What's pol's opinion on this

What's pol's opinion on this

It will get 100% on Rotten Twats, and get 6+ Oscars easy, because he dindu nuffin.

this. The movie will be 1 1/2 hours showing how trayvon was a good boy who dindu nuffin and was going to church goin, and then in the last 10 minutes he gets killed by theh Zim Zam who is played by some aryan actor.

Nuke Hollywood

Is that a black Buddhist?

but zimzam ain't white

There couldn't be a more American picture;
>fat ugly Jew funding some ugly looking groid


oy vey

i think it'll be more 50/50 before/after the night he dindu nuffin

If they want the oscars they're going to have to drive home the point that "whitey" didn't face any consequences