I miss him

I miss him.

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Why? What did he do that was so great?


He was the man
>inb4 euro fags "nigger"

Tough shit, you're not getting him back.

nigger spotted

Got me health care when I otherwise couldn't, I can marry whichever adult I want, whenever there was a crisis it was resolved or dealt with in a timely fashion without the need to incite panic, the general lack of scandals compared to both his predecessor AND his successor, as well as the lack of embarrassment on the world stage in general.

But most of all, I miss his smile.

Go visit him then, faggot. He's a private citizen now.


You know what made me vote for him? the way he ate a hotdog wearing a suit.

some things you can't fake


What if I'm not cool enough to hang out with him

His Spiderman collection is like a million times larger than mine AND he's better at basketball AND he smoked more weed than me


I kind of miss Canadian healthcare too, I was only there on a student visa but man I never had to worry about getting a $200 bill for a "first time fee" visit to the doctor.

I bet Obama could get a repair bill for the ACA passed.

I don't know if the American system of governance is fundamentally capable of that, I mean the two party system is divisive enough, but then you get one party in power because they all pretended to support each other and suddenly there's a division THERE too because it turned out they never actually shared the values they claimed they did. Happened with both Democrats and Republicans.

A party system should work but how can it when a party stops representing a set of values and is basically just a sports team for you to back up or fight against?

>Got me health care when I otherwise couldn't

At the price of raising the premiums of every other insurance carrier by 50% or more and putting the medical insurance industry in turmoil and long term jeopardy. I'm glad you think that was worth it.

>I can marry whichever adult I want

Had nothing to do with him

>whenever there was a crisis it was resolved or dealt with in a timely fashion without the need to incite panic

Except every time there was a school shooting he essentially came out and said he wanted to ban guns

>the general lack of scandals compared to both his predecessor AND his successor

Let's get a list of scandals together:

>$700 billion stimulus that essentially went to pay bonuses of CEOs and prop up failing industry
>NSA mass spying and metadata collection
>Invasion of Libya
>Fast and Furious
>Supporting all sides of the civil war in Syria
>IRS targeting conservative groups
>Ransom payment to Iran

Those are just the ones that I can name off the top of my head

>as well as the lack of embarrassment on the world stage in general

The entire world hated America before, during and after the Obama presidency. This is has more to do with our foreign policy than anything and Obama perpetuated that his entire time in office.

>But most of all, I miss his smile.

Kill yourself. He's a politician, he's not your boyfriend.


>I can marry whichever adult I want
Can you marry your sister? No you can't, so that's a flat out lie.

If you don't support incest marriage you're a bigot by the way

There's no such thing as a "repair bill". The pre-existing conditions clause it the main reason why it's failing and nobody wants to remove that clause.

Only rural and suburban retards voted for Obama.

City people all voted for Hillary.

>At the price of raising the premiums of every other insurance carrier by 50%
Premiums always increased over time and would have continued to increase regardless of the ACA.

>Had nothing to do with him
Not directly, but it's misleading to exclude his influence when he openly supported it towards his second term.

>Except every time there was a school shooting he essentially came out and said he wanted to ban guns
Wrong. He wanted gun control, which is not the same as a ban, but rather were a set of measures that included the creation of mental health care facilities in poorer areas and more funding to forces that investigate missing and stolen guns. These things you should be supporting regardless of how many children died in a shooting. You have been distracted by fear mongering pushed by other parties, which seems to be the general trend of your post.

You can read the proposals here: ncsl.org/research/civil-and-criminal-justice/summary-president-obama-gun-proposals.aspx

The entire world does

If Hillary even pretended to care about "rural and suburban retards", she would not have lost as badly as she did.


We all do. Watching news nowdays is endless cringe because of drumpf.

Remember how he BTFOd Trump at the correspondants dinner(s).

anyone who misses obongo is an ugly loser LMAO.


Captain Dunsel is accomplishing just as much today as he did last year.

t. Ugly nerd virgin Drumpf supporter

neutral beta faggot go eat some swiss cheese

Go prep Tyrone, 50% fat autist cuck

Everyone misses the dumbass president, who, i don't know if you realized this, gave the rest of the fucking world a refugee crisis. Great fucking president yea, just gave all the people who caused the housing crash in 2008 a fucking job, while also paying them all that money they fucking stole. Real swell guy, just the biggest warmonger of a president, while lieing through his teeth along the way. Oh by the way Obama hated gay people before getting into officials, but I'm sure your dumbass liberals know that

such a faggot

We all do.

Dumpf is a disgrace at lest Obongo carried himself with some dignity and class.

literally who? why do you miss some random nigger?

Don't worry, Trump is turning out to be just as much of a droning shithead as Obama was.

so you're a poor AIDS infested fag who can't think for him/her/xerself who forgot about the fact that signing away habeas corpus in A DEFENSE BUDGET while funding genocidal village razers in roachistan is a fucking scandal

>shariablue spotted
>or maybe you got too many participation trophies
either way kill yourself

trump is a needed disgrace

biggest voter turnout in history will come in four years.

gotta think big kiddo.