Is British rudeness common?

>be me
>sent over to U.K. for 3 weeks for work
>staying outside Blackpool area
>long weeks, lots of hours
>complete project
>want to go back to hotel and relax
>get invited for drinks
>politely decline
>get called a "mincer"
>look it up at hotel later
>"a term commonly used to describe a bloke that likes nothing more that heading home after work to sit on a big fat cock"

Was this necessary? WTF?

Other urls found in this thread:

ya learn to take a joke/jab on your account faggot

saged for this retard burger who cant handle a joke

fuck off and die

>staying outside Blackpool area

I lived in Blackpool for two years. It's probably a good thing you didn't go.


It just means you aren't up for the banter and will end up a johnny no mates if you keep up that attitude, m8y. Stop being such a poof and come for a drink with the lads. You aren't a mincer, are you?

Aren't you? You sound like one.

yeah, brits are all massive assholes

>get called a "mincer
Haha you utter homo

This Lad.

Blackpool is no place for mincers OP, you had a lucky escape