How much more influence does Reddit have than Sup Forums when it comes to public political discourse?

A lot. Just look at the traffic stats.

Reddit is also more of a liberal/socialist/social justice oriented site, especially when you consider the "default" subreddits (chosen and curated by management) and the site's history of thinly veiled censorship.

There is of course, r/The_Donald, which has 350,000 subscribers, But Reddit actively, and collectively, keeps this subreddit from reaching the front page very often, and so redpilling of normies is rare. In addition, many subreddits like, r/esist and r/fuckthealtright, are campaigning to have The Donald banned for "hate speech" or "spamming" or whatever label they want to apply to their latest censorship brigade. When The Donald falls, or when its moderation becomes fully infiltrated and turned into controlled opposition, there will be no significant conservative voice on Reddit.

For a site that reaches so many people, Reddit is a powerful tool of social conditioning and it clearly serves the purposes of leftists everywhere.

In contrast, Sup Forums has much fewer regular visitors, and the conversation here is much more inclusive of conservative views. Leftists and conservatives are free to argue here, but the reputation of this site keeps many of them from posting. This fact also separates us from The Donald, where it is against the rules (rule 6) to be Anti-Trump, and so such people are censored, which clearly does not happen on Sup Forums.

What can we do to promote more fair coverage of conservative political opinions and talking points on large websites like Reddit? Is our default counterpart the outnumbered and beleaguered The Donald?

Alternatively, what can we do to clean up the "image" of Sup Forums so that it becomes more "acceptable" for people of all political stripes to visit?

I am NOT suggesting any brigades or raids, as these are obviously against the rules of both Sup Forums and Reddit.

Other urls found in this thread:

Reddit has much more influence as it is filled with normies from all spectrums of gender, age and nationalities. Sup Forums is kinda the place for a small percentage of edgy teenagers who think reddit is too mainstream for them.

It's also worth pointing out that reddit has been accused of vote manipulation and messing with the Donald's subscriber count.

Likewise, the Donald subscribers are often highlighted by share blue and auto downvoted wherever they post.

He's right, guys! Reddit shilled so hard for Bernie, and now he's president! So influential and important!

reddit and nu-pol are the same after the /T_D/ migration.

obviously they have very little or Bernie would have won

This. We get the job done so we have more influence.

That's not a bad point, but certainly the more redpilling that occurs on reddit, the better for all of us.

If Sup Forums had the same reach as reddit, Trump might have won by a greater margin.

Not to mention the 2018 elections and 2020.

Reddit is officially /oursite/


tfw you just turned 27 and still post here constantly...

it's the best place on the net.... and I hate normies and have no friends irl

reddit baned /r/altright so the alt right movement will wither and die

Bernie got his ass kicked but reddit made him go from a no name to almost beating hillary.

/r/PussyPass is open to any Alt-Right/far right content now.

It's a breeding ground for autism and cancer.

kek i forgot about that place.

that said, i'm not surprised it's /ourplace/ now.

>Is our default counterpart the outnumbered and beleaguered The Donald?
"Look at this based black guy with a Trump hat!" *squeak squeak*

We Anschlussed it.

tbf, Sup Forums lead a massive false flag on Bernie supporters, even if it was for their best, it was reddit as a platform that made the Sup Forums narrative normie friendly. Still reddit sucks and should be cleansed from the face of the net

reddit is cancer.

Reddit influence is the reason why you get tens of unironical civic """nationalist""" replies every time the equivalence ethnicity=nationality gets brought up. You could also argue half of those who advocate such equivalence are merely roleplayers. It's a bleak situation.

Nice try reddit faggot moddit

>Alternatively, what can we do to clean up the "image" of Sup Forums so that it becomes more "acceptable" for people of all political stripes to visit?
more nazi memes

You're conflating traffic with influence.

Ten autistic neo-nazis can do more than a thousand lazy socialists. Haven't you been paying attention to /HWNDU/?

Influence is measured in deeds, not numbers

Reddit is filled with faggots. I can't stand to look too much before I become angered by the amount of sheer faggotry going on. Fuck reddit. I'd rather be insulted on pol than exalted on reddit.

