What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die.

That he looks forward to more nigger grand children and hopes he can prep his son in law one day

Means Sup Forums will be forced to shut down

Maybe he left the Sup Forums filter on and is going to kill himself on tv.

How do you kill that which has no life?

>my dad watches 60 minutes every week
I don't want these worlds to overlap

>Killing a God

Some irrelevant guy is gonna embarrass himself on TV ranting about shit most of the audience doesn't understand or care about.

It means war.


You can't kill kek

Rick Wilson is keks next victim

Rick "My Daughter's Black Son" Wilson?

oh no!

lol everytime they try to go after KEK he rises more powerful

can you imagine being as pathetic as Rick Wilson?

kek was invented by the russkies?

Somebody give me a quick rundown on why this kike hates frog posters so much.

Kek is angry. Kek will kill.

Do you know what you've done Sup Forums? You've triggered a man so hard, so very fucking hard, that he takes hours of his day thinking about you. Studying you. Learning your culture. The way you speak, the way you act. Rick Wilson was defeated by 20-somethings who literally post from their mother's basement. And all he ever does, is think about you. Bravo, Sup Forums.
Also Rick your daughter literally has a black child you worthless faggot lmfao. How embarrassing.

Uhndahrated post


>It's real
>Being so butthurt about shitposting that you run to 60 minutes to "debunk" an ironic "religion' posted for laughs.

The amusing thing is, while we joke about being autistic; his actions bring in to question if he really is autistic himself.


"Kek is dead" - Rick Wilson, 3/26/2017
"Rick Wilson is dead" - Kek, Soon(tm)



(((they))) are going to do a feature on Sup Forums for 60 minutes.

>Somebody give me a quick rundown on why this kike hates frog posters so much.
A year and a half ago (roughly), this guy went on MSNBC and called Trump supporters "young virgins living in their parents basement who masturbate to anime"

naturally, we all took offense to that so we fired up the Internet Hate Machine and found out that Rick Wilson's daughter is a confirmed coalburner (we found her faceberg and her twitter), and he has a literal niglet grandchild.

Also his son is a wannabe "pick up artist" almost-pimp who runs a website on how to prostitute women and "be a player". Basically, we exposed him and his entire family for being a clan of degenerates, racemixers, and profligates.


He describes himself as an "enemy of the state" unironically in his Twitter bio. I think we've detained people for less in this country.

I hope this guy gets colon cancer

Means truck blowing up internet hate machine liberal kike news baiting.

You're pathetic delete this thread.

That he is still masturbating to his daughter's father's son pre cum.

Can't wait to watch 60 minutes with my family and explain them in detail about kek and Sup Forums.

I like Rick. He would be one of us if he was our age


Anybody have the leaked Dm's of crazy Louise talking about what a baby dick faggot this guy is?

>20- somethings

The age rage is 12 to 40

Yeah, including Mike Therobich, who will in all likelihood cuck out

Fucking civics

Sorry, buddy, we mainstream naow

Meme warfare divisions report in!

holy fucvk

Sounds like they're going after /pol. You've been exposed, guys.



I just googled this cunt and I still have no fucking idea who he is.
Moloch worshipping cuck nigger lover I assume.
Many such cases. Sad.

>Also his son is a wannabe "pick up artist" almost-pimp who runs a website on how to prostitute women and "be a player".

lol I didn't know about this part. too funny.

The joke is ok TheRick
He just confirmed Kek lives !!!!

Says the lying pedophile

Who is Rick Wilson?

new recruits inbound

Fresh blood?

People brainwash normies here for sport. Media would be stupid to cover us so directly.

Does Rick watch anime?

Can't you just leave the man to raise his wife's son in peace?

Is pol still trolling this faggot?

Yes,Rick the Blacked.
He shares the black cock with his daughter.

You cant kill a GOD

Some loser who has no political capitol and masturbates to anime.

Are you one of the bad goys from (((TRS)))? What is this rigamarole I hear about Cernovitch being not /ourguy/ all of a sudden?

Or is it just more "he's not as 1488 as me so he's gotta go" divide-and-conquer vitriol

Holy Fuck, we've been discovered boys, shut it down


Basically this is him, this is the product of being raised by him.
This article.



He called Trump supporters virgins that masturbare to anime, so we made fun of his BLACKED daughter.
He then "leaked" PissGate, but normies noticed that it was a Sup Forums ruse and he now has PTSD

*his daughter's ex-boyfriend's son

It means a Happening will be created. But it won't be Kek dying.

