What if socialism is a good thing?

Think of socialism implemented like this:

>> anyone making less than $60,000 qualifies for socialist benefits

>> anyone with no felonies or multiple misdemeanors qualify for socialist benefits

>> anyone with a high school diploma qualifies for socialist benefits

>> anyone who couldn't afford to have kids will have socialist benefits

>> socialist benefits include having the state give you money to help you buy a home and pay for bills and internet and gas and heating and 2 weeks paid vacation and college expenses and incentives to have children.

Of course if your a nigger or an illegal immigrant or an offspring of illegal immigrant you cannot receive and of these.

Sounds pretty decent

Perverse incentives are not a good thing

If everyone is taxed to fuck, businesses won't have enough money to expand their assets.

Less taxes = bigger growth

now what kind of social benefits are we talking about OP?

it would work great in a world of race realism, unfortunately we need to win that fight first

If people have safety nets, they're going to use them, not work, and fuck the up country, and it will end up like every single socialist country.

The need for money is the greatest motivator.

Who said anything about getting taxed to fuck? What if we just nationalized our oil and computer industries with regulations and collect our wealth from that? Same for agriculture.

Where does the state get the money? Oh yeah. From anyone making over 60k. Literally everyone gets benefits from your implementation.

Socialism fails because it does not allow societies to develop and evolve over time. Competition is the key word. Without competition, people have no drive to continue

Benefits like helping you afford to have children and have a decent apartment with high speed internet and heating and electricity and a car, assuming you're not a nigger or an illegal or a criminal or a repeat offender and you're actively looking for a job and you want help passing college with good easy professors.

> anyone making less than $60,000 qualifies for socialist benefits

Povfags don't deserve shit.

That's not where I will get the money from, I was thinking I could nationalize the oil and dopamine and farming industry in the country with regulation so that they are quality and perhaps invade Mexico and Cuba and weaker Latin American nations with significantly weak military and land with lots of resources and possible farming to make a lot of money from.

It's survival of the fittest kid. Why should we give money to people who do nothing? Why does the state owe you shit for being alive?

>Also implying we wouldn't be taxed as fuck for this to work.

fuck off to leftypol you commie kike shill subhuman shitskin trash
>defending communism

As other people have pointed out, I don't believe this could realistically happen. If you're finding yourself at odds with capitalism, look up national socialism. It is NOT socialism in the way of your post, but is essentially "capitalism" with the state ensuring that business will not be harmful to the people or state. This system ensures opportunity for even the lowest class so they may provide for themselves without a ton of gibs.


Master shill

I'm not for that, I'm not saying we should give money to people who don't work or to lazy people. What about people that aren't niggers that need an opportunity to have a quality style life?

so... what you're saying is that you want national socialism

Yes, it worked out for Germany under hitler.

Then they work for it faggot if you cant work then you dont fucking eat and you die like the worthless scum you are

They need to go out and get it on their own. If government provides everything, it becomes not just socialism, but communism

Define "quality lifestyle". Minimum wage should be enough to live a decent life.

Until be became too powerful for his govt to check

??? There was nothing wrong with Nazi Germany besides its enemies.

>>> anyone making less than $60,000 qualifies for socialist benefits
Why would you want to make more than that then?

>>> anyone who couldn't afford to have kids will have socialist benefits
Why would you work at all if everyone has enough money to have a family?

Well how about German people under hitler?

I assume it's part of the human spirit to want to work.

> $60,000
Can't escape the state until I earn $60,000.00
> better behave
> anyone with high school diploma qualifies
Why? I went to college without a high school diploma. Now I'd have to jump another hoop or be handicapped. Probably would have gone Columbine on the place if I'd have been forced to stay.
> kids subsidized
Why? So what I do to be able to afford them has no meaning? No matter how hard I work to outbreed the trash the state will make sure I cannot.
Give money for bills/house/luxuries
> So I get exactly the same shit as the worst waste of flesh in the world. If I somehow manage to pay my own way I must buy everyone else in the class their shit before I get anything beyond them.

In your world I would be no better or more noble than a yeast in a bottle.

This world would degenerate whatever race was subjected to it to the level of yeast ( and below the level of niggers ) in short order.

What about them? Either way if you want something you work for it.

>but I am lazy
>gib to me or I will riot

>I assume it's part of the human spirit to want to work.
Well, you're wrong. Laziness is an intrinsic part of humans. You work only to attain something, like food, shelter and a mate. Otherwise you're perfectly happy to sleep under a palm tree.

>Laziness is an intrinsic part of humans
As is for any mammal species on earth

Being human is wanting to question things. Trying to find answers for things we don't understand.

More simple - once you reach adulthood, you receive funds like 15K$ from the federal government to start your life knowing (If you are not trash) you will give back way more in revenue and taxes in a few years and being productive

Some would use it for drugs, party and build Civics but you get the idea. So no one could say the government never did anything for them, their loss, let them be losers

That might work, not applicable to illegal immigrants, people who did not completed high school, criminals and dropouts.

I would buy a driving license, cheap car, have $$$ for rent (apartment or pension to parents), gas, food, buy a few tools if needed. You know, to kick start and remember, what you buy using this money is also given back through sales taxes

socialism = slavery

don't be a fool and sign away your life and the lives of your descendants to such a system.

The money you receive is taxed, because it's given to you from those who we're already taxed. So then once you spend it again, you get taxed.

>taxes fix everything

Sup Hugo. How's Venuzula?

>> anyone making less than $60,000 qualifies for socialist benefits
>> socialist benefits include having the state give you money to help you buy a home and pay for bills and internet and gas and heating and 2 weeks paid vacation and college expenses and incentives to have children.

This would be SO expensive, and a huge disincentive to work at all.

>This thread

This is what I am trying to say, you might receive a lot but goes a lot goes back into the system, especially gasoline for example if you need to buy it for your first weeks

Should be given only if there's merit however, like an investment

Mild socialism is a good thing. Don't listen to the capitalist shills. Of course, it requires a homogenous society with a sense of community, and a culture that dignifies and venerates hard work, and values societal good over individual profit, which you won't find in America. Moreover, it needs to have strict border control.

Spenglerian socialism is somewhat interesting, though in a different style to contemporary redistributionist methods. Japan has an okay model as well.

Economically center of left policies founded on a strong bedrock of social traditionalism and classical values builds the strongest volks.

More taxes is a bad thing. It means there is less money in the economy. But it must not matter in your society. A truly socialist society doesn't use money. They help each other to reach a goal. Which is heavily reliant on those who participate. It only takes one person to destroy a society. If one person walks away, the experiment fails


It is not more taxes, it is about the fact using the money you received is going back into the system

How can it be hard to understand? I never implied more taxes and I am not a socialist

Your plan in OP implies more taxes. How else do you think the government could afford all the benefits you listed?

Sounds reasonable, but wouldn't that mean huge taxes?

Who is going to pay for it? Who will manage/enforce it? Who will back it/control it if it fails or is abused? Who will profit from it?

If you can manage to answer these things with out using the word government, you win!