>With palpable excitement surrounding the film’s release, the latest trailer, which can be viewed below, has sparked new controversy. Through careful analysis, the internet has exposed a perhaps, not-so wonderful aspect of DC Comics’ newest incarnation of the classic, girl-power superheroine: She has no armpit hair.
>While the moment lasts all of a millisecond — not to mention the reason we can see her armpits is because she’s throwing a truck over her head like a ragdoll — it’s a millisecond that has set off a heated debate.
>In the continual race for onscreen domination, it seemed that with the release of Wonder Woman, DC Comics had finally pulled ahead of Marvel Studios, which has yet to produce a superhero film with a female protagonist. But, as Refinery 29 pointed out in a scathing review of the new trailer, the lack of body hair on the female warrior makes us wonder if feminism was swept aside in favor of achieving the ideal female aesthetic. “It’s really hard to believe that Wonder Woman, who has been on an island filled with strong women her entire life, is worried about waxing and then bleaching her pits,” Refinery29 explained, “That is a time-consuming process and she’s a little too busy training ‘10 times harder’ with the Amazons so that she can, you know, save the world.”
>show unrealistic portrayal of women not being fat >show unrealistic portrayal of women lifting cars over their heads >focus instead on the fact that a woman may or may not have chosen to shave her armpits but choice only matters when it supports feminist opinions
Levi Evans
Andrew Hughes
AGAIN LEAF. Stop shilling this useless thread.
Charles Watson
I'm glad feminists have such important issues to worry about. It's good to feel useful.
Leo Bennett
Airpit hair left to grow naturally is sexy. Women being brainwashed into embarrassment over their hair by the 'beauty'and razor industries is something Sup Forums should be against. How many of you good goys wax their chest?
Justin Richardson
Nice reddit-spacing, newfag
Jacob Murphy
These women are so fucking stupid. That actress is an extremely successful woman, strong, independent... rich? All these things feminists should look up to. I'm pretty sure that she wouldn't let her armpit hair grow out because she's not an ugly cunt, regardless of what part she's portraying.
Wyatt Scott
Fuck off (((Naomi Wolf))), nobody wants to see your disgusting armpit hair.
Robert Scott
>this super hero woman who can smash boulders and throw cars is unrealistic... >...because she shaves her armpits