Finally, a nu/pol/ thread

>Alternatively, what can we do to clean up the "image" of Sup Forums so that it becomes more "acceptable" for people of all political stripes to visit?
Fuck off.

That's part of it but it goes deeper. Sup Forums is a window to raw unfiltered collective unconciousness

>Reddit is a powerful tool of social conditioning
And the users are breaking throught it. Despite ever more heavy handed mod and admin intervention, the cracks are becoming gaping fissures and it is only a matter of time before the metamorphosis culturally seeps upwards through the command structure.

I got tired of r/the_donald so i subscribed to r/conservative and it was basically liberalism without the sjw

Sure, but the more /ourguys/ on reddit, the more /ourguy/ stuff will go down.

The comments section of any trump related post is always a breeding ground for "DAE TRUMP IS JUST THE HITLER??"


Pure autism.


The only good subreddit is TheRedPill, and it is only actually redpilled about women, not about races and (((them)))

Reddit is quantity.
Sup Forums is quality.

I'd rather have one user than a thousand plebbitors.

Try /r/PussyPass, it's /oursub/ now.

I really don't want our discussions and discourse to be regulated or compromised in anyway. That includes all political opinions of any kind, the more we censor, then the more we become like (((them)))


Reddit is full of circlejerking and virtue signaling and feel-good clickbait garbage.

The power of Sup Forums still fucking amazes me after 10 years. Forums-users-find-the-secret-location-of-shia-leboufs-he-will-not-divide-us-by-using-flight-patterns-and-star-maps-steal-it-and-replace-it-with-a-make-america-great-again-hat/

>When The Donald falls, or when its moderation becomes fully infiltrated and turned into controlled opposition, there will be no significant conservative voice on Reddit.

>representing all conservatives
Thats the day the party dies, for sure.

i am fine with this reddit is our meat shield for when things get shitty

they always take the blame

also shareblue/ctr has got reddit by the balls and basically does what they want over there

>Alternatively, what can we do to clean up the "image" of Sup Forums so that it becomes more "acceptable" for people of all political stripes to visit?
Get lost

Reddit isn't people's it's shill bots talking to shill bots

This was stickied in /r/PussyPass

also fucking this

reddit is just talk, and retarded talk at that

For all the shitposting, baiting and other assorted assholery, Sup Forums gets shit done.

They are full of autism, but there is no greater conservative force on reddit.

The fact that the reddit admins are actively suppressing the donald is a big indication of its "threat" to the SJW bullshittery that goes on over there.

Hmmm really makes my cogs turn.

Get the fuck out

I think you severely underestimate the demographics here

How many politicians felt the need to wage war on reddit memes? Sup Forums is more influential than reddit is right now, whether that's a good or bad thing is up to you.

>since its not perfect, you have to align yourselfi with autism.

You sound about as motivated as bernie "voter".

No, """"""/ourguys/""""" over on Reddit are- for the most part- post-ironic edgelords pretending to like MAGA, praise Kek, and all the rest.

The thing you must understand is that they, like the rest of Reddit and any namefag, want to be known, and want to be loved. So when the media shines a spotlight onto who is "the alt-right", the queers over on r/Donald or whatever light up saying "we are! we are!".

This is good for us- outta sight, outta mind. There are no /ourguys/ on Reddit, only /ourdummies/.

I have a lot of karma on reddit but i don't enjoy posting there because you can only post certain topics. Anything slightly controversial gets downvoted and won't be discussed. Controversial stuff is where the real shit is at.

And that is why this place will always beat reddit and come up with new stuff while reddit just copies. It's a bad environment.

Fuck off

32 here

Fuck you nigger bitch I cane here from the donald and I'm a fine upstanding pOster here on this board probably bethere than you, you Swedish fish eating tool go back to the mosque and your berk a bitch

I hadn't thought of it like that, but that's interesting.

Check out /r/PussyPass

fuck red.dit. red.dit is busier than us but they can't leave a lasting impression. that place is full of vapid idiots with politically correct humor. they can't make people laugh like Sup Forums does, and nothing they create (if they even create anything) spreads like everything we do here. our memes spread like wildfire from this source and actually have influence. red.dit is a boring website full of reposts of our content. you should go back to red.dit and never return.

this too


Why do faggots and cucks go there?