Kek is a god founded on the beliefs of the people, and the idea never dies

Let's also not forget that he also said that aforementioned anime masturbators do not matter and are no big players in the political process and then Sup Forums went ahead and made Trump the Republican candidate and later the President, all while he was autistically and impotently screeching in the background unable to stop it. WHO DOESN'T MATTER NOW RICK?

and we did it as a joke
that's the thing
we take Kek less seriously than he does, in his submissive mind
he thinks Kek is our banner or something, like the communist emblem to the commies
but it isnt
it's ironic, it's shitposting, and even when we love believing in it, we do not let go of the joke layer about it
poor baby wilson
fighting against windmills
because he believes in the power of the corrupt
it's like having nothing


This place is going to be filled with normies tonight, act natural

he clearly means that he wants his deepest and dirtiest secret to be exposed so he can lose his job and possibly/probably go to jail

Ok thanks. I actually heard of this through some podcasts I listen to I just thought there was something more to it. This guy is pathetic.

twitter.com/TheRickWilson/status/846007636801835008 - Here's the source on the tweet.

Have fun.

He's going full rachel maddow now isn't he?


>38 retweets 65 likes
>somebody so irrelevant that they have to shill to the very people they hate in order to get ANY views

Fuck off Wilson you cuck.

Never been to TRS. Cernovich used to be based, until slightly after the election when he did a 180 and pretty much denounced all the """"racism"""" of the (((Alt-Right))). Check his twitter


> You memed a debate on whether or not Kek is real in to MSM

What is this timeline

Fucking LMAO lost it at rick the blacked. Funniest post I've seen here all week

I wonder when it premiers?
8pm EST maybe?

Rick Wilson is the irl manifestation of the cuck meme and his only claim to relevance is Sup Forums, is he even alive? Or did Kek breath life into him

We should get this faggot and tie him to Kikenwild and throw them in a pit of scorpions or something.

Anyone watch that shit anymore? I know it was popular in the 2000's.


>immortal invincible deity



I mean the stuff about his son isn't as pathetic as the stuff about his daughter and her niglet child, but it's still pretty pathetic.

Here he is chucking stones from a glass house at us "nerd virgins", while his daughter got knocked up and abandoned (while pregnant!) by a nig, and his son is 9/10ths of the way there to being a full-on pimp (not in a "cool way") that prostitutes women instead of working a job.

Because everyone should be more like Rick Wilson's kids and less like us, right?

No thx


Charlie Rose and Leslie Stahl die tomorrow, Kek wills it

IF he did do his research, he probably had a political melt down after reading our red pills. Maybe he realized he fucked up badly with his daughter and is getting even angrier at us for letting him become aware. Perhaps he browses us every once in a while as a result of his research for the banter. He's here forever.

I doubt they'll mention Sup Forums . More like Sup Forums trolls or reddit trolls.
This is going to be an embarrassing truth for several of you guys.
"What is this keke pepe stuff? Son are you actually worshipping a demon??? YOU NEED TO GO TO THE CHURCH RIGHT NOW AND WE ARE GOING TO GET RID OF THIS DEMON INTERNET"


>,Rick the Blacked.
top kek, sounds like a cuck knight

I watched the segment on Le Pen.

Don't they understand? You can impeach Trump. You can brainwash the masses. You can shut down Sup Forums (like it hasn't died and revived already). You can backtrace IPs and try and lock up alt-righters. But you can't kill Kek. Sup Forums basically discovered, uncovered, and empowered a long sleeping god which only they know how to channel and harness. That's why the devil worshipping jews and Clinton faction worries about, and why they consider "alt-right" to be more dangerous than ISIS. Sup Forums calls the CIA on their shit, and picks off every propoganda piece they take out while putting out it's own. Basically it's just Sup Forums shenanigans, but instead of worshipping boxxy or cats or other false idols, we found Kek. And my god if this hasn't been the most magical time in the history of this Micronesian birdhouse building site. Kek bless you glorious bastards.

That's an Israeli poster, familia

other baby boomers who have nothing left to contribute to society and will never understand the internet


From what I can gather, Mike Thernobitch is gonna be on 60 minutes tonight, and there is some "fake news" piece about "bots influencing twitter".

Somewhere there is supposed to be something in all of this that will "kill kek".

You dumb antisemite why would I go to church?


IRL shitposter reporting in

>pic related is actually mine

Fire up those engines boys we got a meme battle approaching us


>mfw we get the jew establishment and spooks scared of a cartoon frog

When does it air?
I wanna see it.