White Texas teen who claimed she was gang raped by 3 blacks men admits to hoax
Other urls found in this thread:
>Talbott’s Fiance Says He Is ‘Moving On’ After the ‘Terrible Betrayal’ & Doesn’t Know Why She Would Stage a Rape
>trust white women
Her ex is a spic?
she even looks like your typical coal burner
She hasn't paid the coal toll
Oh wow another whore
Not surprised, a disgusting coalburner regretting her actions and not taking responsibility.
I'm just saying, who is to say she faked it. Other people have confessed to crimes they didn't do thanks to shitty tactics from coppers and rape is hard to prove.
>Doesn’t Know Why She Would Stage a Rape
It's simple. She's either trying to get revenge for something on one of the dudes she blamed, or she's an attention seeking whore.
Either way it's time to gtfo and not look back
Whites are the new jews
I don't know, maybe mixed.
She look like a redneck tho
He is american :^)
Racist white girls are notorious coal burners
Ok faggots before you start spouting BLACKED memes she never even had sex with a black guy. Her boyfriend was gonna join the army and leave her according to the article and they had a fight over it . So she did that basically for her bf to feel bad and not leave for the army. Which in a way is fucked that your gonna marry a girl then leave for months at a time I can't blame her
It's all in the second link of ops if you need proof
They gave her drugs for sex and got gangbanged ,after the sex she wanted felt regret and invented this hoax.
yeah ok a white girl not /blacked/ in 2017 lol !!
she got banged good by bbc then realized her pussy will never be the same and her bf would feel the difference which is why she lied about rape
I bet she doesn't even regret it desu
>I can't blame her
Attention whore and fake rape victims are cancer.
Still a bitch
>women never lie about rape
>black men are always the victims of false accusations.
Wow, liberals must be having an aneurysm over this one.
>why are you going MGTOW user
>you're betraying your race
>all you need to do is be alpha
>traditional white women will flock to you
>they're just waiting to submit to a strong red-pilled white man
Lol the irony but it does seem true
ignorance = more ignorance
flag checks out
>all women do is fuck niggers and lie to you
almond status: ACTIVATED
I saw another article - she said she was "suicidal".
I don't believe that either.
Not at all, user. It's just that the Sup Forums white-nationalist prescription for not getting betrayed by women doesn't guarantee anything.
Meanwhile niggers actually rape white women every single day, and it barely makes the 10pm local news.
what makes you think that? every local news station reports violent crime every night as far and I know.
so she was enjoying bbc and then felt bad about it? now she cant go back either, what a shame.