>b..b..but muh colonize??!?!!

just an excuse to go there and be gay

Haha you must be joking. Sup Forums and especially Sup Forums will never be taken seriously by anyone, because you people are incapable of saying or doing anything that isn't hilariously autistic.

But I encourage you on your efforts, it should be pretty funny to watch you try!

stop spamming your stupid red.dit shit and go back there faggot

I know one of the mods from r/the donald because he posts on a different forum, he's good people and won't let it become controlled op.

Sup Forums is the antithesis of youth developed-world popular culture. Reddit is the thesis of it. That's just how it goes. Not only is Reddit's voting system and censorship inherently favored by most of the population, but they have tons of other sub-forums that are often autonomous to outside influence from the others.

There is little hope for Sup Forums of it-self to be a destination that most people go to for serious conversations. It just attracts too many contrarians who most people can't stand.

The best option for serious discourse is to have a forum that doesn't have a popular voting system, is completely anonymous like Sup Forums; but doesn't have the platform to include images as apart of a user's posts (without linking them to another website, that is) and no bullshit 2,000 character limit that hinders mature replies like Reddit.

Here's an up-vote for ya. Now fuck off

>The only good subreddit is TheRedPill, and it is only actually redpilled about women, not about races and (((them)))
Don't you mean humble brag central, all the guys on TheRedPill are somehow fucking girls every hour

>Alternatively, what can we do to clean up the "image" of Sup Forums so that it becomes more "acceptable" for people of all political stripes to visit?
fuck off


Maybe more OC nazi memes...

>How much more influence does Reddit have than Sup Forums when it comes to public political discourse?
Overtly? A fair amount.
In truth? None. Sup Forums has more influence. All of the 'alt-right', pro-Trump, anti-Jew, etc influence that Reddit has on the mainstream is actually Sup Forums's influence. Reddit is just the medium to get it from Sup Forums to the mainstream. If you didn't already understand this you're a fucking idiot.


>the site's history of thinly veiled censorship.
its blatant
agreed. we're here because we're non-pc and to be more "acceptable" means to be more pc.

Make higher quality red pills. Expose bluepilled people to red pills carefully and gradually. Maybe make another sub-redit where you call out retards on their bullshit and drop red pills. Make connection with r/The_Donald and your other truther sub-redid apparent.

This COULD help.
Also dank memes, dank memes keeps the man going.

loads more, people think Sup Forums is a joke, but remember that there are TONS more bots in this world than freethinking types.


yep. r/dankmemes


That's the difference between them and us. They couldn't finish the job. For a lot of them, it's about virtue signalling to fit in with their peer group. "Let's phone bank and post about it on FB! How much have you donated this week? I'm eating ramen so Bernie can win NY State! Le upboats pls!" Their hearts aren't really in it. It's just surface, surface, surface.

Whereas we do what we do for shits and giggles but mostly because it's important to us as individuals to have an impact and stand up for what we know is right and actually fucking do something about it. Whether it's just memes and red-pilling normies or more elaborate stuff like Pissgate and Shia's flag - we show the fuck up and get results because we don't give a shit about fitting in or getting likes. It's pure.

I don't want to meet any of you faggots IRL, but I know in my heart that when a few of us put our heads together we can change the world. And we did.

And we are just getting started.

This place is more attractive to people that could lose a lot actually discussing their opinion instead of happy-go social interaction and the new Star Wars movie.

If Reddit had any political capital at all, Bernie would be emperor of the world. It's almost like lazy autists are simply retards with no motivation.

Reddit is overwhelmingly young white liberal male. Every time they do a demographic survey, this is the result.

>Alternatively, what can we do to clean up the "image" of Sup Forums so that it becomes more "acceptable" for people of all political stripes to visit?

fuck off nigger.
if you want an "acceptable" site with a "clean" image, fuck off. go right back to your precious reddit, and never come here again.

Sup Forums is higher up though. you should read into trickle down autism theory

kek wills it!