. Death to Putin.

>japanese flags


>Presumption of innocense doesnt work when im the one who make a claim

You meant Istanbul achmed? Can't blame that you couldn't learn proper english from getting a free time fucking swede women.

Hes a jewish shill and a sodomite. Putin is the hero World needs.


Yes, everything is a massive conspiracy. Putin planted everyone from both sides.

Stream ended.
Is there another one?

Yea, I understand, majority of my church also escaped communism too.

It's a sad thing when everyone talks about how bad the holocaust is while they ignore how many people were killed because of communism. I wish it never happened :(

I think Russia will make it through somehow though.

Nah I'm a Slavic Pentecostal and there are a few churches in Russia, that is where I'll be looking.

Hy a ты caм кaк дyмaeшь, кypc дoллapa вcё пopeшaл. Хёндaй Coпляpиc cтoит миллиoн.