BREAKING: Germany Invades Poland

At 4:45 a.m., some 1.5 million German troops invade Poland all along its 1,750-mile border with German-controlled territory. Simultaneously, the German Luftwaffe bombed Polish airfields, and German warships and U-boats attacked Polish naval forces in the Baltic Sea.

Guys this could be big

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>this could be big
It'll blow over in a week at most

It isn't happening
Nothing ever happens

They'll never make it to Warsaw!

Germany, you must remove all troops from Poland before 11 o'clock.

>some random-ass reporter talking about troop movements

where are the proofs?

Remove slav

Haha good luck our loyal allies Britain and France will come to our aid immidiately

Hang in there Poland, it'll be okay. I'm sure you can fight them off because your military isn't busy with any other wars right now.

Let's just be grateful the soviets aren't giving you a hard time.

We'll be there in a few years. Do try to hold out lads

I predict it wont end well for the Germans but keep going there are 6 million people just queuing up to go holiday camping.