Daily reminder that dogs are white mans best friend.
No other race domesticated wolves to serve side by side while hunting.
If you don't own a dog or even worse, own a (((cat))) then you are not white
Daily reminder that dogs are white mans best friend.
No other race domesticated wolves to serve side by side while hunting.
If you don't own a dog or even worse, own a (((cat))) then you are not white
I like the personalities of dogs more than cats.
But they usually smell more, shed more hair, and drool more. Also, some of them literally eat shit they find. Kind of disgusting.
Cats are stupid and originated in the Semitic regions
Dogs originated in Europe
Dogs are extremely intelligent and would die to protect you
>would die to protect you
Sure. That doesn't make him less of a smelly beast, though.
Do you not know how to take care of a dog?
You're not suppose to just throw them outside to live in shit
It's like taking care of a family member, you give it baths and keep it healthy and in return the dog will always be loyal to you
Mutt or purbreds?
Dogs are basically people, but only the good parts
I love my pupper
Purbreds only
But no unless/non euro dogs dogs ex... chiwawa
By euro I include Siberian dogs
With dogs you need to choose between sheding or smelling. I have a Siberian Husky. Only time that dog needs a bath is after he swims in the lake. But he sheds a new dog a week. But just get a Roomba and you would never know.
My Yellow lab tho she barely sheds but needs a bath every 2 months or so. It's a trade off